










下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) Explain how the existing product range and the actions per Note (3) would feature in Ansoff’s

product-market matrix. (7 marks)

(ii) Market Penetration
With regard to existing products it would appear that a strategy of market penetration is being followed, whereby attempts
are made to sell existing products into existing markets. This is a low risk strategy which is most unlikely to lead to high
rates of growth, reflected in the forecast increase of 2% per annum in the years ending 30 November 2008 and 2009.
Management seeks here to increase its market share with the current product range. In pursuing a penetration strategy
the management of Vision plc may to some extent be able to exploit opportunities including the following:
– Encouraging existing customers to buy more of their brand
– Encouraging customers who are buying a competitor’s brand to switch to their brand
– Encouraging non-users within the segment to buy their brand
‘Strengths’ within the current portfolio will need to be consolidated and any areas of weakness addressed with remedial
Market Development
The purchase of the retail outlets will enable management to sell existing products via new channels of distribution. The
products of both the Astronomy and Outdoor Pursuits divisions could be sold via the retail outlets. Very often new
markets can be established in geographical terms. Management could, for example, look to promote the sale of
microscopes and associated equipment to overseas hospitals.
Product Development
The launch of the Birdcam-V is an example of a product development strategy whereby new products are targeted at
existing markets. Very often, existing products can be improved, or if an organisation possesses adequate resources,
completely new products can be developed to meet existing market needs. Some of the main risks here lie in the ‘time
to market’ and product development costs which frequently go well beyond initial estimates.
The purchase of Racquets Ltd is an example of diversification on the part of Vision plc since the products and markets
of Racquets Ltd bear no relationship to the existing products and markets of the company. In this regard the
diversification is said to be unrelated.
The establishment of the Oceanic division could be regarded as a related diversification since existing technology will be
used to develop new products for new markets. The success of this strategy will very much depend on the strength of
the Vision brand.

(b) Briefly describe the five extreme scores identified by Blake and Mouton. (5 marks)

Part (b):
Blake and Mouton analysed the extreme scores as:
1,1 – Impoverished Management
low concern for production and low concern for people.
This manager only makes the minimum effort in either area and will make the smallest possible effort required to get
the job done.
1,9 – Country Club Management
low concern for production and high concern for people.
This manager is thoughtful and attentive to the need of the people, which leads to a comfortable friendly organisation
atmosphere but very little ‘work’ is actually achieved.
9,1 – Task Management
high concern for production and low concern for people.
This manager is only concerned with production and arranges work in such a way that people interference is minimised.
5,5 – Middle of the Road Management
reasonable concern for both dimensions.
This manager is able to balance the task in hand and motivate the people to achieve these tasks.
9,9 – Team Management
High concern for production and high concern for people.
This manager integrates the two areas to foster working together and high production to produce true team leadership.
(Candidates may wish to draw the grid and describe these scores).

(b) Describe the principal audit procedures to be carried out in respect of the following:

(i) The measurement of the share-based payment expense; (6 marks)

(b) (i) Principal audit procedures – measurement of share-based payment expense
– Obtain management calculation of the expense and agree the following from the calculation to the contractual
terms of the scheme:
– Number of employees and executives granted options
– Number of options granted per employee
– The official grant date of the share options
– Vesting period for the scheme
– Required performance conditions attached to the options.
– Recalculate the expense and check that the fair value has been correctly spread over the stated vesting period.
– Agree fair value of share options to specialist’s report and calculation, and evaluate whether the specialist report is
a reliable source of evidence.
– Agree that the fair value calculated is at the grant date.
Tutorial note: A specialist such as a chartered financial analyst would commonly be used to calculate the fair value
of non-traded share options at the grant date, using models such as the Black-Scholes Model.
– Obtain and review a forecast of staffing levels or employee turnover rates for the duration of the vesting period, and
scrutinise the assumptions used to predict level of staff turnover.
– Discuss previous levels of staff turnover with a representative of the human resources department and query why
0% staff turnover has been predicted for the next three years.
– Check the sensitivity of the calculations to a change in the assumptions used in the valuation, focusing on the
assumption of 0% staff turnover.
– Obtain written representation from management confirming that the assumptions used in measuring the expense
are reasonable.
Tutorial note: A high degree of scepticism must be used by the auditor when conducting the final three procedures
due to the management assumption of 0% staff turnover during the vesting period.

(e) Internal controls are very important in a complex civil engineering project such as the Giant Dam Project.


Describe the difficulties of maintaining sound internal controls in the Giant Dam Project created by working

through sub-contractors. (4 marks)

(e) Control and sub-contractors
Specifically in regard to the maintenance of internal controls when working with sub-contractors, the prominent difficulties
are likely to be in the following areas:
Configuring and co-ordinating the many activities of sub-contractors so as to keep progress on track. This may involve taking
the different cultures of sub-contractor organisations into account.
Loss of direct control over activities as tasks are performed by people outside R&M’s direct employment and hence its
management structure.
Monitoring the quality of work produced by the sub-contractors. Monitoring costs will be incurred and any quality problems
will be potentially costly.
Budget ‘creep’ and cost control. Keeping control of budgets can be a problem in any large civil engineering project (such the
construction of the new Wembley Stadium in the UK) and problems are likely to be made worse when the principal contractor
does not have direct control over all activities.
Time limit over-runs. Many projects (again, such as the new Wembley Stadium, but others also) over-run significantly on time.
Tutorial note: only four difficulties need to be described.

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