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  • A、切勿倾倒(垃圾)
  • B、切勿倒置(桐油)
  • C、切勿平放(货物)
  • D、切勿挤压(箱子)


更多 “NO DUMPING()A、切勿倾倒(垃圾)B、切勿倒置(桐油)C、切勿平放(货物)D、切勿挤压(箱子)” 相关考题
考题 2 Your firm was appointed as auditor to Indigo Co, an iron and steel corporation, in September 2005. You are themanager in charge of the audit of the financial statements of Indigo, for the year ending 31 December 2005.Indigo owns office buildings, a workshop and a substantial stockyard on land that was leased in 1995 for 25 years.Day-to-day operations are managed by the chief accountant, purchasing manager and workshop supervisor whoreport to the managing director.All iron, steel and other metals are purchased for cash at ‘scrap’ prices determined by the purchasing manager. Scrapmetal is mostly high volume. A weighbridge at the entrance to the stockyard weighs trucks and vans before and afterthe scrap metals that they carry are unloaded into the stockyard.Two furnaces in the workshop melt down the salvageable scrap metal into blocks the size of small bricks that are thenstored in the workshop. These are sold on both credit and cash terms. The furnaces are now 10 years old and havean estimated useful life of a further 15 years. However, the furnace linings are replaced every four years. An annualprovision is made for 25% of the estimated cost of the next relining. A by-product of the operation of the furnaces isthe production of ‘clinker’. Most of this is sold, for cash, for road surfacing but some is illegally dumped.Indigo’s operations are subsidised by the local authority as their existence encourages recycling and means that thereis less dumping of metal items. Indigo receives a subsidy calculated at 15% of the market value of metals purchased,as declared in a quarterly return. The return for the quarter to 31 December 2005 is due to be submitted on21 January 2006.Indigo maintains manual inventory records by metal and estimated quality. Indigo counted inventory at 30 November2005 with the intention of ‘rolling-forward’ the purchasing manager’s valuation as at that date to the year-endquantities per the manual records. However, you were not aware of this until you visited Indigo yesterday to planyour year-end procedures.During yesterday’s tour of Indigo’s premises you saw that:(i) sheets of aluminium were strewn across fields adjacent to the stockyard after a storm blew them away;(ii) much of the vast quantity of iron piled up in the stockyard is rusty;(iii) piles of copper and brass, that can be distinguished with a simple acid test, have been mixed up.The count sheets show that metal quantities have increased, on average, by a third since last year; the quantity ofaluminium, however, is shown to be three times more. There is no suitably qualified metallurgical expert to valueinventory in the region in which Indigo operates.The chief accountant disappeared on 1 December, taking the cash book and cash from three days’ sales with him.The cash book was last posted to the general ledger as at 31 October 2005. The managing director has made anallegation of fraud against the chief accountant to the police.The auditor’s report on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004 was unmodified.Required:(a) Describe the principal audit procedures to be carried out on the opening balances of the financial statementsof Indigo Co for the year ending 31 December 2005. (6 marks)

考题 You need to dump the data from the master server and import it into a new slave server.Which mysqldump option can be used when dumping data from the master server in order to include the master server‘s binary log information?()A.Include-master-infoB.Master-binlogC.Include-log-fileD.Master-data

考题 Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate ______.A.cable areasB.dumping groundsC.fish trap areasD.precautionary areas

考题 In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship ______ involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.A.is notB.has notC.do notD.does not

考题 共用题干 Prolonging Human LifeProlonging human life has increased the size of the human population. Many people alivetoday would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born 100 years ago.Becausemore people live longer,there are more people around at any given time. In fact,it is a decrease in death rates,not an increase in birthrates,that has led to the population explosion.Prolonging human life has also increased the dependency load. In all societies,people who are disabled or too young or too old to work are dependent on the rest of society to provide for them. In hunting and gathering cultures,old people who could not keep up might be left behind to die. In times of famine,infants might be allowed to die because they could not survive if their parents starved,whereas if the parents survived they could have another child. In most contemporary societies,people feel a moral obligation to keep people alive whether they can work or not. We have a great many people today who live past the age at which they want to work or are able to work;we also have rules which require people to retire at a certain age. Unless these people were able to save money for their retirement,some-body else must support them. In the United States many retired people live on social security checks which are so little that they must live in near poverty. Older people have more illness than young or middle-aged people;unless they have wealth or private or government insur-ance,they must often“go on welfare” if they have a serious illness.When older people become senile or too weak and ill to care for themselves,they create grave problems for their families. In the past and in some traditional cultures,they would be cared for at home until they died. Today,with most members of a household working or in school,there is often no one at home who can care for a sick or weak person. To meet this need,a great many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals have been built.These are of-ten profit-making organizations,although some are sponsored by religious and other nonprofit groups.While a few of these institutions are good,most of them are simply“dumping grounds”for the dying in which“care”is given by poorly paid,overworked,and under-skilled personnel.According to the passage,which of the following statements about retired people in the United States is true?A: Many of them have a very hard life.B: They cannot live a decent life without enough bank savings.C: They rely mainly on their children for financial support.D: Most of them live with their children and therefore are well looked after.

