网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
第 22 题
A、I don't think so.
B、Not really.
C、I hate it!
A、It offers help to homeless people.
B、It has nothing special.
C、I like working here.
You have been walking a long way, so()is a good rest.
A、that you really need
B、that you are really needed
C、what you really need
D、that you are really needing
What do you think of your new computer?
A、 I think so.
B、 how about you?
C、 It is really fantastic.
最新国家开放大学电大人文英语1形考任务二试题及答案一、选择填空题目1-Do you like seafood.选择一项:B. Not really题目2- What is so special about this Social Work Center?选择一项:A. It offers help to homeless people.题目3Well, I heard himhe!d cover the afternoon shift.选择一项:A. say题目4-Can weyou anything? Coffee? Whiskey?-No, thank you.选择一项:C. offer题目5The number of these families has increased40 percent in the past ten years.选择一项:C.by题目6二、听录音,完成对话(每空10分)At the City Social Work Center, Zhang Hua is introducing the center to Liu Hui.Liu Hui: Zhang Hua, I heard you work part-time at this City Social Work Center.Zhang Hua: Thafs right. I love this job.Liu Hui: What is special about this Social Work Center?Zhang Hua: It offers help to people who are in need such as people who are homeless, sick, or having family problems, etc.Liu Hui: Does it help children or adults?Zhang Hua: Well, both. I would say we look after those who may be lonely ,weak or ill.Liu Hui: That sounds interesting. Ybu must feel happy to be able to help people.Zhang Hua: Yeah. Thafs why I love working here. Its a very rewarding job. I can show you around, if you like.Liu Hui: Thafs cool. I carit wait!一、选择填空题目1一 Are you settling in well here in this city?选择一项:A. Everything is going OK. Thank you!题目2一 Thank you for sharing this with me.选择一项:C. My pleasure!题目3They live next to this mountain for.选择一项:C. generations题目4We lived in the same village then and had an amazingtogether.选择一项:A. childhood题目5-Are you a member of the?-Fm her brother选择一项:B. household题目6二、阅读理解:判断正误题(每题10分)Extended familyIn an extended family, all the people share one household. 何art from parents and children, there may be other family members: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That is to say a large family may have more than two generations, and often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family.The family members live together for many reasons. They may help to bring up children or to take care of an ill relative. They may also help with saving money. Sometimes children are brought up by their grandparents, for their parents have died or can never take care of them Many grandparents look after the children, particularly when both parents are busy working. This large family is called extended family. It can be found all over the world. The number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten years. Most of such families live happily together.操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T”;句子错误选择下拉选项框为“F”。1. In an extended family, people live in different houses. F2. An extend family includes at least three generations. T3.In an extended family, children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around.F4. Extended famil、ies can be found all over the world. T5. Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents. T一、选择填空题目1- I can show you around, if you like.选择一项:B. Sure. Thank you.题目2- Do you like seafood.选择一项:B. Not really题目3Ybullhave your own room.选择一项:B. each题目4They must try tothe boundaries of knowledge.选择一项:C. enrich题目5Well, I hope youcoming to the party tomorrow afternoon.选择一项:A. are all题目6二、阅读理解:填空题(每空10分)请选择适当的句子完成对话。操作提示:通过题目中的下拉选项框选择恰当的词语补全填空。A Thank you for sharing this with me.B. Thafs very interesting.C. How is everything?D. How about your children?E. How is your family?B
Thedoctors don’t ___________ that he will live much longer.
A) articulate B) anticipate
C) manifest D) monitor
I think we need to see an investment__________ before we make an expensive mistake.
A) guide B)entrepreneur
C) consultant D) assessor
consultant 顾问
The ____________ on this apartment expiresin a year’s time.
A) treaty B)lease
C) engagement D) subsidy
lease 租约
On Excessive Packaging
Nowadays the phenomena of over-packaging of goods are prevailing in our
society: clothes swathed in tissue paper, placed in cardboard box and finally wrapped
in well-designed plastic bags, imported bottles of wine packed in wooden boxes, fruits
put in hand-woven baskets, just to name a few.
There are several reasons of this over-packaging. The first is that a large number
of companies believe that they can attract customers’ attention and stimulate their
purchasing desire by over-packaging their goods, thus gaining more profits. On the
other hand, quite a number of consumers mistakenly hold that the more delicate the
package is, the better the quality will be, thus encouraging excessive packaging.
From my perspective, excessive packaging has its consequences, including the loss of
precious resources as well as extra workforce on garbage disposal.
To solve the problem, it’s necessary to take the following measures. First, laws
and regulations must be made to restrict excessive packaging. In addition, we need to
advocate clear packaging and raise consumer’s awareness that excessive packaging
doesn’t equal to high quality.
答案范围广且不固定的面试题目类型是( )。
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