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  • A、sqlldr username/password control=data_file
  • B、sqlldr username/password rows=128control=data_file
  • C、sqlldr username/password control=data_filerows=64
  • D、sqlldr username/password control=data_file.ctl


更多 “在将格式化的文本文件导入oracle时我们经常采用的是SQLLOAD命令,下面正确的写法是()。A、sqlldr username/password control=data_fileB、sqlldr username/password rows=128control=data_fileC、sqlldr username/password control=data_filerows=64D、sqlldr username/password control=data_file.ctl” 相关考题
考题 当用户向ISP申请Internet帐户时,用户的E-mail帐户应包括( )A.UserNameB.MaiBoxC.PasswordD.UserName、Password

考题 From the DX WebUI Dashboard, which steps are used for creating a new admin user? () A. Click Admin Users. Enter username, password, role, account status, and email.B. Click Admin Users. Enter username, password, role, account status, and user class.C. Click Users Manage Users. Enter username, password, role, account status, and user class.D. Click Users Manage Users. Enter username, password, ActiveDirectory domain, account status, and role.

考题 本题中,通过菜单“Connect”显示-个对话框,单击“0k”按钮后,所填写的内容就会传回到主窗口并显示出来。password.setText(transfer.password); k=false; show( ); if(ok){ transfer.username=username.getText( ); transfer.password=new String(password.get Password( )); ) return ok; } private JTextField username; private JPasswordField password; private boolean ok; private JButton okButton; private J Button cancelButton; )

考题 假定有一个用户表,表中包含字段:userid (int)、username (varchar)、 password(varchar)、等,该表需要设置主键,以下说法正确的是哪两项?() A.如果不能有同时重复的username和password,那么username和password可以组合在一起作为主键。B.此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用userid作为主键C.如果采用userid作为主键,那么在userid列输入的数值,允许为空D.此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用username和password作为组合键

考题 在Quidway系列路由器中,设置用户列表正确的命令语法是() A. Quidway(config-if)#local-user username password {0|7} passwordB. Quidway(config)#local-user username password {0|7}C. Quidway(config)#local-user username password {0|7} passwordD. Quidway(config-if)#local-user username password {0|7}

考题 在Solaris中,可以用来改变某一个用户的口令的命令是() A.change password dusernameB.password change usernameC.change usernameD.passwd username

考题 What is the objective of the aaa authentication login console-in local command?()A、It specifies the login authentication method list named console-in using the local user database on the routerB、It specifies the login authorization method list named console-in using the local RADIUS username-password data baseC、It specifies the login authentication list named console-in using the local username- password data base on the routerD、It specifies the login authorization method list named console-in using the local username- password data base on the router

考题 Brocade 4/24 SAN switch default administrative account的username和password是?()A、admin/passwordB、admin/adminC、administrator/passwordD、Admin/Admin

考题 假定有一个用户表,表中包含字段:userid(int)、username(varchar)、password(varchar)、等,该表需要设置主键,以下说法正确的是()。A、如果不能有同时重复的username和password,那么username和password可以组合在一起作为主键。B、此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用userid作为主键。C、此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用username和password作为组合键。D、如果采用userid作为主键,那么在userid列输入的数值,允许为空。

考题 Brocade4/24SAN switch default administrative account的username和password是?()A、admin/passwordB、admin/adminC、administrator/passwordD、Admin/Admin

考题 GPRS手机为了WAP浏览必配的参数是()A、WAP Gateway IP/Port Number/APNB、WAP Gateway IP/Port Number/Dial-in NumberC、WAP Gateway IP/APN/Username/PasswordD、WAP Gateway IP/Dial-in Number/Username/Password

考题 当用户ISP申请Itenretn帐户时,用户的E-mail帐户应包括()A、IP地址B、用户名(UserNamE.与用户密码(PassworD.C、用户密码(PassworD.D、WWW地址

考题 在Solaris中,可以用来改变某一个用户的口令的命令是()A、change password dusernameB、password change usernameC、change usernameD、passwd username

考题 在Quidway系列路由器中,设置用户列表正确的命令语法是()A、Quidway(config-if)#local-user username password {0B、Quidway(config)#local-user username password {0C、Quidway(config)#local-user username password {0D、Quidway(config-if)#local-user username password {0

考题 当用户向ISP申请Internet帐号时,用户的E-maiI帐户应包括()。A、UserNaneB、maiIBoxC、PasswordD、userName Password

考题 You have 2 commands used for ftp: ip ftp username xxxxxx ip ftp password yyyyyy Which two commands will be used when switching from ftp to http?

