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阅读下文,并按要求回答。 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之病矣,渍甚,国人弗讳,寡人将谁属国?”管仲对曰:“昔者臣尽力竭智,犹未足以知之也。今病在于朝夕之中,臣奚能言?”桓公曰:“此大事也,愿仲父之教寡人也。”管仲敬诺曰:“公谁欲相?”公曰:“鲍叔牙可乎?”管仲对曰:“不可。夷吾善鲍叔牙。鲍叔牙之为人也,清廉洁直,视不己若者,不比于人;一闻人过,终身不忘。勿已,则隰朋可乎?隰朋之为人也,上志而下求,丑不若黄帝,而衰不己若者。其于国也,有不闻也;其于物也,有不知也;其于人也,有不见也,勿已乎,则隰朋可也。” 解释下划线词在文中的意义。
阅读下文,并按要求回答。 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之病矣,渍甚,国人弗讳,寡人将谁属国?”管仲对曰:“昔者臣尽力竭智,犹未足以知之也。今病在于朝夕之中,臣奚能言?”桓公曰:“此大事也,愿仲父之教寡人也。”管仲敬诺曰:“公谁欲相?”公曰:“鲍叔牙可乎?”管仲对曰:“不可。夷吾善鲍叔牙。鲍叔牙之为人也,清廉洁直,视不己若者,不比于人;一闻人过,终身不忘。勿已,则隰朋可乎?隰朋之为人也,上志而下求,丑不若黄帝,而衰不己若者。其于国也,有不闻也;其于物也,有不知也;其于人也,有不见也,勿已乎,则隰朋可也。” 将文中宾语前置的句子写出,并注明属于哪一中前置。
阅读下文,并按要求回答。 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之病矣,渍甚,国人弗讳,寡人将谁属国?”管仲对曰:“昔者臣尽力竭智,犹未足以知之也。今病在于朝夕之中,臣奚能言?”桓公曰:“此大事也,愿仲父之教寡人也。”管仲敬诺曰:“公谁欲相?”公曰:“鲍叔牙可乎?”管仲对曰:“不可。夷吾善鲍叔牙。鲍叔牙之为人也,清廉洁直,视不己若者,不比于人;一闻人过,终身不忘。勿已,则隰朋可乎?隰朋之为人也,上志而下求,丑不若黄帝,而衰不己若者。其于国也,有不闻也;其于物也,有不知也;其于人也,有不见也,勿已乎,则隰朋可也。” 将文中宾语前置的句子写出,并注明属于哪一中前置。
把下列句子译成现代汉语。 原文:昔者齐桓公九合诸侯,一匡天下,为五伯长,管仲佐之。管仲老,不能用事,休居于家,桓公从而问之曰:“仲父家居有病,(1)即不幸而不起此病,政安迁之?”管仲曰:“臣老矣,不可问也。虽然,臣闻之,知臣莫若君,知子莫若父,君其试以心决之。”君曰:“鲍叔牙何如?”管仲曰:“不可。鲍叔牙为人,刚愎而上悍。刚则犯民以暴,愎则不得民心,悍则下不为用,其心不惧。非霸者之佐也。”公曰:“然则竖刁何如?”管仲曰:“不可。夫人之情莫不爱其身,公妬而好内,竖刁自宫以为治内,其身不爱,又安能爱君?”公曰:“然则卫公子开方何如?”管仲曰:“不可。齐、卫之间不过十日之行,开方为事君,欲适君之故,十五年不归见其父母,此非人情也。其父母之不亲也,又能亲君乎?”公曰:“然则易牙何如?”管仲曰:“不可。夫易牙为君主味,(2)君之所未尝食唯人肉耳,易牙蒸其子首而进之,君所知也。人之情莫不爱其子,今蒸其子以为膳于君,其子弗爱,又安能爱君乎?”公曰:“(3)然则孰可?”管仲曰:“隰朋可。其为人也,坚中而廉外,少欲而多信。夫坚中则足以为表,廉外则可以大任,少欲则能临其众,多信则能亲邻国,(4)此霸者之佐也,君其用之。”君曰:“诺。”居一年余,管仲死,君遂不用隰朋而与竖刁。刁莅事三年,桓公南游堂阜,竖刁率易牙、卫公子开方及大臣为乱,桓公渴馁而死南门之寝。故桓公之兵横行天下,为五伯长,(5)卒见杀其臣,而灭高名,为天下笑者,何也?不用管仲之过也。 (1)即不幸而不起此病,政安迁之?
正确答案: 如果不幸因为这场病而一病不起,政事该转交到谁手里?
