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The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations that support it.()

  • A、联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。
  • B、联合国的强大程度取决于各成员国的集体意志对它支持的程度。
  • C、联合国的作用依靠其成员国集体意志的支持,否则它不会有什么力量。


更多 “The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations that support it.()A、联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。B、联合国的强大程度取决于各成员国的集体意志对它支持的程度。C、联合国的作用依靠其成员国集体意志的支持,否则它不会有什么力量。” 相关考题
考题 The United Nations has appealed for help from the ________ community. A.intra-nationalB.in-nationalC.internationalD.within-national

考题 Susan Cleveland is the young president of a candy company in the city of Chicago.Her father began the company in the 1960's. He died three years ago. Now, the company belongs to Susan.Susan, however, did not have any jobs before becoming head of the company. She just finished the college. The employees became even more concerned during Susan's first months on the job. Mr. Cleveland had been a __21__ leader. But Susan permitted many employees to make their own __22__. One employee said, "Old Mr. Cleveland always told us what to do. He kept people on a short leash. But the company did well. What does a "short leash" mean?A leash is a kind of rope. We use a leash to walk our pet dogs. The leash keeps the dog from __23__ away or getting into trouble.Keeping a person on a short leash means keeping him or her under close control. The person can't make many decisions for himself or herself. Ms. Cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash. __24__, she encourages them to get better ways to do business. For example, her secretary proposed an idea. She said the company should offer a sum of money as a prize to the best student in the high school near the factory. The winner could use the prize money to study at a university. Mr. Cleveland appreciated the idea. After the prize was announced, people who lived in the area of the factory began to buy __25__ of the company's candy. Local newspapers wrote about the competition. Business improved.Ms. Cleveland made her secretary the company's first Director of Public Relations. The former secretary was very pleased.21.A.decisionsB.InsteadC.moreD.strongE.running22.A.decisionsB.InsteadC.moreD.strongE.running23.A.decisionsB.InsteadC.moreD.strongE.running24.A.decisionsB.InsteadC.moreD.strongE.running25.A.decisionsB.InsteadC.moreD.strongE.running

考题 Which the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The United Nations says about 50 million acres of rain forests are cut down every year.B. Luckily people and the mass media all paid special attention to the depletion of rain forests.C. The author thought the oceans' survival is questionable.D. People have stopped cutting down rain forests because of the opposition of most people.

考题 The context clue used in the sentence “Many United Nations’ employe.es are polyglots. Ms. Mary, for example, speaks five languages” is ___.

考题 nowadays the british foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in______.A. the European Economic CommunityB. the CommonwealthC. the United Nations,the EU,NATO,etc.D. a European federal government

考题 The United Nations ___ in 1945.A、was foundB、was foundedC、were foundedD、were found

考题 The Somali robbed frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to all nations to take immediate action.A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on

考题 ______ is not a type of charter-party.A.A voyage charter-partyB.A time charter-partyC.A charter-party by demiseD.The charter of the United Nations

考题 The term LIMITS OF THE TERRITORIAL SEA is likely to appear in ______.A.INSTITUTE TIME CLAUSES-HullsB.United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaC.P&I Clubs Terms and ConditionsD.York-Antwerp Rules 1974

考题 YANGON--Myanmar has officially accepted an offer of the United States to send humanitarian aid to the country's cyclone victims, state radio reported Friday in a night broadcast. Myanmar Deputy Foreign Minister Kyaw Thu gave the assurance Friday, saying that the country is receiving such relief aid from any country without limit at this time according to its policy of dealing with the disaster, the report said. Kyaw Thu denied rumors about Myanmar's turning down of such relief materials from Western countries but accept those from nations in good relations with Myanmar, saying that the country has never done so in this case. Kyaw Thu said that well wishers abroad may make cash donation through Myanmar embassies stationed there, while those who like to donate relief goods may present at the Yangon International Airport and seaports.According to the report, the US relief aid would arrive in Yangon in days. A foreign ministry's statement said earlier on Friday that at this moment, the international community can best help the victims by donating emergency provisions such as medical supplies, food, cloth, electricity generator, and materials for emergency shelter or with financial assistance, adding that "Myanmar will wholeheartedly welcome such course of action". "The government and the people of Myanmar are grateful to the friendly nations, the United Nations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, private individuals and others for their sympathy and generosity." it said. We Chinese may denote money to help the country's cyclone victims through__________.A. Myanmar embassies in Beijing B. the Yangon International Airport C. the United Nations D. the Yangon International seaports

