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更多 “名词解释题Browser” 相关考题
考题 WWW的核心技术是( )。A.网络技术B.HTMLC.HTTPD.browser

考题 下列 ______ 软件不是浏览软件。A.Internet ExplorerB.Netscape CommunicatorC.Lotus 1-2-3D.Hot Java Browser

考题 请简述B/S系统(Browser/Server)架构特点。

考题 Web browser is simply a terminal emulator, designed to display text on a screen. The two essential differences between an ordinary terminal emulator and a Web browser are that the browser knows how to deal with(71), and that it has a mechanism for(72)graphical files. Display text, display graphics, and(73)hypefiinks, there's 99 percent of the(74)value. That's not to say that the manufacturers didn't go all-out to attach a hyperactive efflorescence of useless capabilities onto their browsers. Remember when media channels in the browser were a big deal, instead of the clutter you can't wait to delete from your favorites of bookmarks menu? Remember when client-side Java applets were supposed to become the preferred(75)for application development? Remember frames and all their nasty side effects?A.superlinksB.linksC.hyperlinksD.connections

考题 下列______不是浏览软件。A.Internet ExplorerB.Netscape CommunicatorC.Lotus 1-2-3D.HotJava Browser

考题 下列哪个软件不是浏览软件?A.Intemet ExplorerB.Netscape CommunicatorC.Lotus 1-2-3D.Hot Java Browser

考题 下面模式中不是服务器应用系统架构模式的是()A、Client/Server二层架构模式B、Browser/Server三层架构模式C、Browser/AppliCAtion/Server四层架构模式D、模板方法模式

考题 浏览器的正确英语写法是:()A、NescapeB、IEC、OperaD、Browser

考题 用户登录“大集中”征管系统,同时开启web browser和java client,如果关闭了web browser,那么java client就不能正常运行。

考题 Browser

考题 When designing a system to use WS-Federation, which browser Single Sign-On (SSO) method should be used?()A、Browser GETB、Browser POSTC、Browser ArtifactD、Browser Response

考题 The technician has suspicions that a browser has been hijacked. Which of the following should the technician look for in this situation?()A、A new default gateway has been setup.B、A new Internet shortcut has been added.C、A new web browser has been installed and is now the default.D、A proxy server has been enabled.

考题 为什么在Intranet中都采用Browser/Server模式?该模式有何优点?

考题 browser浏览器

考题 利用Browser Capabilities 组件来侦测()浏览器的性能A、服务器B、客户端

考题 WWW服务器采用()负责信息显示与向服务器发送请求。A、URLB、htmlC、HTTP/IPD、browser

考题 Which Cisco Unified Contact Center Express 4.5 platform set supports the embedded internet browser in the Cisco Agent Desktop? ()A、Premium only  B、Enhanced and Premium only  C、Standard, Enhanced, and Premium  D、Cisco Unified Contact Center Express does not support embedded internet browser

考题 下列有关文件浏览器(File Browser)描述错误的是()。A、File Browser可以浏览图像文件B、File Browser可以查找图像文件C、File Browser可以删除图像文件D、File Browser可以改变图像文件大小

考题 “大集中”征管系统采用了两种客户端:Web Browser和Gui Client。

考题 NetscapeCommunicator4.6中设置电子邮件的步骤是()。A、Edit→Preferences→MailGroupsB、File→Preferences→MailGroupsC、Edit→Preferences→BrowserD、File→Preferences→Browser

考题 You are the desktop administrator for your company. Your company’s software developers use Windows XP Professional and IIS on their client computers to develop Web-based applications. All client computers use Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. 0 or later as their Web browser. One of the developers reports that he can no longer access the Web-based application on his desktop by using his Web browser. When you attempt to access the application by using your Web browser, you receive the following error message: “Cannot find server or DNS Error.” You verify that the World Wide Web Publishing Service is started on the developer’s computer. You also verify that you are using the correct URL to access the developer’s computer by using your Web browser. You need to ensure that the developer can access the Web application by using his Web browser. How should you configure the developer’s computer?() A、Start the default Web site.B、Start the IIS Admin Service.C、Run the IPconfig /registerdns command.D、In the default Web site properties,disable the host header setting.

考题 单选题You are the desktop administrator for your company. Your company’s software developers use Windows XP Professional and IIS on their client computers to develop Web-based applications. All client computers use Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. 0 or later as their Web browser. One of the developers reports that he can no longer access the Web-based application on his desktop by using his Web browser. When you attempt to access the application by using your Web browser, you receive the following error message: “Cannot find server or DNS Error.” You verify that the World Wide Web Publishing Service is started on the developer’s computer. You also verify that you are using the correct URL to access the developer’s computer by using your Web browser. You need to ensure that the developer can access the Web application by using his Web browser. How should you configure the developer’s computer?()A Start the default Web site.B Start the IIS Admin Service.C Run the IPconfig /registerdns command.D In the default Web site properties,disable the host header setting.

考题 单选题Use the()version of your web browser.A laterB lastC latestD late

考题 名词解释题Browser

考题 判断题用户登录“大集中”征管系统,同时开启web browser和java client,如果关闭了web browser,那么java client就不能正常运行。A 对B 错

考题 单选题A web browser need NOT always perform a complete request for a particular page that it suspects mightNOT have changed. The HTTP specification provides a mechanism for the browser to retrieve only a partialresponse from the web server; this response includes information, such as the Last-Modified date but NOTthe body of the page. Which HTTP method will the browser use to retrieve such a partial response?()A GETB ASKC SENDD HEADE TRACE

考题 名词解释题browser浏览器

考题 单选题The technician has suspicions that a browser has been hijacked. Which of the following should the technician look for in this situation?()A A new default gateway has been setup.B A new Internet shortcut has been added.C A new web browser has been installed and is now the default.D A proxy server has been enabled.