


Section Use of English


Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854.Nurseries were established in various areas during the 1 half of the 19th century; most of 2 were charitable.Both in Europe and in the U.S., the daynursery movement received great 3 during the First World War, when 4 of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented numbers of women.In some European countries nurseries were established 5 in munitions(军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship.6 the number of nurseries in the U.S.also rose 7 , this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind.During the years following the First World War, 8 , Federal State and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control 9 the day nurseries, chiefly by 10 them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.

The 11 of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were 12 called up on to replace men in the factories.On this 13 the U.S.government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools, 14 $ 6,000,000 in July, 1942, for a nursery school program for the children of working mothers.Many states and local communities 15 this Federal aid.By the end of the war, in August, 1945, more than 1,000,000 children were being cared 16 in daycare centers receiving Federal 17.Soon afterward, the Federal government 18 cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later 19 them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation.However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their 20 at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled.

1.\[A\] latter\[B\] other\[C\] late\[D\] first

2.\[A\] those\[B\] them\[C\] whose\[D\] which

3.\[A\] impetus\[B\] input\[C\] imitation\[D\] initiative

4.\[A\] sources\[B\] abundance\[C\] shortage\[D\] reduction

5.\[A\] hardly\[B\] entirely\[C\] only\[D\] even

6.\[A\] Because\[B\] As\[C\] Since\[D\] Although

7.\[A\] unanimously\[B\] sharply\[C\] predominantly\[D\] militantly

8.\[A\] therefore\[B\] consequently\[C\] however\[D\] moreover

9.\[A\] over\[B\] in\[C\] at\[D\] about

10.\[A\] formulating\[B\] labeling\[C\] patenting\[D\] licensing

11.\[A\] outset\[B\] outbreak\[C\] breakthrough\[D\] breakdown

12.\[A\] again\[B\] thus\[C\] repeatedly\[D\] yet

13.\[A\] circumstance\[B\] occasion\[C\] case\[D\] situation

14.\[A\] regulating\[B\] summoning\[C\] allocating\[D\] transferring

15.\[A\] compensated\[B\] facilitated\[C\] supplemented\[D\] expanded

16.\[A\] about\[B\] after\[C\] of\[D\] for

17.\[A\] pensions\[B\] subsidies\[C\] revenues\[D\] budgets

18.\[A\] prevalently\[B\] furiously\[C\] statistically\[D\] drastically

19.\[A\] abolished\[B\] diminished\[C\] jeopardized\[D\] precluded

20.\[A\] nurseries\[B\] homes\[C\] jobs\[D\] children

1.【答案】 A 本题考查词语搭配。

【解析】 第一句提到在1854年成立了第一家日间托儿所,所以可以知道日间托儿所在各地普遍建立是在19世纪的后半叶,所以[A]选项正确。[B]其他的,常和one...the other搭配,或other后面接复数名词;[C]迟到的,已故的;[D]第一的。

2.【答案】 B 本题考查代词用法。

【解析】 该句前是分号,表示下文的部分是个独立成分,其实英语中的分号起到句号的作用。如果把分号改为逗号,那就是表示逗号后是定语从句,可以用which,所以这一句里只能用复数代词them来代替前面的nurseries\[A\] 那些;\[C\] 谁的;\[D\] 哪一个。

3.【答案】 A 本题考查词义区别。

【解析】 本句提到第一次世界大战对日间托儿所是个促进,所以选\[A\] 推动,促进。\[B\] 输入;\[C\] 模仿;\[D\] 主动性。

4.【答案】 C 本题考查词义区别。

【解析】 该句提到当时男性劳动力的短缺使得产业工人中出现了数量空前多的女性。\[A\] 来源;\[B\] 丰富;充裕; \[C\] 短缺;\[D\] 减少。

5.【答案】 D 本题考查词义区别。

【解析】 军火厂是很危险的地方,常识告诉我们是不能建托儿所的,但由于是战时所以只好建在那里了。\[A\] 几乎不;\[B\] 完全,全部地;\[C\] 仅仅,只是;\[D\] 甚至。

6.【答案】 D 本题考查逻辑关系。

【解析】 分析全句,便可得知这是个让步关系的从句,故选择连词\[D\]\[A\] 因为,由于;\[B\] 随着,由于,正如;\[C\] 既然。

7.【答案】 B 本题考查词语搭配。

【解析】 能够和rose(上升)搭配的副词就只有sharply(急剧地,大量地),其他三个选项\[A\] 全体一致地,无异议地;\[C\] 主要地,占主导地位地;\[D\] 好战地,激进地。

8.【答案】 C 本题考查逻辑关系。

【解析】 前一句说到联邦政府没有资助托儿所,但在这一句里,联邦政府和地方政府开始采取措施来规范管理控制托儿所。这两句之间存在逻辑上的转折关系。\[A\] \[B\] 两个选项都表示“因此,所以”之意。\[D\] 进一步来说。

9.【答案】 A 本题考查词语搭配。

【解析】 对什么的控制要用介词over,比如advantage over something(比什么有优势)triumph over something(对什么的战胜)victory over something(对什么的胜利)edge over something(对什么有优势),其他三个答案都不能和其搭配。

10.【答案】 D 本题考查动宾搭配。

【解析】 该句的意思是政府主要通过特许或颁发执照,检查和规范托儿所内部状况来控制托儿所。所以选\[D\] 特许,颁发执照。其他三个选项:\[A\] 阐述,说明;\[B\] 贴标签,分类;\[C\] 申请专利。因此都不太合适。

