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初一英语试题:7A Unit 6练习题及答案

One of his jokes, _______ I didn't really get it.


(B) since

(C) when

(D) though


Once I had made a__________ decision,I no longer dwelt on it.

A. considering

B. considered

C. thinking

D. thought


I was made to feel at ______ when Einstein said,“I have something to show you. ”

A. loose

B. rise

C. ease

D. free


—I really hope to keep in touch with Lily.

—Sorry.I don't know .

A.what her name is B.what her job is

C.what her number is D.when she left


—I really hope to keep in touchwithLily.rn—Sorry. I don't know______.

A.what her name is

B.what her job is

C.what her number is

D.when she left


Unit 6, 7A Name_一、选择填空:( )1. Your scarf looks warm. Whats it made of? _. I really feel warm when I wear it. A. Leather B. Silk C. Paper D. Cotton( )2. He_ his homework last night. A. doesnt do B. didnt do C. doesnt did D. didnt did( )3. Can you do some work_ the fashion show? A. of B. for C. at D. on( )4. I like the colour of the trousers. So Id like_. A. buying one B. to buy one C. buying a pair D. to buy a pair( )5. On Childrens Day, students wear_ clothes and they are happy. A. light B. colourful C. modern D. heavy( )6. Some students wore clothes_. A. from different time B. from different times C. in the 1990s D. in the 1990( )7. _ you at school yesterday afternoon? A. Do B. Did C. Were D. Are( )8. The white trainers are nice. Can I _? A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them( )9. _ did you walk around the shopping mail? For a long time. A. How often B. When C. How long D. How much( )10. Can I _ a pen_ you? A. borrow, to B. borrow, from C. lend, to D. lend, from( )11. Last weekend, I _ help my mother_ housework. A. didnt, do B. dont, to do C. dont, do D. doesnt, to do( )12. He_ the coat and went for a walk. A. is wearing B. wore C. dress up in D. put on( )13. The students talked about it for hours. _ they did it. A. Next B. Finally C. Later D. First( )14.My cousin loves_ computer games very much. But he doesnt want _it now. A. playing, to play B. play, to play C. to play, to play D. play, playing( )15. Bill wants to buy the same football cards_ his brother did. A. like B. as C. to D. so( )16. Amy wore_ blue jeans at the show. A. a pair B. pair C. pairs D. a pair of( )17. Would you like_, Peter? A. something drink B. something to drink C. anything to drink D. some things to drink( )18. The teachers are looking forward to_. A. celebrate Teachers Day B. celebrating Teachers Day C. celebrate Teachers Day D. celebrating Teachers Day( )19. Is he_ the red apple on the table? A. tall enough to reach B. tall enough reach C. high enough reach D. enough tall to reach( )20. How do you_ that in English? A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk( )21. Here are many books. Please_ them. A. look B. write C. count D. taking( )22. Is the woman_ yellow your teacher? A. in B. putting on C. wearing D. having( )23. Run_ the kite like this. A. with B. in C. about D. at二、词形变换:1. Miss Green teaches_(we) English.2. How many_(potato) do you want? Five.3. Where are the_(twin) bags? Over there.4. He didnt know how _(do) the show on the catwalk.5. Whos one of your favourite basketball_(play)?6. The scarf is_(make) of wool.7. Mr. Chen is our English _(teach).8. Mr. Wang_(help) me_(learn) English.9. _(smoke) is bad for our health.10. My hobby is_(chat) with my friends on the Internet.11. “To be_(help)” means “to be glad to help others.”12. The basketball match is very_(excite).Everyone gets_(excite).13. We all have great_(fun) at Millies party. She is a_(fun) girl.14. They are the _(work) _(wife).15.Lets stop_ (talk) and listen to the teacher.16.Look! there is a little girl_(sing) under the tree.17. Would you like_(have) a talk with me?18. Why not_(ask) your friends to help me?19. May I _(borrow) your bike? Certainly, here you are.20. _your father_ (speak) English very well?Yes,he_Unit 6, 7A一、选择填空: DBBBB, BCCCC, ADBAB, DBBAA二、词形变换:1. us 2. potatoes 3. twins 4. to do 5. players 6. made 7. teacher 8. helps, learn 9. Smoking 10. chatting11. helpful 12. exciting, excited 13. fun, funny 14. workers, wives 15. talking16.singing 17. to have 18. ask 19. borrow 20. Does, speak, does


