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更多 “单选题_____A inB besideC amongD behind” 相关考题
考题 单选题If most of the people of a country have a television, we _____.A can say the television is a need in the same sense as food, clothing and shelterB can say the television must be a basic necessityC cannot say the television is a basic necessityD can say every family must have one

考题 问答题考试时,越紧张就越容易出错。

考题 单选题John didn’t want to risk _____ wet as he had only one suit.A gettingB to getC being gotD to be gotten

考题 单选题Why does land become desert after all trees are cut down?A Because nothing remains on land except floods.B Because there are no longer trees to keep the rain and protect the top-soil.C Because too much rain sinks in and washes away the top-soil.D Because roots of the trees break up the soil.

考题 单选题_____A embracedB comprehendedC introducedD deduced

考题 单选题_____A onB aboutC atD with

考题 单选题Peter could hardly catch what I said, _____ he?A couldB couldn’tC didD didn’t

考题 单选题Ten minutes _____ too short a time to finish this test.A isB areC hasD have

考题 单选题As children enter adolescents, they begin to do the following EXCEPT _____.A demanding greater freedom to go wherever they pleaseB making decisions without parental interferenceC getting married whenever they pleaseD doing what they please

考题 单选题_____A be doneB doneC to doD to doing

考题 单选题_____A dreamerB strangerC flyerD settler

考题 单选题There have been few novels by revolutionaries free of those faults _____ by Marx and Engels.A punishedB blamedC criticizedD scolded

考题 单选题If you don’t go to his birthday party next Friday, _____.A so do IB so will IC nor do ID nor will I

考题 单选题_____A keyB minorC linkingD questioning

考题 单选题—What did you do in the garden?—I watched my father _____ his motorbike.A to repairB repairedC repairingD repairs

考题 单选题One of the guards _____ when the general came in, which made him very angry.A has sleptB were sleepingC sleptD was sleeping

考题 单选题_____A toolB creationC mirrorD decoration

考题 单选题We all agree with him on _____ he said.A whatB thatC whyD which

考题 单选题I charge the man _____ receiving stolen goods.A inB withC atD on

考题 单选题_____A forgottenB given upC receivedD remembered

考题 单选题You’re better _____ from work tomorrow.A not be absentB not to absentC not to be absentD not absenting

考题 单选题One of the men held the view _____ the book said was right.A what thatB that whatC that whichD which that

考题 单选题_____A hideB setC fixD lie

考题 单选题_____A farB fartherC longD distant

考题 单选题The bus was _____ the driver.A in charge ofB in the charge ofC take charge ofD free of charge

考题 问答题她迫不及待地要回家告诉家人这个好消息。

考题 问答题没法知道他会去多久。

考题 单选题Leonardo Da Vinci _____.A said that man would fly in the sky one dayB built a kind of machine which never flewC drew many beautiful pictures of birdsD made designs for flying machines