




下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

证明: 二次型时的最大值为矩阵A的最大特征值


 A 杏苏散B 桑菊饮C 桑杏汤D 止嗽散




Text 3 Employees are often said to be a company's biggest resource.It is equally true that they are its biggest liability.Scarcely a week goes by without a company falling victim to employees-turned-cnemies-or-embarrassments.The most familiar type of enemy within is the fraudster.The Economist Intelligence Unit conducts a regular poll of senior executives on the subject of fraud committed by insiders.Two year ago the poll discovered that about 70%of companies had suffered from at least one instance of fraud,up from 61%in the previous survey.Fraud is often petty.But fraud can also be more harmful:think of former employees setting up rivals using stolen technology and purloined client lists.Even more dangerous is the vandal.Thieves at least have a rational motive.Vandals are driven by a desire for revenge that can know no limit.A company that specialises in corporate investigation gives a detailed account of the story of a British manufacturing company that was under restructuring.A member of the infonnation technology department discovered that his name was on the list of people whose services would no longer be required.He built a"backdoor"into the company's IT system from his home computer and set about causing damage.What can companies do to reduce the threat from these wolves in sheep's clothing?A lot depends on which particular sorts ofwolves you are dealing with.Yet three principles are always worth bearing in mind.The first is that firms need to focus on the people who have the greatest capacity to do harm-those who control the money and information.The more complicated companies become,the harder it is to identify where power really lies.But one thing is clear.The more dependent on information firms get,the more IT specialists can compromise the whole business.The least companies can do is to keep a careful watch on the IT department.The second is that the human touch is still invaluable.Companies can certainly strengthen their hand by installing software that can identify unusual behaviour or monitor e-mail,or by employing professionals to double-check the accounts.The best way to avoid these problems is to treat our employees with respect.The biggest problem with trying to do more with less is that you can end up tuming your biggest resources into your biggest liabilities.
According to the case in Paragraph 3,we learn that____

A.thieves will revenge without limits
B.specialists are undergoing danger in restructuring
C.IT department might let out secrets to employees
D.some employees deliberately cause damage to companies
事实细节题。根据定位词定位到第三段第三句Vandals are driven by a desire for revenge(破坏分子的动机是进行报复),故D项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项“盗贼会无节制地报复”,这里的小偷指上一段提到的盗取信息者,他们一般不会无节制地报复,会无节制报复的是vandals(破坏分子),所以A项可排除;B项“专家们在重组的过程中正经历危险”,这段话中提到的案例是专家给出的例子,专家没有参与这个公司的重建,B项属于拼凑原文的信息,可排除;C项,文章中说的是IT部门的一名员工蓄意实施破坏行为,而非IT部门泄密给员工,所以C项可排除。

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