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Would you mind changing seats with me?()

Yes, you can.


Of course, I like to. 


No, I don't mind


Certainly, please do.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Would you mind changing seats with me?()A Yes, you can.B Of course, I like to.C No, I don't mindD Certainly, please do.” 相关考题
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考题 —Would you please lend me your bike?— _______________ .A.Sure B.No,thanks C.Never mind D.It was a pleasure

考题 I’m really quiet lost.______ me how to get out of here? A.Would you mind showingD.Would you be showingD.you to beD.Would you mind to showing

考题 Passenger A: Excuse me, would you mind changing seats with me?Passenger B:_________Passenger A: Thank you. That's very kind of you.A. That's easyB. Yes, I willC. Not at allD. I'd like to

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考题 “请坐这边好吗?”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A.Would you mind sit down here?B.Sitting here,please.C.Would you mind sitting down here?D.Would you sit down here?

考题 – Would you mind giving me an introduction of your company? --________________A、Of course not.B、Thank you.C、I’m fine.D、You’re welcome.

考题 – Would you mind going to the theater with me? -- _________________.A、Thank you.B、Good idea.C、Not at all.D、That’s true.

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考题 I have some difficulties__these words.Would you mind__me your dictionary?A.understanding,lending B.to understand,to lend C.to understand,lending D.understanding,to lend

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考题 Would you mind changing seats with me?()AYes, you can.BOf course, I like to.CNo, I don't mindDCertainly, please do.

考题 Would you mind changing seats with me?()AYes, you can.BOf course, I like to.CNo, I don't mind.DCertainly, please do.

考题 Would you mind changing seats with me?()A、Yes, you can.B、Of course, I like to.C、No, I don't mindD、Certainly, please do.

考题 Would you mind changing seats with me?()A、Yes, you can.B、Of course, I like to.C、No, I don't mind.D、Certainly, please do.

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考题 单选题Would you mind changing seats with me?()A Yes, you can.B Of course, I like to.C No, I don't mindD Certainly, please do.

考题 单选题Would you mind changing seats with me?()A Yes, you can.B Of course, I like to.C No, I don't mind.D Certainly, please do.

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