考题 共用题干 Prolonging Human LifeProlonging human life has increased the size of the human population.Many people alive to-day would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born 100 years ago.Because more people live longer,there are more people around at any given time.In fact,it is a decrease in death rates,not an increase in birthrates,that has led to the population explosion.Prolonging human life has also increased the dependency load.In all societies,people who are disabled or too young or too old to work are dependent on the rest of society to provide for them.In hunting and gathering cultures,old people who could not keep up might be left behind to die .In times of famine,infants might be allowed to die because they could not survive if their parents starved,whereas if the parents survived they could have another child.In most contempo- rary societies,people feel a moral obligation to keep people alive whether they can work or not. We have a great many people today who live past the age at which they want to work or are able to work;we also have rules which require people to retire at a certain age.Unless these people were able to save money for their retirement,somebody else must support them .In the United States many retired people live on social security checks which are so little that they must live in nearpoverty .Older people have more illness than young or middle-aged people;unless they have wealth or private or government insurance,they must often"go on welfare"if they have a serious illness.When older people become senile or too weak and ill to care for themselves,they create grave problems for their families.In the past and in some traditional cultures,they would be cared for at home until they died.Today,with most members of a household working or in school,there is often no one at home who can care for a sick or weak person.To meet this need, a great many nursing homes and convalescent hospitals have been built.These are often profit-making organizations,although some are sponsored by religious and other nonprofit groups.While a few of these institutions are good,most of them are simply"dumping grounds"for the dying in which"care"is given by poorly paid,overworked,and under-skilled personnel. The writer believes that the population explosion results from______.A: an increase in birthratesB: the industrial developmentC: a decrease in death ratesD: cultural advances

考题 共用题干 What We Take From and Give to the SeaAs long as we have been on earth,we have used the sea around us.We take things from the ocean,and we give to it.We take fishes from the ocean-millions of kilograms of fish,every year,to feed millions of people.______(46)We take minerals from the ocean.One way to get salt is to place seawater in a shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates.______(47) Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea,too.But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation.Other gifts from the sea are pearls,sponges and seaweed.Pearls become jewelry.______(48)Seaweed becomes food of many kinds-even candy,and ice cream-as well as medicine.Believe it or not,fresh water is another gift from the sea.We cannot drink ocean water.______(49)But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed.In the future,we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea.The sea gives us food,fertilizer,minerals,water,and other gifts .What do we give the sea?Garbage.______(50)Huge as it is,the ocean cannot hold all the water we pour into it. Dumping garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life.Yet as the world population grows,we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.We are finally learning that if we destroy our sea,we might also destroy ourselves.Hopeful-ly,it is not too late.______(48)A: Natural sponges become cleaning aids.B: We pollute the ocean when we use it as a garbage dump.C: The area of the sea is becoming smaller and smaller.D: Along with salt,other minerals are left after evaporation.E: We even use their bones for fertilizer.F: Some of its contents may cause illness.


考题 NO DUMPING()A、切勿倾倒B、切勿受潮C、切勿挤压D、切勿倒置

考题 You need to dump the data from the master server and import it into a new slave server. Which mysqldump option can be used when dumping data from the master server in order to include the master server's binary log information?()A、Include-master-infoB、Master-binlogC、Include-log-fileD、Master-data

考题 单选题In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship()involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.A is notB has notC do notD does not

考题 单选题Which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in the first sentence of the text?A Although a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase, the town’s tax rate exceeds that of other towns in the surrounding area.B Although a state.passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that can be disposed of in public landfills, illegal dumping continues to increase.C Although a town’s citizens reduce their individual use of water, the town’s water supplies continue to dwindle, because of a steady increase in the total populating of the town.D Although a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by adding a tax to the price of imported goods, the sate of imported goods within the country continues to increase.

