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They will take ()against pirates and pilferage.

  • A、measures
  • B、turns
  • C、place
  • D、part


更多 “They will take ()against pirates and pilferage.A、measuresB、turnsC、placeD、part” 相关考题
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考题 1861年11月,法国著名文学家雨果曾在给一个名叫巴特勒的上尉的复信中愤怒地谴责道:One day,two pirates(海盗)broke into the Winter Palace.信中的two pirates指的是()A.英国和美国B.英国和法国C.美国和俄国D.法国和俄国

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考题 They will() against pirates and pilferage.A、take placeB、take overC、take measuresD、take up

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考题 1861年11月,法国著名文学家雨果曾在给一个名叫巴特勒的上尉的复信中愤怒地谴责道:“One day,two pirates(海盗)broke into the Winter Palace.”信中的“two pirates”指的是()A、英国和美国B、英国和法国C、美国和俄国D、法国和俄国

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考题 单选题They will() against pirates and pilferage.A take placeB take overC take measuresD take up

考题 单选题They will take()(措施) against pirates and pilferage.A measuresB turnsC placeD part

考题 单选题A packet is evaluated against three user-defined terms within a firewall filter and no match is found. What correctly describes the action the firewall filter will take for this packet?()A The filter will permit the packet and take no additional actionB The filter will reject the packet and send an ICMP message back to the senderC The filter will discard the packet and take no additional actionD The filter will permit the packet and write a log entry to the firewall log

考题 单选题A packet is evaluated against three user-defined terms within a firewall filter and no match is found. What correctly describes the action the firewall filter will take for this packet?()A The filter will permit the packet and take no additional action.B The filter will reject the packet and send an ICMP message back to the sender.C The filter will discard the packet and take no additional action.D The filter will permit the packet and write a log entry to the firewall log.

考题 单选题They will take ()against pirates and pilferage.A measuresB turnsC placeD part

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