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边际收益(Marginal revenue)


更多 “边际收益(Marginal revenue)” 相关考题
考题 当一个厂商的边际收益曲线(marginal revenue curve)与边际成本曲线(marginal cost curve)有两个交点时,根据MR=MC法则,这两个交点代表的产量都是利润的最大化产量。( )

考题 Why are wages falling when the economy is growing fast for some employees?( ) A.The competition is too fierce in the international field for some employees. B.The lack of flexibility to adopt new technologies. C.International competition has lowered the marginal revenue product of low-skilled workers. D.The extensive application of the AI technology.

考题 Why are wages falling when the economy is growing fast for some employees?( ) A.The competition is too fierce in the international field for some employees B.The lack of flexibility to adopt new technologies C.International competition has lowered the marginal revenue product of low-skilled workers D.The extensive application of the AI technology

考题 边际收益(Marginal Revenue)是指增加一单位产品的销售所增加的收益。A对B错

考题 边际收益(MR)用公式表示为()。A、边际收益=固定收益/产量B、边际收益=总收益/产量C、边际收益=总收益增值/产量增值D、边际收益=可变收益/产量

考题 实现利润最大化的必要条件是()A、边际收益大于边际成本B、边际收益小于边际成本C、边际收益等于边际成本D、成本等于收益

考题 在垄断市场上,边际收益与平均收益的关系是()A、边际收益大于平均收益B、边际收益小于平均收益C、边际收益等于平均收益D、边际收益曲线交于平均收益曲线的最低点

考题 边际收益(Marginal Revenue)是指增加一单位产品的销售所增加的收益。

考题 Marginal revenue product(of an input),( MRP) (一种投入的)边际收益产品

考题 Margina revenue(MR)边际收益

考题 边际收益递减律(Law of diminishing marginal returns)

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考题 名词解释题边际收益产品(Marginal revenue product)

考题 单选题边际收益(MR)用公式表示为()。A 边际收益=固定收益/产量B 边际收益=总收益/产量C 边际收益=总收益增值/产量增值D 边际收益=可变收益/产量

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考题 名词解释题边际收益(Marginal revenue)

考题 名词解释题总收益(Total revenue)

考题 名词解释题边际收益递减律(Law of diminishing marginal returns)

考题 判断题边际收益(Marginal Revenue)是指增加一单位产品的销售所增加的收益。A 对B 错