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Navigators use navigational aids, such as()(罗经).

  • A、sextant
  • B、binoculars
  • C、compass
  • D、loran


更多 “Navigators use navigational aids, such as()(罗经).A、sextantB、binocularsC、compassD、loran” 相关考题
考题 No navigational aids are shown and chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines.For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be______.A.boughtB.analyzedC.consultedD.Published

考题 The correction to be applied to a LoranC reading when matching a sky wave to a ground wave may be found______.A.on loran charts covering areas where sky waves are usedB.in the Radio Aids to Navigation PUB 117C.in the LoranC Correction TablesD.Sky waves cannot be matched to ground waves in LoranC to produce a usable reading

考题 navigational aidsA.助航设备B.航行警告C.主罗经D.磁罗经

考题 Officers observe ships with a pair of __(望远镜).A.sextantB.binocularsC.compassD.radar

考题 Navigators use navigational aids, such as__(罗经).A.sextantB.binocularsC.compassD.loran

考题 No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be ______.A.referred toB.appreciatedC.met withD.concerned

考题 As operator of a 199 GT towing vessel sailing foreign,it shall be your duty to enter in the Official Logbook or other permanent record ______.A.all information contained on the barge's Certificate of InspectionB.the condition of all towing gear to be usedC.all navigational aids to be usedD.the barges load line and draft readings

考题 The information on ______ is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100).A.IALA Buoyage systemB.hydrography,topography,navigational aids and their servicesC.basic meteorology and navigation in ice and hazards and restrictions to navigationD.information on tides,currents and characteristics of the sea

考题 The operation of which aids to navigation may be suspended during war or national emergency ________.A.Navigational satellitesB.LoranC.OmegaD.Any of the above

考题 The use of pulse groups and extremely precise timing at each Loran-C station makes possible the use of ______.A.High frequency pulsesB.Combinations of high and low frequency pulsesC.The same frequency for all stations in a chainD.Varied long and short pulses

考题 Officers observe ships with a pair of ()(望远镜).A、sextantB、binocularsC、compassD、radar

考题 navigational aids ()A、助航设备B、航行警告C、主罗经D、磁罗经

考题 Post two lookouts with ().A、sextantB、compassC、radarD、binoculars


考题 单选题The use of pulse groups and extremely precise timing at each Loran-C station makes possible the use of().A High frequency pulsesB Combinations of high and low frequency pulsesC The same frequency for all stations in a chainD Varied long and short pulses

考题 单选题No navigational aids are shown and chart is not kept()for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines joining Hurst pt. to Warden pt.A accurateB correctC correctedD accuracy

考题 单选题The information on()is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook.A IALA Buoyage systemB hydrography,topography,navigational aids and their servicesC basic meteorology and navigation in ice and hazards and restrictions to navigationD information on tides,currents and characteristics of the sea

考题 单选题No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be().A referred toB appreciatedC met withD concerned

考题 单选题There are many navigational aids().A in chief engineer's roomB in chief officer's roomC on the bridgeD on deck

考题 单选题navigational aids ()A 助航设备B 航行警告C 主罗经D 磁罗经

考题 单选题The Loran needs().A repairingB to repairC repairsD have repaired

考题 单选题Which of the following shall not the officers in charge of the navigational watch do?()A continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the shipB Leave the bridgeC Keep the watch on the bridgeD Use any available navigational aids necessary to ensure that the ship follows the planned course

考题 单选题Navigators use navigational aids, such as()(罗经).A sextantB binocularsC compassD loran

考题 单选题Sidereal time is used by navigators when().A used with the equation of timeB used in the form of LHA AriesC calculating the time of moonriseD determining local apparent time

考题 单选题No navigational aids are shown and chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be().A boughtB analyzedC consultedD published

考题 单选题The correction to be applied to a Loran-C reading when matching a sky wave to a ground wave may be found().A on loran charts covering areas where sky waves are usedB in the Radio Aids to Navigation,PUB 117C in the Loran-C Correction TablesD Sky waves cannot be matched to ground waves in LORAN-C to produce a usable reading

考题 单选题As operator of a 199 GT towing vessel sailing foreign,it shall be your duty to enter in the Official Logbook or other permanent record().A all information contained on the barge's Certificate of InspectionB the condition of all towing gear to be usedC all navigational aids to be usedD the barges load line and draft readings