考题 YANGON--Myanmar has officially accepted an offer of the United States to send humanitarian aid to the country's cyclone victims, state radio reported Friday in a night broadcast. Myanmar Deputy Foreign Minister Kyaw Thu gave the assurance Friday, saying that the country is receiving such relief aid from any country without limit at this time according to its policy of dealing with the disaster, the report said. Kyaw Thu denied rumors about Myanmar's turning down of such relief materials from Western countries but accept those from nations in good relations with Myanmar, saying that the country has never done so in this case. Kyaw Thu said that well wishers abroad may make cash donation through Myanmar embassies stationed there, while those who like to donate relief goods may present at the Yangon International Airport and seaports.According to the report, the US relief aid would arrive in Yangon in days. A foreign ministry's statement said earlier on Friday that at this moment, the international community can best help the victims by donating emergency provisions such as medical supplies, food, cloth, electricity generator, and materials for emergency shelter or with financial assistance, adding that "Myanmar will wholeheartedly welcome such course of action". "The government and the people of Myanmar are grateful to the friendly nations, the United Nations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, private individuals and others for their sympathy and generosity." it said. What can the international community best help the victims in Myanmar?A. Medical supplies B. Financial assistance C. Electricity generator D. All of the abov

考题 MUN, which ( ) Model Untions is a conference that provides students all ever the world with the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be the United Nations.A. stand by B. stands for C. stand up D. stand out

考题 MUN, which ___ Model United Nations, is a conference that provides students all over the world with the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be in the United Nations.A.stand by B.stands for C.stand up D.stand out

考题 根据以下材料,回答 The American Revolution was not arevolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden andviolent overturning of the political and social framework, such as lateroccurred in France and Russia, when both were already independent nations.Significant changes were ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. Whathappened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During theconflict itself people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Mostof them were not seriously disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of themore isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on. America′s War of Independence heralded thebirth of three modem nations. One was Canada, which received its first largeinflux of English-speaking population from the thousands of loyalists who fledthere from the United States. Another was Australia, which became a penalcolony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. Thethird new comer--the United States--based itself squarely on republican principles. Yet even the political overturn was not asrevolutionary as one might suppose. In some states, notable Connecticut andRhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonial self-rule alreadyexisting.British officials, everywhere ousted, were replaced by a home-growngoverning class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king andParliament. Which of the following would be thebest title for the passage?A.The United States: An Isolated Community B.Surprising Events During the AmericanRevolution C.Canada and the American War ofIndependence D.The American Revolution: Evolution NotRevolution

考题 Which of the following does the author cite in support of the quotation from the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation?( )Ⅰ.Strontium 90 and carbon 14 become incorporated into the body and deliver radiation for an entire lifetime.Ⅱ.An abnormally high percentage of patients with arthritis of the spine who were treated with X rays contracted cancer.Ⅲ.A high incidence of cancer appeared among children of mothers who had been given prenatal pelvic X rays. A.Ⅰ only. B.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ. C.Ⅰ and Ⅱ only. D.Ⅱand Ⅲ only.

考题 One of the important decisions at the Yalta Conference was()Athe allied landing at NormandyBthe setting-up of a world organization,the United Nations,to manage peace and security after the warCcoordinated efforts in war against JapanDNone of the above

考题 The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()Ato make the United States gain time to arm itselfBto actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneCto get the United States involved in the warDto prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

考题 One of the important decisions at the Yalta Conference was()A、the allied landing at NormandyB、the setting-up of a world organization,the United Nations,to manage peace and security after the warC、coordinated efforts in war against JapanD、None of the above

考题 As a result of the First World War settlement the()was established in 1920.A、League of NationsB、British CommonwealthC、British East India CompanyD、United Nations

考题 The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()A、to make the United States gain time to arm itselfB、to actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneC、to get the United States involved in the warD、to prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

考题 单选题()is the united nations agency responsible for the Radio Regulations among other things.A ITUB IMOC MSCD WMO

考题 单选题According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to _____.A maintain the present status among the nations.B reduce legislative powers of England.C create a better state of equality among the nations.D grant more say to all the nations in the union.

考题 单选题Because the United States is not surrounded by many other nations, some Americans tend to _____ the rest of the world.A ignoreB declineC neglectD overlook

考题 单选题The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()A to make the United States gain time to arm itselfB to actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneC to get the United States involved in the warD to prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

考题 单选题The modern Internet, first established in the mid-1980s, is based on the technology developed for the ARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of Defense in the 1960s.A ARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of DefenseB ARPANET; it was created by the United States Department of DefenseC ARPANET, which was created by the United States Department of DefenseD ARPANET, being created by the United States Department of DefenseE ARPANET; the United States Department of Defense created it

考题 单选题Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A Types of Doctors in the United StatesB Health Care in the United States and BritainC Treatment of Sick Children in the United StatesD Medical Insurance in the United States and Britain

考题 单选题()is not a type of charter-party.A A voyage charter-partyB A time charter-partyC A charter-party by demiseD The charter of the United Nations