成教专升本分为自考专升本,成人高考专升本,网络教育(远程教育)专升本等,毕业证印有"高等教育自学考试","成人高等教育","网络教育XXX专业"或"网络教育学院"字样。 招生类型是成人(成教),学习形式有函授、脱产、业余,招生对象不限,属于成人教育类(成教)范筹,录取概率大,颁发成人学位证书。
下面小编为大家准备了 专升本 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
found that enabling positive social relationships between the adults was the key to successful school?improvement and that trust was at the heart of those relationships.
Trust in schools comes down to one thing:psychological safety or safety to speak one′s mind,to?discuss with openness and honesty what is and isn′t working,to make collective decisions.
Yet this kind of safety doesn′t come easily to schools.According to Bryk and Schneider,the?adults in school rely on each other to do their jobs correctly and with integrity(正直).The challenge?is that our expectations are very diverse based on our unique backgrounds.
At one school where I taught,each teacher had different expectations about how much extra?effort teachers should put into their work—a big difference between the teachers who left after the?last bell and those who worked into the evening.And when expectations are unconscious or?unspoken,it becomes impossible for others to live up to them.
We also make assumptions about the intentions behind a person′s behavior.As we all know,assumptions are often wrong.For example,parents and teachers may think the principal made a?particular decision based on his career advancement rather than what′s best for the students.If we?don′t feel psychologically safe to question our assumptions and expectations,trust flies out the?window and our relationships suffer.
According to Paragraph 1,why does the author scratch his head.′?《》()
B.Because he is not sure about the practicability of those new tests.
C.Because he is concerned that many teachers will lose their jobs.
D.Because he is not in favor of the government's reform efforts.


正说着,只听丫鬟们说:“宝姑娘来了。”……只见宝钗手里托着一丸药走进来,向袭人说道:“晚上把这药用酒研开,替他敷上,把那淤血的热毒散开,可以就好了。”说毕,递与袭人,又问道:“这会子可好些 ”宝玉一面道谢说:“好了。”又让坐。宝钗见他睁开眼说话,不像先时,心中也宽慰了好些,便点头叹道:“早听人一句话,也不至今日。别说老太太,太太心疼,就是我们看着,心里也疼。”刚说了半句又忙咽住,自悔说的话急了,不觉的就红了脸,低下头来。
……宝玉半梦半醒,都不在意。忽又觉有人推他,恍恍忽忽听得有人悲戚之声。宝玉从梦中惊醒,睁眼一看,不是别人,却是林黛玉。宝玉……向脸上细细一认,只见两个眼睛肿的桃儿一般,满面泪光,不是黛玉,却是那个 宝玉……叹了一声,说道:“你又做什么跑来!虽说太阳落下去,那地上的余热未散,走两趟又要受了暑。……”此时林黛玉虽不是嚎啕大哭,然越是这等无声之泣,气噎喉堵,更觉得厉害。听了宝玉这番话,心中虽然有万句言词,只是不能说得,半日,方抽抽噎噎的说道:“你从此可都改了罢!”……一句话未了,只见院外人说:“二奶奶来了。”林黛玉……连忙立起身说道:“我从后院子去罢,回来再来。”
(2)根据这段文字的描写,宝玉挨打后,宝钗和黛玉都去问候,她们各自对宝玉说了什么话 这些话揭示了宝钗和黛玉怎样的不同性格
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