考题 单选题At the beginning of the 20th century, people made coffee ______ a cloth bag full of coffee grounds into boiling water.A by dumpingB to dump C for dumping D that dumped

考题 单选题The dumping of refuse in a lock is permitted().A when approved by the lockmasterB when locking downboundC at no timeD during high water only

考题 问答题Pollution and Ecocrisis  The problem of pollution is also of great social concern. Continued population increase, accompanied by a rise in the level of living standards, not only threatens to exhaust American resources but pollutes the environment to such an extent that production in the thickly settled area is impossible without damaging the health of the local residents.  Smog, once an urban annoyance, is now recognized as a health risk, and the automobile has been pinpointed as the principal culprit. Heavy industries have been blamed for river, soil, air, noise and visual pollutions. DDT and other chemical remedies have been doing more ecological harm than the good that they may have brought along.  Several decades ago, Americans dumped raw sewage into rivers and many industrial plants are now still dumping chemical pollutants into lakes, rivers and oceans. Oceans used to be and are still being considered to be a reserve of seafood. Today, after the oceans have become the home of all pollutants, this use of the oceans is being reduced at an alarming rate.  The worst pollution threat is concentrated in and near large cities. There the people-made pollutants increasingly surpass the ability of air and water to dilute (冲淡;稀释) the contaminants (污染物) to safe levels. The natural ecological cycle depends on plants, which absorb some pollutants and release oxygen to the air. But near large cities, natural vegetation becomes scarce, and introduced trees, ornamental shrubs and gardens are far from adequate in absorbing motor vehicle and industrial air pollutants. Finally, some pollutants, most notably atomic waste, may continue to contaminate air, land, and water for thousands of years. Therefore, ecocrisis—ecocatastrophe or ecocide—has been for some time one of the major concerns of not only the ecoactivists and environmentalists, but of many scientists of other fields and the government authorities of many countries as well.  Last but not least, there is the question of whether the people will eventually be able to solve all these problems. The American continent is a wealthy land inhabited by many able and well-  educated people. There today, people have originated a life-style which is known to the world as being characteristic of a society of consumption—a life-style based on the prodigal (挥霍浪费的) use of material goods. They are using up many times their share of the earth’s resources at a rate unparalleled in history. And I am sorry to say that this life-style of American has been copied by the people of many developed countries, leading to the greatest problem of the modem world as a whole. So I must ask: Are the Americans apt enough to cooperate with other peoples to prevent over-population, resource exhaustion, the catastrophe of pollution and the wanton waste of wealth — problems which are basic to the solution of many outstanding economic, social and political problems? Only time will tell.

考题 单选题NO DUMPING()A 切勿倾倒(垃圾)B 切勿倒置(桐油)C 切勿平放(货物)D 切勿挤压(箱子)


考题 单选题NO DUMPING()A 切勿倾倒B 切勿受潮C 切勿挤压D 切勿倒置

考题 问答题Practice 4  The problem of pollution is also of great social concern. Continued population increase, accompanied by a rise in the level of living standards, not only threatens to exhaust American resources but pollutes the environment to such an extent that production in the thickly settled area is impossible without damaging the health of the local residents.  Smog, once an urban annoyance, is now recognized as a health risk, and the automobile has been pinpointed as the principal culprit. Heavy industries have been blamed for river, soil, air, noise and visual pollutions. DDT and other chemical remedies have been doing more ecological harm than the good that they may have brought along.  Several decades ago, Americans dumped raw sewage into rivers and many industrial plants are now still dumping chemical pollutants into lakes, rivers and oceans. Oceans used to be and are still being considered to be a reserve of seafood. Today, after the oceans have become the home of all pollutants, this use of the oceans is being reduced at an alarming rate.  The worst pollution threat is concentrated in and near large cities. There the people-made pollutants increasingly surpass the ability of air and water to dilute (冲淡;稀释) the contaminants (污染物) to safe levels. The natural ecological cycle depends on plants, which absorb some pollutants and release oxygen to the air. But near large cities, natural vegetation becomes scarce, and introduced trees, ornamental shrubs and gardens are far from adequate in absorbing motor vehicle and industrial air pollutants. Finally, some pollutants, most notably atomic waste, may continue to contaminate air, land, and water for thousands of years. Therefore, ecocrisis—ecocatastrophe or ecocide—has been for some time one of the major concerns of not only the ecoactivists and environmentalists, but of many scientists of other fields and the government authorities of many countries as well.