把下列句子译成现代汉语。 原文:昔者齐桓公九合诸侯,一匡天下,为五伯长,管仲佐之。管仲老,不能用事,休居于家,桓公从而问之曰:“仲父家居有病,(1)即不幸而不起此病,政安迁之?”管仲曰:“臣老矣,不可问也。虽然,臣闻之,知臣莫若君,知子莫若父,君其试以心决之。”君曰:“鲍叔牙何如?”管仲曰:“不可。鲍叔牙为人,刚愎而上悍。刚则犯民以暴,愎则不得民心,悍则下不为用,其心不惧。非霸者之佐也。”公曰:“然则竖刁何如?”管仲曰:“不可。夫人之情莫不爱其身,公妬而好内,竖刁自宫以为治内,其身不爱,又安能爱君?”公曰:“然则卫公子开方何如?”管仲曰:“不可。齐、卫之间不过十日之行,开方为事君,欲适君之故,十五年不归见其父母,此非人情也。其父母之不亲也,又能亲君乎?”公曰:“然则易牙何如?”管仲曰:“不可。夫易牙为君主味,(2)君之所未尝食唯人肉耳,易牙蒸其子首而进之,君所知也。人之情莫不爱其子,今蒸其子以为膳于君,其子弗爱,又安能爱君乎?”公曰:“(3)然则孰可?”管仲曰:“隰朋可。其为人也,坚中而廉外,少欲而多信。夫坚中则足以为表,廉外则可以大任,少欲则能临其众,多信则能亲邻国,(4)此霸者之佐也,君其用之。”君曰:“诺。”居一年余,管仲死,君遂不用隰朋而与竖刁。刁莅事三年,桓公南游堂阜,竖刁率易牙、卫公子开方及大臣为乱,桓公渴馁而死南门之寝。故桓公之兵横行天下,为五伯长,(5)卒见杀其臣,而灭高名,为天下笑者,何也?不用管仲之过也。 (1)即不幸而不起此病,政安迁之?
正确答案: 如果不幸因为这场病而一病不起,政事该转交到谁手里?
【管仲破厚葬阅读答案】 管仲破厚葬启示 管仲破厚葬 齐国好厚葬,布帛尽于衣裘,材木尽于棺椁。桓公患之,以告管仲曰:“布帛尽则无以为蔽,材木尽则无以为守备,而人厚葬之不休,禁之奈何?”管仲对曰:“凡人之有为也,非名之,则利之也。”于是乃下令曰:“棺椁过度者戮其尸,罪夫当丧者。”夫戮死,无名;罪当丧者,无利。人何故为之也未几厚葬之风休矣。 (节选自韩非子内储说上) 【注】布帛:泛指织物。衣裘:裘,皮衣。此指死人的衣着。 椁(gu):套在棺材外面的大棺材。戮:污辱。 8(1)说明下列加点的词语。(4分) 齐国好厚葬( ) 布帛尽于衣裘( ) 桓公患之 ( ) 厚葬之风休矣( ) (2)下列句子中加点的“则”与选文“布帛尽则无以为蔽”的“则”用法相同的是( )(2分) A入则无法家拂士 B战则请从 C至则无可用 D此则岳阳楼之大观也 9下面句中没有标点,请在两处要加标点的地方用“/”标出来。(2分) 人 何 故 为 之 也 未 几 厚 葬 之 风 休 矣。 10把下列句子翻译成现代汉语。(4分) (1)夫凡人之有为也,非名之,则利之也。 (2)自非亭午夜分,不见曦月。三峡 11用自己的话说说厚葬给国家和人民造成了什么危害?(2分) 参考答案: 8(1)喜爱 用完,用光 担忧 停止(4分) (2)B(2分) 9人 何 故 为 之 也/ 未 几/ 厚 葬 之 风 休 矣。(2分) 10(1)凡是人的行为,不是为了名,就是为了利。 (2)略 (2分) 11布帛用完了,就没有什么可以用来作为遮身的;材木用完了,就没有什么可以用来作为防守的。(2分)
阅读下文,并按要求回答。 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之病矣,渍甚,国人弗讳,寡人将谁属国?”管仲对曰:“昔者臣尽力竭智,犹未足以知之也。今病在于朝夕之中,臣奚能言?”桓公曰:“此大事也,愿仲父之教寡人也。”管仲敬诺曰:“公谁欲相?”公曰:“鲍叔牙可乎?”管仲对曰:“不可。夷吾善鲍叔牙。鲍叔牙之为人也,清廉洁直,视不己若者,不比于人;一闻人过,终身不忘。勿已,则隰朋可乎?隰朋之为人也,上志而下求,丑不若黄帝,而衰不己若者。其于国也,有不闻也;其于物也,有不知也;其于人也,有不见也,勿已乎,则隰朋可也。” 将文中宾语前置的句子写出,并注明属于哪一中前置。
阅读下文,并按要求回答。 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之病矣,渍甚,国人弗讳,寡人将谁属国?”管仲对曰:“昔者臣尽力竭智,犹未足以知之也。今病在于朝夕之中,臣奚能言?”桓公曰:“此大事也,愿仲父之教寡人也。”管仲敬诺曰:“公谁欲相?”公曰:“鲍叔牙可乎?”管仲对曰:“不可。夷吾善鲍叔牙。鲍叔牙之为人也,清廉洁直,视不己若者,不比于人;一闻人过,终身不忘。勿已,则隰朋可乎?隰朋之为人也,上志而下求,丑不若黄帝,而衰不己若者。其于国也,有不闻也;其于物也,有不知也;其于人也,有不见也,勿已乎,则隰朋可也。” 解释下划线词在文中的意义。
阅读下文,并按要求回答。 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之病矣,渍甚,国人弗讳,寡人将谁属国?”管仲对曰:“昔者臣尽力竭智,犹未足以知之也。今病在于朝夕之中,臣奚能言?”桓公曰:“此大事也,愿仲父之教寡人也。”管仲敬诺曰:“公谁欲相?”公曰:“鲍叔牙可乎?”管仲对曰:“不可。夷吾善鲍叔牙。鲍叔牙之为人也,清廉洁直,视不己若者,不比于人;一闻人过,终身不忘。勿已,则隰朋可乎?隰朋之为人也,上志而下求,丑不若黄帝,而衰不己若者。其于国也,有不闻也;其于物也,有不知也;其于人也,有不见也,勿已乎,则隰朋可也。” 将文中宾语前置的句子写出,并注明属于哪一中前置。
阅读下文,并按要求回答。 管仲有病,桓公往问之,曰:“仲父之病矣,渍甚,国人弗讳,寡人将谁属国?”管仲对曰:“昔者臣尽力竭智,犹未足以知之也。今病在于朝夕之中,臣奚能言?”桓公曰:“此大事也,愿仲父之教寡人也。”管仲敬诺曰:“公谁欲相?”公曰:“鲍叔牙可乎?”管仲对曰:“不可。夷吾善鲍叔牙。鲍叔牙之为人也,清廉洁直,视不己若者,不比于人;一闻人过,终身不忘。勿已,则隰朋可乎?隰朋之为人也,上志而下求,丑不若黄帝,而衰不己若者。其于国也,有不闻也;其于物也,有不知也;其于人也,有不见也,勿已乎,则隰朋可也。” 解释下划线词在文中的意义。
更多 “【管仲破厚葬阅读答案】 管仲破厚葬启示” 相关考题
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- 犬咬伤后伤口的处理,下列说法不正确的是()A、20%肥皂水冲洗半小时以上B、用0.1%苯扎溴胺冲洗半小时以上C、均要包扎伤口D、伤口周围及底部浸润注射抗狂犬病免疫球蛋白或免疫血清E、伤口处理后应缝合包扎以防感染
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- 共用题干 Talking to Kids about SARS(非典)School age children may be learning about SARS from adults and the media,but may not know what to make of the situation,says a national health charity.The Lung Association says parents should take time to talk to their_________(1) and explain the facts about SARS and how to avoid the illness.The following is based on recommendations______(2)Thursday by the Lung Association:▲ Ask your children if they have heard________(3)SARS at school,from friends,from TV,etc. Finding out what they already know can be a good_____ (4)to start the conversation and to clear away any wrong ideas they might have about the illness and how t is spread.▲School age children are usually old________(5)to understand concepts such as getting sick from germs(细菌)and how to avoid illness. A.simple reminder(提示)_________(6)to cough on people and to wash their hands often may be sufficient for younger kids.All children should be shown how to_______(7)their hands properly.