11.【答案】 B 本题考查形近词。

【解析】 对付这类题主要是弄清楚各个选项的意思。\[A\] 开端,开始;\[B\] 爆发,发生;\[C\] 突破;\[D\] 崩溃;故障。这些名词都是由动词转化而来,比如 set out(出发,开始)break out(爆发,发生)break through(突破)break down(出故障),类似这样的构词而来的词还有output(产量)outcome(结果)outlet(发泄机会,出口)等。

12.【答案】 A 本题考查语篇关系。

【解析】 在第一段里提到妇女招收进工厂代替男工的短缺。该段提到第二次世界大战爆发同样使得妇女再一次招收进厂。这种跨段落的关系题是完形填空的最难点,从中可以看出,完形填空题的四个选项不在于词汇量大,而重在对句子之间的衔接关系,相互照应。\[B\] 因此;\[C\] 不断地,反复地;\[D\] 然而。

13.【答案】 B 本题考查词语固定搭配。

【解析】 只有occasion on搭配,circumstance(情况)常和underin搭配,under no circumstances(在任何情况下不,决不), case常和in搭配,in no case(决不)in any case(无论如何)situationin搭配。

14.【答案】 C 本题考查动宾搭配。

【解析】 政府应该是拨款给600万美金。\[A\] 控制,调节;\[B\] 召集,召唤;\[C\] 分派,分配,拨款,另外拨款英语里还可以用appropriate, grant来表达;\[D\] 转移,调动,转学。

15.【答案】 C 本题考查动宾搭配。

【解析】 在政府拨款之后,州和地方应该是对联邦政府的拨款做些补充。\[A\] 赔偿,补偿;\[B\] 使容易,使便利;\[D\] 扩大,扩充。

16.【答案】 D 本题考查词语固定搭配。

【解析】 care常和for搭配表示“喜欢,照顾”的意思;about搭配表示“在乎,在意”的意思,和其他的介词不搭配。

17.【答案】 B 本题考查词义区别。

【解析】 该句子意思是托儿所的孩子要接受联邦政府的补助。\[A\] 养老金,退休金;\[B\] 补助,津贴;\[C\] 公司或国家收入,税收; \[D\] 预算。

18.【答案】 D 本题考查词语搭配。

【解析】 能够和“削减支出”搭配的副词应该是“大量地,急剧地”的意思。\[A\] 流行地,盛行地;\[B\] 猛烈地,狂暴地(常表示态度); \[C\] 统计上地;\[D\] 大量地,急剧地。

19.【答案】 A,本题考查动宾搭配。

【解析】 政府应该是在大幅度减少支出之后,废除了这种做法。\[A\] 废除,取消;\[B\] 减少,缩小;\[C\] 危害,伤害;\[D\] 排除。

20.【答案】 C 本题考查动宾搭配。

【解析】 该句说让大多数雇佣的母亲离开她们的工作岗位只是得到部分实现。\[A\] 托儿所;\[B\] 家庭;\[C\] 工作;\[D\] 孩子。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。



假设单因素模型成立,所有证券的贝塔值均为 1,个股的非系统性风险标准差为 30%。 如果证券分析师研究了 20 种股票,发现一半股票的阿尔法值为 2%,另一半为-2%。这时一 个投资组合买入 100 万等权重正阿尔法股票,同时卖空 100 万等权重负阿尔法股票。 (1)该组合期望收益为多少? (2)该组合是否存在非系统性风险?为什么? (3)该组合的标准差是多少?


New research has revived one of the longest standing,and biologically fundamental debates in the life sciences Is there a set limit to how long humans can live?The study 1 in the journal Science,suggests that maybe there isn't.It should be noted that this finding contradicts other 2 research by biologists and demographers,as Nature notes lateaus after a certain point for these"super-elderly"2 Researchers examined a population of nearly 4,000 Italians who were 105 years or older.That they found was that mortality risk The risk of death increases when someone 5 gets older,6 as they reach their 80s and 90s But,say Sapienza University's Elisabetta Barbi and University of Roma Tre's Francesco Lagona,after reaching the 7 old age of 105,the 8 of dying 9 the following year essentially drop down to 50%.The researchers 10 the quality of their dataset,asserting that their"estimates are 11 arti facts of aggregation that limited earlier studies and provide the best 12 to date for the existence of extreme-age mortality plateaus in humans.If a mortality plateau really does 13 at higher ages that theoretically means death doesn't have to be an inevitability Not all scientists have 14 that conclusion.For instance,a team from New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine analyzed the ages of the worlds oldest people and pegged the maximum length of human 15 at somewhere between 115 and 125 years.(For the curious:The oldest person ever in 16 history was a French lady named Jeanne Calment,who died at 122 years of age in 1997.By analyzing global demographic data,we show that improvements in 17 with age 18 decline after age 100,and that the age at death of the world s oldest person has not increased since th 1990s.Our results strongly suggest that the maximum 19 of humans is fixed and 20 natural constraints,wrote the Albert Einstein researchers in their 2016 report

名词辨析题。空格所在句子指出,我们的研究结果明确显示,人类的最长是固定的,而且受自然的约束。”[A]I strength“力量,实力”,[B]lifespan“寿命”,[C]capability“才能,能力”,[D]lifetime“一生,终生”。此处强调的是人类的生命期限,故[B]lifespan为正确选项,其他选项均不符合题意,故排除。

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