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The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of()

AAdam Smith

BJohn Maynard Keynes

CMargaret Thatcher

DKarl Marx


更多 “The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of()AAdam SmithBJohn Maynard KeynesCMargaret ThatcherDKarl Marx” 相关考题
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考题 The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory of()A、Adam SmithB、John Maynard KeynesC、Margaret ThatcherD、Karl Marx

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考题 经济政策(economic policy)

考题 Refer to Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewall, where will the inspection policy be applied?()A、to the zone-pairB、to the zoneC、to the interfaceD、to the global service policy

考题 Regarding a route-based versus policy-based IPsec VPN, which statement is true?()A、A route-based VPN generally uses less resources than a policy-based VPN.B、A route-based VPN cannot have a deny action in a policy; a policy-based VPN can have a deny action.C、A route-based VPN is better suited for dialup or remote access compared to a policy-based VPN.D、A route-based VPN uses a policy referencing the IPsec VPN; a policy-based VPN policy does not use apolicy referencing the IPsec VPN

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考题 单选题You have enabled backup optimization in RMAN. You issue the following RMAN command to configure a redundancy-based retention policy:   CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 3;   Which statement is true?()A  The command fails because you cannot configure a redundancy-based retention policy when backup  optimization is enabledB  Backup optimization is performed, but RMAN considers the redundancy-based retention policy when it determines which datafiles should be backed upC  Backup optimization is permanently disabledD  Backup optimization is temporarily disabled because a redundancy-based retention policy is specified

考题 单选题The policy the United States actually pursued in the first two years of WWI was()A impartial neutralityB partial neutralityC firm support of the AlliesD Pro-Ally partial neutrality

考题 单选题Refer to Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewall, where will the inspection policy be applied?()A to the zone-pairB to the zoneC to the interfaceD to the global service policy

考题 单选题Regarding a route-based versus policy-based IPsec VPN, which statement is true?()A A route-based VPN generally uses less resources than a policy-based VPN.B A route-based VPN cannot have a deny action in a policy; a policy-based VPN can have a deny action.C A route-based VPN is better suited for dialup or remote access compared to a policy-based VPN.D A route-based VPN uses a policy referencing the IPsec VPN; a policy-based VPN policy does not use apolicy referencing the IPsec VPN

考题 名词解释题经济政策(economic policy)

考题 多选题Which two configuration elements are required for a policy-based VPN?()AIKE gatewayBsecure tunnel interfaceCsecurity policy to permit the IKE trafficDsecurity policy referencing the IPsec VPN tunnel

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