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更多 “有效容积Vu()为小炉型;Vu()为中炉型;Vu()为大炉型。” 相关考题
考题 采用ICI法的转化炉为()型。 A、侧烧炉型B、顶烧炉型C、顶烧、侧烧混合型D、底烧炉型

考题 转炉炉型是指()。A、炉壳形状B、炉衬内型C、停炉时的炉况D、炉子容积

考题 某厂高炉有效容积为Vu=1260m3,风口个数n=20个,是计算水带走热量?

考题 阶梯炉排烤烟炉,炉排为()。A.横炉排组成B.纵炉排组成C.横纵结合型D.其他

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考题 轴向压力N对构件抗剪承载力Vu的影响是()A、不论N的大小,均可提高构件的VuB、不论N的大小,均会降低构件的VuC、N适当时提高构件的Vu,N太大时则降低构件的VuD、N大时提高构件的Vu,N小时降低构件的Vu

考题 驾驶舱内分布有哪些重要的电路跳开关面板?()A、49VU;105VUB、120VU;106VUC、105VU;106VU;2000VUD、49VU;120VU

考题 反应进料加热炉炉型为()型圆筒型加热炉

考题 现代高炉内型的特点有()。A、Hu/D减小B、Vu增大C、Vu/A减小D、β值增大

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考题 VHF收发机位于().A、80VU架B、90VU架C、103VU架D、107VU架

考题 高炉炉型为圆断面五段式即:炉喉、炉身、炉腰、()、炉缸。

考题 转炉的炉型是指()。A、炉壳形状B、炉衬内型C、炉子容积D、停炉时的炉况

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考题 韶山7E型电力机车辅机电路采用3VU型及3VF3型三相自动开关(断路器)进行保护

考题 CIDS系统电路跳开关位于:A、顶板49VUB、顶板49VU、右后121VUC、顶板49VU、右后121VU、客舱后过道2001VU上D、不确定

考题 轴向压力N对构件抗剪承载力Vu的影响是()。A、不论N的大小,均可提高构件的抗剪承载力VuB、不论N的大小,均可降低构件的VuC、N适当时提高构件的Vu,N太大时降低构件的VuD、N大时提高构件的Vu,N小时候降低构件的Vu

考题 接通勤务汇流条在()操作。A、前客舱跳开关面板2000VU上B、电源控制面板35VU上C、外接电源面板108VU上D、驾驶舱

考题 控制操作地面勤务汇流条的“MAINTBUS”电门位于()A、驾驶舱49VU面板(头顶跳开关面板)B、驾驶舱20VU面板(头顶控制面板)C、驾驶舱120VU面板(后跳开关面板)D、前登机过道顶部的2000VU面板

考题 选择呼叫编码板位于().A、前电子舱90VU架上部B、后电子舱80VU架上部C、前电子舱90VU架下部D、后电子舱80VU架下部

考题 HF耦合器位于().A、80VU架B、90VU架C、103VU架D、垂直安定面下部

考题 电源系统中,共有两台EGIU(Electrical Generation Interface Unit)它门被安装在()A、驾驶舱120VU面板(后跳开关面板)B、电子设备舱90VU设备架上C、前登机过道顶部的2000VU面板上D、后登机过道顶部的2001VU面板上

考题 单选题Mary has a view called EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU that was created based on the EMPLOYEES,DEPARTMENTS, and LOCATIONS tables. She granted SELECT privilege to Scott on this view. Which option enables Scott to eliminate the need to qualify the view with the name MARY .EMP_DEP_LOC_VU each time the view is referenced? ()A Scott can create a synonym for the EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU bus using the command: CREATE PRIVATE SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR mary. EMP DEPT_LOC_VU; then he can prefix the columns with this synonymn.B Scott can create a synonym for the EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU by using the command: CREATE SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR mary. EMP DEPT_LOC_VU; then he can prefix the columns with this synonym.C Scott can create a synonym for the EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU by using the command: CREATE LOCAL SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR mary. EMP DEPT_LOC_VU; then he can prefix the columns with this synonym.D Scott cannot create a synonym because synonyms can be created only for tables.E Scott cannot create any synonym for Mary's view. Mary should create a private synonym for the view and grant SELECT privilege on that synonym to Scott.

考题 单选题User Mary has a view called EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU that was created based on the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and LOCATIONS tables. She has the privilege to create a public synonym, and would like to create a synonym for this view that can be used by all users of the database.Which SQL statement can Mary use to accomplish that task?()A CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM EDL_VU ON emp_dept_loc_vuB CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM EDL:VU FOR mary (emp_dept_loc_vu);C CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR emp _dept_loc_vu;D CREATE SYNONYM EDL_VU ON emp_dept_loc_vu FOR EACH USER;E CREATE SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR EACH USER ON emp_dept_loc_vuF CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM EDL_VU ON emp_dept_loc_vu FOR ALL USERS;

考题 单选题Mary has a view called EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU that was created based on the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and LOCATIONS tables. She granted SELECT privilege to Scott on this view. Which option enables Scott to eliminate the need to qualify the view with the name MARY .EMP_DEP_LOC_VU each time the view is referenced?()A Scott can create a synonym for the EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU bus using the command: CREATE PRIVATE SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR mary.EMP DEPT_LOC_VU; then he can prefix the columns with this synonymn.B Scott can create a synonym for the EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU by using the command: CREATE SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR mary.EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU; then he can prefix the columns with this synonym.C Scott can create a synonym for the EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU by using the command: CREATE LOCAL SYNONYM EDL_VU FOR mary.EMP DEPT_LOC_VU; then he can prefix the columns with this synonym.D Scott can create a synonym for the EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU by using the command: CREATE SYNONYM EDL_VU ON mary(EMP_DEPT_LOC_VU); then he can prefix the columns with this synonym.E Scott cannot create a synonym because synonyms can be created only for tables.F Scott cannot create any synonym for Mary’s view. Mary should create a private ynonym for the view and grant SELECT privilege on that synonym to Scott.

考题 填空题VU表的0VU相当于信号的准平均值为()伏。

考题 单选题You need to perform certain data manipulation operations through a view called EMP_DEPT_VU, which you previously created. You want to look at the definition of the view (the SELECT statement on which the view was created.) How do you obtain the definition of the view?()A Use the DESCRIBE command on the EMP_DEPT_VU view.B Use the DEFINE VIEW command on the EMP_DEPT_VU view.C Use the DESCRIBE VIEW command on the EMP_DEPT_VU view.D Query the USER_VIEWS data dictionary view to search for the EMP_DEPT_VU view.E Query the USER_SOURCE data dictionary view to search for the EMP_DEPT_VU view.F Query the USER_OBJECTS data dictionary view to search for the EMP_DEPT_VU view.