Honesty comes in many forms. First there’s self-honesty. Is what people see the real article or do you appear through smoke and mirrors? I find that if I try to be something I’m not , I feel unsure of myself and take out a part from my PBA(personal bank account ).I love how singer Judy Garland put it, “Always be a first-class version(版本) of yourself , instead of a second-class version of somebody else .”

Then there’s honesty in our actions. Are you honest at school, with your parents , and with your boss ? If you’ve ever been dishonest, I think we all have, try being honest, and notice how whole it makes you feel. Remember, you can’t do wrong and feel right. This story by Jeff is a good example of that:

In my second year of study, there were three kids in my math class who didn’t do well. I was really good at it. I would charge them three dollars for each test that I helped them pass. I’d write on a little piece of paper all the right answers, and hand them off.

At first I felt like I was making money, kind of a nice job. I wasn’t thinking about how it could hurt all of us. After a while I realized I shouldn’t do that anymore, because I wasn’t really helping them. They weren’t learning anything, and it would only get harder down the road. Cheating certainly wasn’t helping me.

It takes courage to be honest when people all around you are getting away with cheating on tests, lying to their parents, and stealing at work. But , remember , every act of honesty is a deposit(储蓄)into your PBA and will build strength .

49. The underlined part “appear through smoke and mirrors” in the first paragraph means “ ” .

A. to be honest

B. to be unreal

C. to become clear

D. to come from an imagined world



A、I feel good to be at home. I can eat the hometown dishes my mom makes.

B、I feel so nice back home that I could eat the home dishes made by my mom.

C、It feels great to be home. I can enjoy the local dishes my mom makes.

D、The feeling of going back home was really great. I can enjoy the taste of my hometown dishes cooked by mother.


Write a composition of about 100 words on "How Did You Feel at the End of Your First Day as a College Student?" You may begin your composition with "I was tired after a long overnight train ride when I arrived."

How Did You Feel at the End of Your First Day as a College Student?
I was tired when I arrived after a long overnight train ride.One of my roommates was really there and seemed to know many things about the campus.This already made me feel like a fish out of water, but I tried to be brave.By the end of the day the other roommates had arrived and some of them seemed just as confused as I was.We talked all evening about our hometowns and many other things.Eventually we decided we could all survive college together, and began to make friends.

words that is nice and warm. Still, your happiness makes 81. ____________


I really hope that you will ()your trip to Canada and get back as soon as possible when people have to knowledge of the law.




Di nfer


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考题 单选题A: I love your skirt. It’s so beautiful on you!  B: ______A Thank you! It’s just an ordinary skirt.B Oh, really? Do you like it? I bought it in Yunnan.C Thank you! I’m glad you think so.D Oh, no. Your dress looks more beautiful than flay skirt.正确答案: D 解析: A方在赞美B方穿的短裙漂亮,B方应大方地接受对方的夸奖并道谢。因此,C项是正确反应。A、B、D三项的反应都带有汉语式表达的痕迹。

考题 单选题A: I love your skirt. It’s so beautiful on you!  B: ______A Thank you! It’s just an ordinary skirt.B Oh, really? Do you like it? I bought it in Yunnan.C Thank you! I’m glad you think so.D Oh, no. Your dress looks more beautiful than flay skirt.正确答案: C 解析: A方在赞美B方穿的短裙漂亮,B方应大方地接受对方的夸奖并道谢。因此,C项是正确反应。A、B、D三项的反应都带有汉语式表达的痕迹。