



作为一个英语本专业的大学生,英语就该是你的一技之长。而且绝大多数开设英语专业的大学院校将学生是否获得英语专业四级证书,作为颁发大学毕业证、学位证书的标准。试想当你作为一个英语专业应届毕业生去找工作尤其是英语方向的工作,却被面试官质疑为什么英语专业学生却连英语专四证书都没有,从而怀疑你的大学四年都是白上而不给你工作的机会, 所以大学英语专业学生如果拿不到英语专业四级证书,那你可能就是上了一个假大学。请大家务必在大学四年中得到英语专业四级证书,它并不是没有用而是英语专业学生找工作标配!

下面再来说说非英语专业学生考英语专业四级证书的作用。说到非英语专业学生想要报考英语专业四级是有种种限制的,可以报考的条件是:(1) 经教育部备案或批准的高等院校中英语专业二年级本科生。(2) 经教育部备案或批准的高等院校中修完英语专业基础阶段教学大纲规定课程的二、三年制最后一学年的大专生。(3) 教育部备案或批准有学历的成人高等教育学院中四年制即脱产学习的英语专业(第二学年)本科生;五年制即不脱产学习的、修完英语专业基础阶段教学大纲规定课程(第三学年)的本科生。不脱产的三年制大专生,必须在第三学年时方可报名参加专业英语四级测试。(4) 重点外语类院校中,非英语专业的本科生中当年参加英语六级考试且成绩在60分以上,可参加当年专业英语四级考试。



下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

What is Wilmington like now?

A.It's a prosperous city.

B.It has many veterans of war.

C.Its pretty buildings have been torn down.

D.It is no longer an agreeable place.


As can be gathered from the passage, before 1910 the normal running time of a film was probably ______.

A.15 minutes or less

B.between 15 and 30 minutes

C.between 30 and 45 minutes

D.1 hour or more



Directions: Translate the following text into English.


正确答案:A window likewise allows those who are inside to see outside and also allows outsiders to see inside. That is why those who live in bustling areas need to draw their curtains to protect their privacy. When visiting friends at night there's no need to wait until the door is opened to ask if they're there — you can tell that by the light inside the window. Similarly you don't need to wait for a man to open his mouth to work out what's on his mind — you can see that from his eyes. Shutting a window works in the same way as closing one's eyes. There are many things that can be seen only with the eyes closed dreams for instance. If outside there is too much noise and excitement closing the window will make it easier for the soul to engage in free exploration and quiet contemplation.
A window likewise allows those who are inside to see outside, and also allows outsiders to see inside. That is why those who live in bustling areas need to draw their curtains to protect their privacy. When visiting friends at night, there's no need to wait until the door is opened to ask if they're there — you can tell that by the light inside the window. Similarly, you don't need to wait for a man to open his mouth to work out what's on his mind — you can see that from his eyes. Shutting a window works in the same way as closing one's eyes. There are many things that can be seen only with the eyes closed, dreams, for instance. If outside there is too much noise and excitement, closing the window will make it easier for the soul to engage in free exploration and quiet contemplation.


is改成has 解析:美国国家不是离婚率,因此不能用吼

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