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“动物精神”一词,是借用自凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的著名概念。


更多 ““动物精神”一词,是借用自凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的著名概念。” 相关考题
考题 “John is reading the newspaper”变成被动语态是()。 A、The newspaper is reading by John.B、The newspaper is by John reading.C、The newspaper is being read by John.D、The newspaper is being readed byJohn.

考题 第一位系统地表述比较优势原理的经济家是:()A.Bertil Ohlin.B.Eli Heckscher.C.John Maynard Keynes.D.David Ricardo.

考题 Last Saturday ___________________ had a picnic in Beiquan Park.A、John, Mary and meB、John, Mary and IC、John, I and MaryD、 I, John and Mary

考题 下列值不为true的表达式有( )。A、"john"=="john"B、"john".equals("john")C、"john"="john"D、"john".equals(newString("john"))

考题 主张“通货膨胀不论何时何地都是一种货币现象"的经济学家是 A.John Maynard Keynes. B.John R.Hicks C.Milton Friedman. D.Franco Modigliani.

考题 The Grapes of Wrath is a masterpiece of ( ) A.John Steinbeck B.John Winthrop C.John Updike D.John Cotton

考题 The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of()AAdam SmithBJohn Maynard KeynesCMargaret ThatcherDKarl Marx

考题 动物检疫证明不得()、涂改、伪造、买卖或者出租、出借。A、转让B、复印C、借用

考题 “自働化”一词起源于()。

考题 The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of()A、Adam SmithB、John Maynard KeynesC、Margaret ThatcherD、Karl Marx

考题 下面哪些可以将john添加到users数组中?()A、$users[]=‘john’;B、array_add($users,’john’);C、array_push($users,‘john’);D、$users[“name”]=‘john’;

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考题 下列值不为true的表达式有()。A、"john"=="john"B、"john".equals("john")C、"john"="john"D、"john".equals(new String("john"))

考题 公共关系所借用的“形象”一词则不局限于个别的、具体的、直观的范畴,而具有更为深层的意义?

考题 “John is reading the newspaper”变成被动语态是()A、The newspaper is reading by JohnB、The newspaper is by John readingC、The newspaper is being read by JohnD、The newspaper is being readed by John

考题 下列语句错误的是()。A、char*p=“John”;p[2]=‘a’;B、charname[5]=“John”;name[2]=’a’;C、charname[5]=“John”,*p=name;p[2]=‘a’;D、charname[5]=“John”,*p=name[1];p[2]=‘a’;

考题 下列哪些表达式返回的是true()。A、"john"=="john"B、"john".equals("john")C、"john"="john"D、"john".equals(newButton("john"))

考题 下列()汇票的写法是指示性抬头。A、pay to John Davids or bearerB、pay to John Davids onlyC、pay to John Davids not transferableD、pay to John Davids

考题 Which command will create a group called ’delivery’ and set the administrators to ’john’ and ’mary’?()  A、mkgroup -A=john,mary deliveryB、groupadd -A=john,mary deliveryC、mkgroup adms=john,mary deliveryD、groupadd adms=john,mary delivery

考题 单选题Generally regarded as the most influential social science treatise of the 20th century, John Maynard Keynes wrote a book, The General Theol of Employment Interest and Money that forever changed the way scientists looked at the economy.A John Maynard Keynes wrote a book, The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money thatB a book by John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, thatC John Maynard Keynes’ book The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money had alreadyD John Maynard Keynes wrote a book The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money havingE John Maynard Keynes’ book The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money

考题 单选题使用(),动物卫生监督机构应当依法收缴,并责令停止诊疗活动,没收违法所得;违法所得在3万元以上的,并处违法所得1倍以上3倍以下罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足3万元的,并处3000元以上3万元以下罚款。出让、出租、出借动物诊疗许可证的,原发证机关应当收回、注销其动物诊疗许可证A 伪造、变造、受让、租用、借用的动物诊疗许可证的B 伪造、自造、受让、占用、借用的执业兽医资格证的C 伪造、仿造、转让、租用、暂用的动物诊疗许可证的D 伪造、变造、受让、购用、借用动物诊疗营业执照的E 伪造、仿造、受让、租用、借用的动物养殖许可证的

考题 判断题由文艺复兴时期的文学题材“传奇”借用而来的是“浪漫主义”一词。A 对B 错

考题 判断题“动物精神”一词,是借用自凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的著名概念。A 对B 错

考题 单选题下列()汇票的写法是指示性抬头。A pay to John Davids or bearerB pay to John Davids onlyC pay to John Davids not transferableD pay to John Davids

考题 多选题根据《麻醉药品和精神药品管理条例》,有关医疗机构紧急借用麻醉药品和第一类精神药品的说法正确的是()A紧急借用的麻醉药品和第一类精神药品必须是抢救病人急需而本医疗机构无法提供时B可以从其他医疗机构紧急借用C可以从定点批发企业紧急借用D可以从定点生产企业紧急借用E抢救工作结束后,应当及时将借用情况报所在地设区的市级药品监督管理部门和卫生主管部门备案

考题 单选题下列语句错误的是()。A char*p=“John”;p[2]=‘a’;B charname[5]=“John”;name[2]=’a’;C charname[5]=“John”,*p=name;p[2]=‘a’;D charname[5]=“John”,*p=name[1];p[2]=‘a’;

考题 单选题The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of()A Adam SmithB John Maynard KeynesC Margaret ThatcherD Karl Marx