



9.19世纪法国科学家路易斯·巴斯德是微生物学的奠基人,因发明了传染病预防接种法,为人类和人类饲养的家畜、家禽防治疾病做出了巨大贡献。“在观察事物之际,机遇偏爱有准备的头脑。” 路易斯·巴斯德的这句名言强调了

A. 只有发挥主观能动性才能认识事物

B. 只有理性认识是可靠的,感性经验是不可靠的

C. 认识事物要有理性的指导

D. 既要善于观察事物,又要善于思考问题

10. 当我们在书上看到动物、植物等一个具体概念时,就会在大脑中立即出现一个感性的形象于此概念相对应。这表明













下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A折杖法 B.刺配刑 C.凌迟刑 D.流刑

宋太祖建隆四年(公元963年)创立折杖法,作为重刑的代用刑,即把笞刑、杖刑折为臀杖;徒刑折为脊杖,杖后释放;流刑折为脊杖,并于本地配役一年;加役流,脊杖后,就地配役三年。从而使“流罪得免远徙,徒罪得免役年,笞杖得减决数”。宋太祖时期还规定了 “刺配刑”,即“既杖其脊,又配其人,且剌其面,是一人之身, 一事之犯而兼受三刑”。凌迟刑首用于五代时期,但属于法外刑,至宋代确立为法定刑,被广泛使用。选项D不正确,流刑的雏形在商朝已开始出现,至《开皇律》确定 为封建五刑之一。

A.肝细胞点灶状坏死 B.肝细胞碎片状坏死 C.肝细胞桥接坏死
D.肝细胞亚大片坏死 E. 细胞大片坏死


下列关于英国宪法的特点,说法错误的是(  )。


The birth Jacinda Ardern's baby is first and foremost a time of great happiness for Jacinda and her partner,Clarke Gayford.Their daughter is very much a wanted child for these happy parents.But for public in New Zealand and beyon the new arrival in our country's first family also has considerable significance.Ardern becomes only the second serving prime minister in history to give birth.As well,she is not married to her partner.Conventional wisdom may have said that this combination of factors would not have been helpful to a political career at the highest level.Fortunately,that has proved to be wrong.Ardern is a remarkable woman who crashes through glass ceilings with apparent ease.She became Leader of the New Zealand Labour party and of the opposition a mere seven weeks before last September's general election.In that short time,she took her party out of a near death zone of low polling to a highly credible election result,and then through the successful coalition negotiations which re-sulted in her becoming prime minister in October at the age of 37.Ardern's pregnancy came as a surprise to her and Gayford,but they took it in their stride.arrangements were made for Ardern to work until very close to the birth,and then for the deputy prime minister to act in her place while she takes some six weeks maternity leave.After that,Gayford takes over as primary carer for the foreseeable future.For young women,the example Arderm is setting is an affirmation that hey too can expect to have that choice.For young men,Gayford being the full time carer of a baby sends a powerful message that they too can exercise that choice.ony ni New Zealand is known for being a socially progressive country.Arden is its third female prime minister;it has had three female governor generals;and 125 years ago,it became the first countr where women won the right to vote Now it is breaking new ground with a prime minister giving birth and her partner becoming a stay-at-home father.But in the context of New Zealand Is Is evolutionary,not revolutionary Overwhelmingly positive interest across the political spectrum is being taken in the addition to the first What lessons are there in this for our world?In my view,New Zealand is showing that no doors are closed to women,that having a baby while being prime minister can be managed,and that it's acceptable for male partners to be full-time carers.This is very positive role modelling for the empowerment of women and for gender equality.In a world where there are still glass ceilings to be smashed and where many countries continue to have laws,policies,and practices that discriminate against women,the message from New Zealand is one of hope-that women can break through all barriers and do it in their own way as Arden has done I hope that New Zealand will continue to be a leader in the full inclusion of women in all spheres of its society-and i expect it will be
What makes Jacinda Ardern's baby special is that

A.it was born in a special period
B.it has attracted world attention
C.it brings good luck to New Zealand gt
D.it was born into a special family

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