

了解美国注册会计师考试的小伙伴们都知道,参加美国注册会计师考试,首先就需要取得NTS,但是NTS是有时间限制的,大家都清楚吗?下面51题库考试学习网就带领大家一起来看看USCPA各个报考州的NTS 有效期,想要了解的小伙伴赶紧来围观吧。

Boards of accountancy will set a time period for which an NTS is valid (generally six months) during which you must schedule and take the examination section(s) after which it will expire and all fees will be forfeited. It is strongly suggested that you not apply for a section of the examination until you are ready to take it. If you do not take all sections for which you registered before the NTS expires you will not be able to extend it or receive a refund of any of the fees you have paid. Please be advised that cancelling an Exam appointment does NOT change the expiration date of your NTS. All jurisdictions have established a six-month NTS validation period except for the following jurisdictions

Texas 90 days from application date

California 9 months from NTS issue date

Hawaii 9 months from NTS issue date

Louisiana 9 months from NTS issue date

Utah 9 months from NTS issue date

North Dakota 12 months from NTS issue date

South Dakota 12 months from NTS issue date

Virginia 12 months from NTS issue date

PLEASE NOTE The Notice to Schedule is valid for one testing event or until the expiration date whichever is first exhausted for each examination section and will include non-testing months. Once an NTS has expired you will need to submit a new application including application and testing fees. Fees submitted for an expired NTS cannot be applied to future examinations. You cannot have more than one open NTS for the same section. You must receive the score or allow the NTS to expire before you can apply for the same section again and receive a new NTS for that section.

以上是关于美国注册会计师考试各个报考州的NTS 有效期的内容,小伙伴们都了解了吗?提醒想要报考的小伙伴们哦,一定要在报考时间及科目非常明确的情况下进行NTS申请,不然会给自己带来精力和金钱上的损失。如果大家对于美国注册会计师考试还有其他问题,可以多多关注51题库考试学习网,我们将继续为大家答疑解惑。

下面小编为大家准备了 美国CPA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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