







下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(d) Calculate the ex dividend share price predicted by the dividend growth model and discuss the company’s

view that share price growth of at least 8% per year would result from expanding into the retail camera

market. Assume a cost of equity capital of 11% per year. (6 marks)

(d) The dividend growth model calculates the ex div share price from knowledge of the cost of equity capital, the expected growth
rate in dividends and the current dividend per share (or next year’s dividend per share). Using the formula given in the
formulae sheet, the dividend growth rate expected by the company of 8% per year and the decreased dividend of 7·5p per
Share price = (7·5 x 1·08)/(0·11 – 0·08) = 270p or £2·70
This is the same as the share price prior to the announcement (£2·70) and so if dividend growth of 8% per year is achieved,
the dividend growth model forecasts zero share price growth. The share price growth claim made by the company regarding
expansion into the retail camera market cannot therefore be substantiated.
In fact, a lower future share price of £2·49 was predicted by applying the current price-earnings ratio to the earnings per
share resulting from the proposed expansion. If this estimate is correct, a fall in share price of 7% can be expected.
The share price predicted by the dividend growth model of £2·70 would require an after-tax return on the proposed expansion
of 11·66%, which is more than the 9% predicted by the Board. The current return on shareholders’ funds is 7·5% (4·5/60),
but in 2005 it was 12·8% (7·3/57), so 11·66% may be achievable, but looks unlikely.
Since the market price fell from £2·70 to £2·45 following the announcement, it appears that the market does not believe
that the forecast dividend growth can be achieved.

(c) (i) Explain the inheritance tax (IHT) implications and benefits of Alvaro Pelorus varying the terms of his

father’s will such that part of Ray Pelorus’s estate is left to Vito and Sophie. State the date by which a

deed of variation would need to be made in order for it to be valid; (3 marks)

(c) (i) Variation of Ray’s will
The variation by Alvaro of Ray’s will, such that assets are left to Vito and Sophie, will not be regarded as a gift by Alvaro.
Instead, provided the deed states that it is intended to be effective for IHT purposes, it will be as if Ray had left the assets
to the children in his will.
This strategy, known as skipping a generation, will have no effect on the IHT due on Ray’s death but will reduce the
assets owned by Alvaro and thus his potential UK IHT liability. A deed of variation is more tax efficient than Alvaro
making gifts to the children as such gifts would be PETs and IHT may be due if Alvaro were to die within seven years.
The deed of variation must be entered into by 31 January 2009, i.e. within two years of the date of Ray’s death.

(ii) equipment used in the manufacture of Bachas Blue; and (4 marks)

(ii) Equipment used in the manufacture of Bachas Blue
Tutorial note: In the context of GVF, the principal issue to be addressed is whether or not the impairment loss previously
recognised should be reversed (by considering the determination of value in use). Marks will also be awarded for
consideration of depreciation, additions etc made specific to this equipment.
■ Agree cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses at the beginning of the year to prior year working
papers (and/or last year’s published financial statements).
■ Recalculate the current year depreciation charge based on the carrying amount (as reduced by the impairment
■ Calculate the carrying amount of the equipment as at 30 September 2005 without deduction of the impairment
Tutorial note: The equipment cannot be written back up to above this amount (IAS 36 ‘Impairment of Assets’).
■ Agree management’s schedule of future cash flows estimated to be attributable to the equipment for a period of up
to five years (unless a longer period can be justified) to approved budgets and forecasts.
■ Recalculate:
– on a sample basis, the make up of the cash flows included in the forecast;
– GVF’s weighted average cost of capital.
■ Review production records and sales orders for the year, as compared with the prior period, to confirm a ‘steady
■ Compare sales volume at 30 September 2005 with the pre-‘scare’ level to assess how much of the previously
recognised impairment loss it would be prudent to write back (if any).
■ Scrutinize sales orders in the post balance sheet event period. Sales of such produce can be very volatile and
another ‘incident’ could have sales plummeting again – in which case the impairment loss should not be reversed.

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