


1、Studies from the US and Australia imply that taking a gap year helps().【阅读理解A】

A.keep students from being unrealistic

B.lower risks in choosing careers

C.ease freshmen’s financial burdens

D.relieve freshmen of pressures


答案解析:根据题目中的study from the Australia and US可以定位到第三段第一句话Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not.。这句话明确说了有间隔年的学生比没有的要好,好在准备和表现上。所以A:unrealistic和B:choosing career不对。第二句在表现好的更细致地方面进行了描述:preparing them for independence独立性, new responsibilities责任感 and environmental changes环境变化。紧随的破折号后总结说了这是 first-year students一年级学生 often struggle with the most常常有苦恼的。说明最受益的是大学一年级学生,而整段都没提过financial burdens,所以C不对。而D中的pressure是对前面内容的概括性描述,因此答案是D。

2、With regard to mass sport, the author holds that governments should().【阅读理解A】

A.organize “grassroots” sports events

B.supervise local sports associations

C. increase funds for sports clubs

D.invest in public sports facilities


答案解析:由题干中的关键词the governments should...,可以知道,命题人想要考察的是对于Parkrun这一项大众运动,政府应该做点什么。所以,考生要快速的定位到原文中有关政府的段落,即第四段,If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods—making sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision of all these activities in schools. 从这里可以知道,作者希望政府能够为Parkrun提供场所和钱,并针对学校制定相关条例以鼓励全民运动。由此可以排除A,B,C,最终选择D。

3、Rob Spohr【阅读理解B】

A.says that he switched to electrical engineering because he loves working tools

B.points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that don’t need skill

C.points out that US doesn’t manufacture anything anymore

D.believes that it is important to keep a close on the age of his workers

E.says that for factory owners, workers are harder to find because of stiff competition

F.points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing

G.says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for the lay- off of the young people’s parents


答案解析:根据人名Rob Spohr,对应文中 The gap is between the jobs that take no skills and those that require a lot of skill,” says Rob Spohr, 工作之间的差距是那个不需要技能,而那些需要很多技能。文中skill对应选项skill(技能)。

4、Jay Dunwell【阅读理解B】

A.says that he switched to electrical engineering because he loves working tools

B.points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that don’t need skill

C.points out that US doesn’t manufacture anything anymore

D.believes that it is important to keep a close on the age of his workers

E.says that for factory owners, workers are harder to find because of stiff competition

F.points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing

G.says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for the lay- off of the young people’s parents


答案解析:根据题干人名Jay 定位文中“They’re harder to find and they have job offers,”他们很难发现他们有工作邀请。harder对应选项 stiff(艰难地)。

5、The author believes that London’s Olympic“legacy” has failed to().【阅读理解A】

A.boost population growth

B.promote sport participation

C.improve the city’s image

D.increase sport hours in schools


答案解析:可以发现原文中第二段第一句话Parkrun is succeeding where London’s Olympic “legacy” is failing与题干中的关键词 London’s Olympic “legacy” has failed to...对应,所以可以锁定文章的第二段,从而找出解题的关键。第二段前半部分讲了在最初的时候Olympic的目标,然而,事实却事与愿违,... but the general population was growing faster. Worse, the numbers are now falling at an accelerating rate. 由这句话可以看出,Olympic并没有推动大众的参与性,与预期的目标不符,所以选择B。

6、Jason Stenquist【阅读理解B】

A.says that he switched to electrical engineering because he loves working tools

B.points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that don’t need skill

C.points out that US doesn’t manufacture anything anymore

D.believes that it is important to keep a close on the age of his workers

E.says that for factory owners, workers are harder to find because of stiff competition

F.points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing

G.says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for the lay- off of the young people’s parents


答案解析:根据题干人名Jason Stenquist对应文中“I love working with tools. I love creating,” he says.我爱与工具打交道,我喜欢创新,tool对应选项tool。







答案解析:over blown含义:吹散 吹倒 表贬义。后面的内容“Many jobs are boring, degrading,unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.是对这句话的进一步解释,结合前后的上下文语义理解,应选择virtue,其他选项均排除。因此C为正确答案。







答案解析:本句题干意为“这种看法是建立在失业率造就就业率这个概念()这种的基础上的”,A. 机会;B. 下降趋势; C. 福利; D. 原则,依次代入B最符合题意,因此B为正确答案。

9、A gap year may save money for students by helping them().【阅读理解A】

A.avoid academic failures

B.establish long-term goals

C.switch to another college

D.decide on the right major


答案解析:文章最后一段第一句提到了consider its financial impact on future academic choices。Financial 对应题干中的save money,而academic choices学术选择可以排除A和B。根据最后一段第三句...students...listing one major on their college applications, but switching to another after taking college classes.所以第一句中的academic choices指的就是转专业的事儿,因此选D。







答案解析:分析句子结构可知,空格处为主语,for后面为主语的修饰成分,简化该句意为“上升趋势的()是高薪工作匮乏”, A. 解释,原因; B. 需求; C. 补偿; D. 代替品,依次代入原文A最符合题意,因此A为正确答案。

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