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考题 问答题入学考试

考题 单选题The children were told that it was the custom of many American Indians to wear their _____ hair in.A braidsB brainsC bribesD brides

考题 单选题People _____ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.A convincedB anticipatedC resolvedD assured

考题 问答题Practice 1  The agricultural sciences deal with the challenges of food and fiber production and processing. They include the technologies of soil cultivation, crop cultivation and harvesting, animal husbandry and the processing of plant and animal products for human consumption and use. As a result of the doubled yields of some economic crops, the farm output per hour of farm work increased almost 10-fold as capital was substituted for labor. New techniques of preserving food products made possible transportation over greater distances, in turn facilitating adjustments among locations of production and consumption, with further benefits to production efficiency.

考题 单选题Applicants for this company have to be informed of the demands peculiar to the job.A specificB queerC specialD universal

考题 问答题生活津贴;薪俸

考题 单选题()Fine, thanks.A How do you do?B Hello!C Nice to meet you.D How are you?

考题 问答题游牧民族

考题 单选题Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this _____ produces artificial cold surrounding it.A absorptionB transitionC consumptionD interaction

考题 单选题The football match was () on account of rain.A called upB called onC called offD called for

考题 单选题Go that way a take a seat.()A No, I‘m not tired.B Thanks, but I would rather stand.C Yes, that‘s a good way.D It doesn‘t matter.

考题 单选题Finally, the Christmas season is over. We can take a long breath, put up our feet, sip from a cup of good tea and relax. The frenzy, starting from Black Friday right after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, of gift shopping, buying, wrapping, giving, receiving, opening, returning... is exhaustive and time-consuming, but it takes place every year. There is considerable difference between the cultures in China and western countries when it comes to gift giving. In China, it is not polite to open a gift in front of the gift giver, and gift is only looked at after the guest has left. Here in America, gift givers always wrap their gifts, large or small, priceless or valueless, carefully and decorate them with colorful ribbons and little pretty paper flowers; and the lucky receiver is expected to open the gift right away in front of the giver, with great eagerness and curiosity, and should always express appreciation with the all time truthful comment, "this is just exactly what I wanted!" Well, as a matter of fact, most people would take their "always wanted" gifts back to the store to exchange for something they really wanted. Finding a gift for somebody, even a close family member, you"ll have to know what the person likes and shop for days before you can locate the perfect gift. But, still the person may not like the gift from you. Nowadays, stores would provide two copies of the receipts for anything they sell as a gift, one of which is included in the gift package so that the receiver can come back for an exchange. I know, it was unthinkable to cash out gift you get, but, times are different. Another good way to avoid all that shopping hassle is to purchase a gift card from one of the stores and send it to your niece, nephews, or a family member, so that they can get whatever they want or even keep the money.It is quite () for Chinese people to open the gift in front of the givers.A usualB normalC abnormalD unusual

考题 单选题To face the music Like every language, American English is full of special expressions, phrases that come from the day-to-day life of the people and develop in their own way. Our expression today is "to face the music". When someone says, "well, I guess I’ll have to face the music," it does not mean he’s planning to go to the concert. It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you didn’t do this or that. Sour music indeed, but it has to be faced. At sometime or another, every one of us has had to face the music, especially as children. We can all remember father’s angry voice, "I want to talk to you." and only because we did not obey him. What an unpleasant business it was! The phrase "to face the music" is familiar to every American, young and old. It is at least 100 years old. And where did this expression come from The first explanation comes from the American novelist, James Fenimore Looper. He said, in 1851, that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on the stage. When they got their cue to go on, they often said, "Well, it’s time to face the music." And that was exactly what they did-facing the orchestra which was just below them. And an actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of an audience that might be friendly or perhaps hostile, especially if he forgot his lines. But he had to go out. If he did not, there would be no play. So the expression "to face the music "come to mean "having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice." Other explanations about the expression go back to the army. When the men faced an inspection by their leader, the soldiers would be worried about how well they looked. Was their equipment clean, shinny enough to pass the inspection Still the men had to go out and face the music of the band as well as the inspection. What else could they do Another army explanation is more closely related to the idea of facing the results and accepting the responsibility for something that should not have been done. As, for example when a man is forced out of the army because he did something terrible, he is dishonored. The band does not play. Only the drums tap a sad, slow beat. The soldier is forced to leave, facing such music as it is and facing the back of his horse.What’s the meaning of "to face the music"A To face something far less pleasant.B To face the stage.C To face the back of one’s horse.D To face one’s leader.

考题 单选题He has()four successful books.A wroteB writtenC been writing

考题 单选题In this factory each worker must receive a()training course.A two-monthB twomonthsC two-monthsD two-months‘

考题 单选题When we were having a meeting, the director()the bad news by telephone.A was tellingB was toldC could tellD would tell

考题 单选题What will next paragraph probably talk about?A How does WAP surf the Internet.B How does WAP unlock the information.C How does WAP combine power and freedom.D How does WAP send out the latest traffic information.

考题 单选题I must apologize to you for the delay.()A That's all right.B No trouble at all.C All the best.D You are welcome.

考题 单选题In the months and years that followed as I transit the Northwest Passage, I came to accept such surprises as commonplace.A passed acrossB passed awayC passed onD passed over

考题 单选题A:()time do you have lunch? B: I usually have lunch at 12.A WhereB WhatC When

考题 单选题I'm leaving for New York()three days' time.A forB inC atD on

考题 单选题()she seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good progress.A At the firstB At presentC At the presentD At first

考题 单选题Who is that man over there? Do you know()name?A hisB he’sC he

考题 单选题– Look, I'm getting too fat. I must do more exercise. -()A Yes, you should work out.B Yes, you should watch out.C Yes, you should run out.

考题 单选题The main idea of the quoted blog is that _____.A most people in the country have too much self-esteemB it is urgent to help those who have too little self-esteemC the criteria for people to measure their self-worth are changingD the traditional standards make people feel unstable

考题 单选题All the evidence points to the fact()he is the murdererA whoB whichC thatD those

考题 单选题Let's go to the cinema,()?A will you shan‘t weB shan‘t weC don‘t weD shall we

考题 单选题____A mentalB moralC superstitiousD spiritual