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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) authority; (3 marks)

(ii) AUTHORITY is the scope and amount of discretion given to a person to make decisions by virtue of the position held within the organisation. The authority and power structure of an organisation defines the part each member of the organisation is expected to perform. and the relationship between the organisation’s members so that its efforts are effective. The source of authority may be top down (as in formal organisations) or bottom up (as in social organizations and politics). In the scenario, authority is from the top and should be delegated downwards.

(b) Historically, all owned premises have been measured at cost depreciated over 10 to 50 years. The management

board has decided to revalue these premises for the year ended 30 September 2005. At the balance sheet date

two properties had been revalued by a total of $1·7 million. Another 15 properties have since been revalued by

$5·4 million and there remain a further three properties which are expected to be revalued during 2006. A

revaluation surplus of $7·1 million has been credited to equity. (7 marks)


For each of the above issues:

(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Albreda Co for the year ended

30 September 2005.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

(b) Revaluation of owned premises
(i) Matters
■ The revaluations are clearly material as $1·7 million, $5·4 million and $7·1 million represent 5·5% , 17·6% and
23·1% of total assets, respectively.
■ The change in accounting policy, from a cost model to a revaluation model, should be accounted for in accordance
with IAS 16 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’ (i.e. as a revaluation).
Tutorial note: IAS 8 ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’ does not apply to the initial
application of a policy to revalue assets in accordance with IAS 16.
■ The basis on which the valuations have been carried out, for example, market-based fair value (IAS 16).
■ Independence, qualifications and expertise of valuer(s).
■ IAS 16 does not permit the selective revaluation of assets thus the whole class of premises should have been
■ The valuations of properties after the year end are adjusting events (i.e. providing additional evidence of conditions
existing at the year end) per IAS 10 ‘Events After the Balance Sheet Date’.
Tutorial note: It is ‘now’ still less than three months after the year end so these valuations can reasonably be
expected to reflect year-end values.
■ If $5·4 million is a net amount of surpluses and deficits it should be grossed up so that the credit to equity reflects
the sum of the surpluses with any deficits being expensed through profit and loss (IAS 36 ‘Impairment of Assets’).
■ The revaluation exercise is incomplete. If the revaluations on the remaining three properties are expected to be
material and cannot be reasonably estimated for inclusion in the financial statements for the year ended
30 September 2005 perhaps the change in policy should be deferred for a year.
■ Depreciation for the year should have been calculated on cost as usual to establish carrying amount before
■ Any premises held under finance leases should be similarly revalued.
(ii) Audit evidence
■ A schedule of depreciated cost of owned premises extracted from the non-current asset register.
■ Calculation of difference between valuation and depreciated cost by property. Separate summation of surpluses
and deficits.
■ Copy of valuation certificate for each property.
■ Physical inspection of properties with largest surpluses (including the two valued before the year end) to confirm
■ Extracts from local property guides/magazines indicating a range of values of similarly styled/sized properties.
■ Separate presentation of the revaluation surpluses (gross) in:
– the statement of changes in equity; and
– reconciliation of carrying amount at the beginning and end of the period.
■ IAS 16 disclosures in the notes to the financial statements including:
– the effective date of revaluation;
– whether an independent valuer was involved;
– the methods and significant assumptions applied in estimating fair values; and
– the carrying amount that would have been recognised under the cost model.

(b) Explain the roles of a nominations committee and assess the potential usefulness of a nominations committee

to the board of Rosh and Company. (8 marks)

(b) Nominations committees
General roles of a nominations committee.
It advises on the balance between executives and independent non-executive directors and establishes the appropriate
number and type of NEDs on the board. The nominations committee is usually made up of NEDs.
It establishes the skills, knowledge and experience possessed by current board and notes any gaps that will need to be filled.
It acts to meet the needs for continuity and succession planning, especially among the most senior members of the board.
It establishes the desirable and optimal size of the board, bearing in mind the current size and complexity of existing and
planned activities and strategies.
It seeks to ensure that the board is balanced in terms of it having board members from a diversity of backgrounds so as to
reflect its main constituencies and ensure a flow of new ideas and the scrutiny of existing strategies.
In the case of Rosh, the needs that a nominations committee could address are:
To recommend how many directors would be needed to run the business and plan for recruitment accordingly. The perceived
similarity of skills and interests of existing directors is also likely to be an issue.
To resolve the issues over numbers of NEDs. It seems likely that the current number is inadequate and would put Rosh in a
position of non-compliance with many of the corporate governance guidelines pertaining to NEDs.
To resolve the issues over the independence of NEDs. The closeness that the NEDs have to existing executive board members
potentially undermines their independence and a nominations committee should be able to identify this as an issue and make
recommendations to rectify it.
To make recommendations over the succession of the chairmanship. It may not be in the interests of Rosh for family members
to always occupy senior positions in the business.

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