
下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
1900年,义和团大败西摩尔率领的八国联军的战斗主要是在( )
在资本主义宪法原则体系中,处于核心和主导地位的是( )
It is everywhere,as visible as it is vilified.From car parts to crisp packets,plastic has suffuse the Earth,and beyond-in 1969 Neil Armstrong planted a nylon Stars and Stripes on the moon.More than 8bn tonnes has been produced since the 1950s,enough to wrap the continents in cling film four times over.1 Untold tonnes end up as irretrievable ocean flotsam,which sunlight and salt fragment into microscopic pieces that attract toxins and may be gulped by creatures that become seafood Plastic weighs heavily on the mind,too.2 In Britain hatred of plastic unites the right-wing Daily Mail,the leftie Guardian,and the queen,who has banned plastic straws from her castles.But hold on.The little scientists know about plastic suggests that although it is the most noticeable pollutant it is far from the most harmful.Using less is at best a partial solution.a bet-ter answer is to collect more-especially in Asia The effects of plastic on nature and human health are hard to gauge.Most polymers are chemically inert.That makes them durable.3 It also makes them less likely to be a health risk to humans and beasts.As a pollutant,their impact is much lower than less tangible menaces.By one estimate,the environmental and social costs of plastic run to 9 139bn a year,chiefly from the greenhouse gases produced in its production and transport.The figure for farming is$3trn.Fertiliser run-off alone causes S 200bn-800bn worth of damage to the ocean,compared with S 13bn from plastic marine litter.Then look at the alternatives.A cotton tote bag must be used 131 times before its carbon footprint improves on that of a throwaway carrier bag This does not stop plastic from being a problem.4 Prohibition makes sense in poor places like Bangladesh and Kenya that lack proper waste-management systems.It is less useful in tidy France where rubbish collection works smoothly.It would be more effective for rich countries to shore up their recycling industries.They may have little choice in any case A carbon tax may spur recycling,which is less energy-intensive than producing virgin plastic Mandating minimum recycled content in plastic containers,as California has since 1991,is also a useful tool.Governments could exempt second-hand polymers from value-added tax;after all,the tax has already been paid on the fresh source material 5.Among the ten biggest plastic polluters,all but two are in developing Asia.Together,they account for two-thirds of the plastic spewed into the ocean.Of these,only China could afford Western-style waste-management in the near future.Others are just waking up to the problem;before plastic began piling up,it reasonably seemed less of a priority for governments.Bangladesh may be able to copy India which,despite its 1.3bn people,falls outside the top ten thanks to armies of ragpickers.The rest,like Vietnam or Thailand,may be too wealthy for raddiwallahs,yet too poor for sophisticated rubbish collection.The rich world should focus its attention-and resources,including charity-on chivvying them along.That is the surest way to stem the plastic tide
A.But bans and penalties on plastic bags in rich countries may be better for the conscience than for the environment
B.But by itself,the West will not solve the problem
C.It also makes them less likely to be a health risk to humans and beast
D.For some 79%of the plastic produced over the last 70 years has been thrown away,either into landfill sites or into the general environment
E.Nine in len Europeans wory about ts impat on eosystems thre in four fret that it can harm their own health
F.Only 9%was recydled 60%was dumped,mosty in aills s too often in the natural word
G.Researdn shows he wi De more pasic han tsh by weignt n he wold's oceans by 2050 and srawns are a major lador because the vast maoiy are never eydlede
空格上文指出这并不能阻止塑料成为一个问题。下文对比了穷国和富国在禁用塑料袋上的差异。孟加拉国、肯尼亚为代表的贫穷国家禁用塑料是有意义的。而法国等富国由于垃圾收集系统运转顺畅,这种做法就没那么有用了。由此可知,本句与上句成转折关系,且意思应该为富裕国家对塑料袋的禁用和处罚措施没有多大用处。故选[A]But bans and penalties on plastic bags in rich countries may be better for the conscience than for the environment.
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