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Radar is of great help to ship in poor()(能见度).

  • A、visibility
  • B、VHF
  • C、visible
  • D、compass


更多 “Radar is of great help to ship in poor()(能见度).A、visibilityB、VHFC、visibleD、compass” 相关考题
考题 Why was Anna willing to help the poor?________________________.

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考题 I thought 'some good.______ .(advice) to help the poor.

考题 Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a ___ on the screens of ship’s radar sets.A.incorrect imageB.distinctive imageC.pictorial imageD.pictographic image

考题 Radar reflectors are required for ______.A.all fishing vessels over 39 feet in lengthB.sail-propelled fishing vesselsC.all fishing vessels of less than 200 GTD.wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo

考题 The appearance of nimbostratus clouds in the immediate vicinity of a ship at sea would be accompanied by which of the following conditions?______.A.Rain and poor visibilityB.Dropping barometric pressure and backing wind in the Northern HemisphereC.High winds and rising seaD.Severe thunderstorms

考题 The common way to obtain your ship’s position is ______.A.keeping a close watch and lookoutB.taking a radar range and bearingC.observing a radar target and listening to signalsD.keeping a well clear caution

考题 Radar is of great help to ship in poor ___ (能见度).A.visibilityB.VHFC.visibleD.compass

考题 Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with ______.A.ship's clockB.engine movement recorderC.repeatersD.navigation lights

考题 Your radar is set on a true motion display.Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope ________.A.Echoes from a buoyB.Own ship's markerC.Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speedD.Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed

考题 In determining a safe speed of your ship, _____ shall not be among those taken into account.A.the state of visibilityB.the traffic densityC.the number of crew on boardD.the maneuverability of the vessel

考题 Because of the (), we have to keep a sharp lookout.A、poor visibilityB、good visibilityC、good weatherD、dry weather

考题 ()is the eye of the ship.A、Engine roomB、BridgeC、DeckD、Compass

考题 单选题Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a()on the screens of ship’s radar sets.A incorrect imageB distinctive imageC pictorial imageD pictographic image

考题 单选题Knowing the compass heading that is 90°to the side of a ship will enable the operator of a survival craft to initially steer().A into the windB away in fire and smokeC directly to the standby boatD directly to the nearest land

考题 单选题For ship-to-shore distress alerts, you can use().A INMARSAT, EPIRB and DSCB NAVTEX, NBDP and R/TC INMARSAT, VHF and SARTD EPIRB, DSC and radar

考题 单选题Radar is of great help to ship in poor()(能见度).A visibilityB VHFC visibleD compass

考题 单选题When the power of SART is on, it will().A transmit distress signalB send response signalC transmit the signal of ship‟s positionD be start by X-band radar

考题 单选题The fitting of an efficient radar reflector is likely to considerably increase the ship’s probability of().A detectionB being detectedC the detectiveD the detected

考题 单选题At that time my ship and others were()within 40 degrees of the compass.A yawingB movinC turningD pitching

考题 单选题Radar reflectors are required for().A all fishing vessels over 39 feet in lengthB sail-propelled fishing vesselsC all fishing vessels of less than 200 GTD wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo

考题 单选题To center a compass bowl in its binnacle,you should have the ship on an even keel,heading north or south,and adjust the screws until().A the compass heading is in line with the lubber's lineB there is no lost motion in the gimbal ringsC no change of heading by compass is observed if you raise and lower the heeling magnetD the gimbal rings do not strike the compass frame when they are tilted

考题 单选题My ship has been delayed()poor visibility.A becauseB in reason ofC owing toD for

考题 单选题The common way to obtain your ship’s position is().A keeping a close watch and lookoutB taking a radar range and bearingC observing a radar target and listening to signalsD keeping a well clear caution

考题 单选题Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision? ()A Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vesselB Systematic observation of objects detected by radarC Long-range radar scanningD All of the above

考题 单选题Your radar is set on a true motion display.Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope().A Echoes from a buoyB Own ship's markerC Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speedD Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed

考题 单选题At least()radar transponder shall be carried on each side of every cargo ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards.A oneB twoC threeD four