网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
You can’t imagine how my sister finished the relay race ________ her left foot wounded so much.
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
西安交通大学19年5月补考英语2(新录)作业考核试题(含主观题)-0001试卷总分:70 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.You cant imagine how my sister finished the relay race _ her left foot wounded so much.A.thatB.forC.withD.while正确答案:C2.The store had to _ a number of clerks because sales were down.A.lay outB.lay offC.lay asideD.lay down正确答案:B3.All the factors _, we decided to offer the job to Liwei , a man of rich experience.A.consideredB.being consideredC.consideringD.having considered正确答案:A4.Through which _ did you get the information?A.canalB.channelC.placeD.way正确答案:B5.Schools ban students from bringing mobile phones, which are used to _ in exams.A.clickB.clarifyC.chargeD.cheat正确答案:D6.When asked for your views about your_job, on no account must you be negative.A.currentB.contemporaryC.occasionalD.universal正确答案:A7.A:Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. B:_.A.OK, just in caseB.Well, it just dependsC.Yes, take it easyD.All fight, just in case of正确答案:A8.The weather here is too _ and it can rain at any moment. Why not bring an umbrella?A.changeableB.sunnyC.cloudyD.rainy正确答案:A9.Our trip to Beijing_with the visit of my cousin Lucys family.So we had a great reunion at the foot of the Great Wall.A.recurredB.coincidedC.blendedD.occurred正确答案:B10.Please help yourself to the fish. _.A.Thanks, but I dont like fishB.Sorry, I cant helpC.Well, fish dont suit meD.No, I cant正确答案:A11.-Are you ready to leave ? -Almost. Ill be ready to go just as soon as I _ putting the clean dishes away.A.get?throughB.give?upC.carry?outD.set?about正确答案:A12._by a strange loud noise downstairs, the two girls jumped from their bed and screamed.A.StunnedB.AmazedC.PromotedD.Startled正确答案:D13.According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack are not necessarily _ an effectA.reasonB.cautionC.factD.cause正确答案:D14.Being_about its future, investors are wary of putting more money in the industry.A.skepticalB.contemporaryC.incredibleD.aesthetic正确答案:A15. How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? _. But the conductor was perfect.A.I couldnt agree moreB.I dont think much of itC.I was crazy about itD.I really like it正确答案:B16.The hotel _$50 for a single room with bath.A.claimsB.chargesC.demandsD.prices正确答案:B17.The new research team _ charge of a _ engineer will carry out the plan.A.in; mainB.take ; majorC.in the ; chiefD.with the ; primary正确答案:C18. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? _.A.Sorry, he is busy at the momentB.No, you cantC.Sorry, you cantD.I dont know正确答案:A19.They _scholarships to excellent students.A.promisedB.providedC.rewardedD.awarded正确答案:B20.For generations the people in these two villages lived in perfect_.A.conflictB.distinctionC.harmonyD.regulation正确答案:C二、 阅读理解 (共 3 道试题,共 30 分)1.Psychologists have discovered that even the most independent-minded of us will conform to social pressure when we are with a group of people. In one classic experiment, people were shown a vertical line and asked to find a line of identical length from a selection of three.
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
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