▲Remember to keep it simple so_________(8)not to overwhelm children with information,but answer them truthfully.Kids can tell when you're not being honest or if you're hiding something,and sometimes the unknown can be more frightening than the _________(9).Parents with anxious children will know________(10)their kids will handle information on SARS and can tailor their discussion accordingly.▲One way to explain the illness is to tell children that SARS is like a bad breathing problem.It is________(11)from a cold,but people can catch it in the same ways一 such as coughing on someone,not washing your hands or sharing a glass with a sick person.▲Describe how SARS is spread,but mention that the chance of_________(12) SARS is small.There is no reason to tell children people are dying of SARS_________(13) they ask. Never use the threat of death as a way to remind kids to wash their hands.▲Children should be_________(14)to trust their parents and other caregivers. Explain that many smart people,___________(15)doctors and scientists,are working on the problem and looking out for everyone's health._________(2) A:released B:held C:secured D:regarded
- 共用题干 Panic A panic is a form of collective in which a group of people,face with an immediate threat,re-act in an uncoordinated and irrational way.Their behavior is uncoordinated in the sense that co-operative social relationships and break down.It is irrational in the sense that people's actions are not appropriate for the goals they wish to achieve. The progress of a panic follows a fairly typical course . A sudden crisis occurs;people experi- ence intense fear;normal social expectations are broken;each individual tries desperately to es- cape from the source of danger;mutual cooperation breaks down;and the situation becomes even more threatening as a result. Panics are especially likely to occur in unusual conditions in which everyday norms have little relevance,such as fires,floods,earthquakes or military invasions. Some kind of response is necessary in these situations, but there are few social norms that specify an appropriate reaction.Thus,when a passenger aircraft makes a crash landing people may at-tempt to flee before fire breaks out and cause an explosion,but there only succeed in stopping themselves and others by creating bottlenecks at the exits.Awareness of bottlenecks may lead to increased panic,with people fighting and trampling one another in the effort to escape.Despite intensive training of airline personnel in emergency evacuation procedures,a high proportion of passenger deaths are caused by a panic that prevents people from escaping in time. The most dramatic panics are those that occur in situations of extreme emergency,but not all panics are quite so frantic or short-lived.A different form of this collective behavior is the finan- cial panic,which is typically provoked by rumor that the price of stocks will fall or that a bank will be unable to repay its depositors .The classic example,of course, occurred at the outset of the Great Depression in 1929:as in other forms of panic,the individuals involved tried to protect their own interests,and in so doing they worsened the situation for themselves and everyone else. By trying to sell their stocks as quickly as possible,people ensured that the price of stocks did fall;by demanding their money back from banks,they ensured that the banks actually did col-lapse. What is the purpose of the passage?A: To analyze the causes of the panics and teach people how to prevent them.B: To introduce different kinds of panics.C: To help people set up daily norms that can prevent panics.D: To inform people of painful examples form panics.
- 窦性心律失常一般不包括()A、阵发性室上性心动过速B、窦性心动过缓C、窦房阻滞D、窦性停搏E、窦性心动过速