考题 Which of the following commands will mount a remote Samba share when the user is Winuser and the password is somepass?()A、 mount -t smbfs -o username=Winuser,password=somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashareB、 mount -t smbfs -o username=Winuser,password=somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashareC、 mount -t smbfs -o Winuser%somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashareD、 mount -t smbfs -o username=Winuser%somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashare

考题 From the DX WebUI Dashboard, which steps are used for creating a new admin user? ()A、Click Admin Users. Enter username, password, role, account status, and email.B、Click Admin Users. Enter username, password, role, account status, and user class.C、Click Users Manage Users. Enter username, password, role, account status, and user class.D、Click Users Manage Users. Enter username, password, ActiveDirectory domain, account status, and role.

考题 Which one of the following statements about the TNSPING utility is correct?()A、It helps you to determine whether or not the Oracle database is running.B、It requires the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.C、It does not require the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.D、It establishes a session with the database and checks the connectivity of the service.

考题 单选题在Solaris中,可以用来改变某一个用户的口令的命令是()A change password dusernameB password change usernameC change usernameD passwd username

考题 单选题What is the objective of the aaa authentication login console-in local command?()A It specifies the login authentication method list named console-in using the local user database on the routerB It specifies the login authorization method list named console-in using the local RADIUS username-password data baseC It specifies the login authentication list named console-in using the local username- password data base on the routerD It specifies the login authorization method list named console-in using the local username- password data base on the router

考题 单选题当用户ISP申请Itenretn帐户时,用户的E-mail帐户应包括()A IP地址B 用户名(UserNamE.与用户密码(PassworD.C 用户密码(PassworD.D WWW地址

考题 单选题在Quidway系列路由器中,设置用户列表正确的命令语法是()A Quidway(config-if)#local-user username password {0B Quidway(config)#local-user username password {0C Quidway(config)#local-user username password {0D Quidway(config-if)#local-user username password {0

考题 单选题Which one of the following statements about the TNSPING utility is correct?()A It helps you to determine whether or not the Oracle database is running.B It requires the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.C It does not require the username and password to check the connectivity of the service.D It establishes a session with the database and checks the connectivity of the service.

考题 单选题Which of the following commands will mount a remote Samba share when the user is Winuser and the password is somepass?()A  mount -t smbfs -o username=Winuser,password=somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashareB  mount -t smbfs -o username=Winuser,password=somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashareC  mount -t smbfs -o Winuser%somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashareD  mount -t smbfs -o username=Winuser%somepass //SERVER/share /media/sambashare

考题 单选题假定有一个用户表,表中包含字段:UserId(int)、UserName(varchar)、PassWord(varchar)等,该表需要设置主键,以下说法最恰当的是()。A 此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最少性原则,最好采用UserId和PassWord作为组合主键。B 此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最少性原则,最好采用UserId作为主键。C 此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最少性原则,最好采用UserName和PassWord作为组合主键。D 如果采用UserId作为主键,那么在UserId列输入的数值,允许为空。

考题 在数据库中,假设有一个用户表,表中含有字段:userid(int).username(varchar).password(varchar)等,该表需要设置主键,以下说法正确的是() (1.0分) [多选] A. 如果不能有同时重复的username和password,那么username和password可以组合在一起作为主键 B. 此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用userid作为主键 C. 此表设计主键时,根据选择主键的最小性原则,最好采用username和password作为主键 D. 如果采用userid作为主键,那么在userid列输入的数值,允许为空 E. 如果采用userid作为主键,可以在username列设置not null使得字段非空。