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put the rudder over to the right all the way


jam the rudder against the stops


meet a swing to the right,then return to amidships


put the rudder over quickly to 15°right rudder


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更多 “单选题HARD RIGHT RUDDER means().A put the rudder over to the right all the wayB jam the rudder against the stopsC meet a swing to the right,then return to amidshipsD put the rudder over quickly to 15°right rudder” 相关考题
考题 “Port a bit sluggish” means that ________A.port rudder answers very wellB.port rudder answers slowC.port ruder answers all rightD.port rudder answers back

考题 The command MEET HER means the helmsman should ______.A.decrease the rudder angleB.steer more carefullyC.use rudder to slow the vessel’s swingD.note the course and steady on that heading

考题 () means that people should say the right thing to the right person with the right manner at the right place and in the right situation.A、AppropriacyB、IndirectC、PragmaticsD、Syntactics

考题 “Port a little sluggish” means________A.that the port rudder answers very well.B.that the port rudder answers slow.C.that the port rudder answers quickly.D.that the port rudder is broken.

考题 EASE THE RUDDER means to ______.A.Decrease the rudder angleB.Move the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder commandC.Bring the rudder amidshipsD.Steer the course which is your present heading

考题 The helm command CHECK HER means ______.A.test the steering controlB.read the compass headingC.stop the swing using hard over rudderD.slow the swing using moderate rudder

考题 The helm command SHIFT YOUR RUDDER means ______.A.Check the swing of the vesselB.Double your rudder angle or go to full rudderC.Bring your rudder amidshipsD.Change from right rudder to left rudder,or vice versa,an equal number of degrees

考题 A twin screw vessel, making headway with both engines turning ahead, will turn more readily to starboard if you ______.A.reverse port engine, apply right rudderB.reverse port engine, rudder amidshipsC.reverse starboard engine, apply right rudderD.reverse starboard engine, rudder amidships

考题 E “ Ease the rudder ” means to ______.A.decrease the rudder angleB.move the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder commandC.bring the rudder amidshipsD.steer the course which is your present heading

考题 HARD RIGHT RUDDER means ______.A.put the rudder over to the right all the wayB.jam the rudder against the stopsC.meet a swing to the right, then return to amidshipsD.put the rudder over quickly to 15°right rudder

考题 Hard right rudder means______.A.jam the rudder against the stopsB.meet a swing to the right,then return to amidshipsC.put the rudder over to the right all the wayD.put the rudder over quickly to 15 degrees right rudder

考题 In relation to the turning circle of a ship, the term advance means the distance ______.A.gained at right angles to the original courseB.gained in the direction to the original courseC.moved sidewise from the original course when the rudder is first put overD.around the circumference of the turning circle

考题 In relation to the turning circle of a ship, the term kick means the distance ______.A.around the circumference of the turning circleB.gained at right angles to the original courseC.gained in the direction to the original courseD.or throw of a vessel’s stern from her line of advance upon putting the helm hard over

考题 In relation to the turning circle of a ship, the term transfer means the distance ______.A.gained in the direction to the original courseB.gained at right angles to the original courseC.the ship moves sidewise from the original course away from the direction of the turn after the rudder is first put overD.around the circumference of the turning circle

考题 压舵!()A、Meet her!B、Meet him!C、Meet the rudder!D、Hard over!

考题 “Port a little sluggish” means()A、that the port rudder answers very well.B、that the port rudder answers slow.C、that the port rudder answers quickly.D、that the port rudder is broken.

考题 单选题The test of a towing vessel’s steering gear control system includes each item EXCEPT().A a test from the alternative power supply,if installedB timing the movement of the rudder from hard over to hard overC verification that the rudder angle indicator shows the actual position of the rudder(s)D visual inspection of the steering linkage

考题 单选题The transmission system is the means ()the movement of the rudder is accomplished.A by whichB to whichC in whichD at which

考题 单选题()means rudder to be held in the force and aft angles.A SteadyB Meet herC MidshipsD Stop engines

考题 单选题In relation to the turning circle of a ship , the term advance means the distance().A gained at right angles to the original courseB gained in the direction of the original courseC moved sidewise from the original course when the rudder is first put overD around the circumference of the turning circle

考题 单选题The helm command PORT TWENTY means().A change course twenty degrees to the leftB put the rudder left twenty degreesC put the rudder hard left for the first twenty degrees of swingD put the rudder left twenty degrees and then ease back as the vessel starts swinging

考题 单选题In relation to the turning circle of a ship , the term kick means the distance().A around the circumference of the turning circleB gained at right angles to the original courseC gained in the direction of the original courseD or throw of a vessels stern from her line of advance upon putting the helm hard over

考题 单选题HARD RIGHT RUDDER means().A put the rudder over to the right all the wayB jam the rudder against the stopsC meet a swing to the right,then return to amidshipsD put the rudder over quickly to 15°right rudder

考题 单选题A twin screw craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a vessel should approach if you().A reverse port engine, apply right rudderB reverse port engine,rudder amidshipsC reverse starboard engine, apply right rudderD revers starboard engine, rudder amidships

考题 单选题A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to starboard if you().A reverse port engine,apply right rudderB reverse port engine,rudder amidshipsC reverse starboard engine,apply right rudderD reverse starboard engine,rudder amidships

考题 单选题Ease the rudder means to().A decrease the rudder angleB move the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder commandC bring the rudder amidshipsD steer the course which is your present heading

考题 单选题A crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side. Which action should you take?().A Immediately put the rudder over hard rightB Immediately put the rudder over hard leftC Immediately put the engines asternD Wait until the stern is well clear of the man and then put the rudder over hard right

考题 单选题“Port a little sluggish” means()A that the port rudder answers very well.B that the port rudder answers slow.C that the port rudder answers quickly.D that the port rudder is broken.