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- 共用题干 Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as“Ecosystem Engineers”Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators. The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.Firstly,through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they af-fect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Con-servation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers. They're al-so very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators. All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.”“In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it. What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups. They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the grassland food web,”Sanders said.The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both species which can be found across Europe,including in the UK.It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect,showing that predation is counteracting the positive influence.Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:“What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering.”Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness. However,it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem. Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.What still remains unclear about ants,according to the last paragraph?A: What roles do ants play in the ecosystem in which they live?B: How do ants affect the animal diversity in a given ecosystem?C: How do human activities affect ants'influence on a given ecosystem?D: How do ants alter the physical and chemical environment?
- 下列不是先兆流产临床表现的是()A、出现少量阴道流血B、下腹痛C、宫颈口未开大D、已破膜E、妊娠产物尚未排出
- 共用题干 The United States is a federal union of 50 states.The capital of national government is in Washington,D.C.The federal constitution sets up the structures of the national government and lists its powers and activities.The constitution gives Congress the authority to make laws which are necessary for the common defense and the good of the nation.It also gives the federal government the power to deal with national and international problems that involve more than one state._________(46)_________(47)The legislative branch makes the laws;the executive branch carries out the laws;and the judicial branch interprets the laws.The President heads the executive branch and the Supreme Court heads the judicial branch.The legislative branch includes both houses of Congress一 the Senate and the House of Representatives._________(48)For example,Congress can pass a law; the President may sign it. Nevertheless,the Supreme Court can declare the law unconstitutional and nullify(取消)it.__________(49)The President and the members of the Congress are elected directly.But the heads of federal departments and Supreme Court judges are appointed by the President. Every citizen votes in secret.__________(50)The people believe that their government should provide a framework of law and order within which they are left free to run their own lives._________(47)A:The election of government takes place every four years.B:The federal government has three branches:the executive,the legislative,and the judicial.C: All the powers that are not given to the federal government by the constitution are the responsibility of the individual states.D:The United States government is based on the principle of federalism,in which power is shared between the federal government and state governments.E:Consequently,no one knows for sure whether his neighbor actually votes for or against a particular candidate.F:The constitution limits the powers of each branch and prevents one branch from gaining too much power.