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If I had more money, I()travel around the world.

  • A、will
  • B、want
  • C、would
  • D、like


更多 “If I had more money, I()travel around the world.A、willB、wantC、wouldD、like” 相关考题
考题 Please answer the phone. It () be by your father. If it is, would you tell that I want to see him? A.willB.shouldC.wouldD.could

考题 When I leave university in July, I don’t want to get a job straightaway. I’ve worked hard for 3 years, and now I need a long holiday. I’ll have to work for the rest of my life, so now is a good time to take a break. I’d like to travel around the world for a few months. I抳e already bought a ticket to go and visit my relatives in New Zealand. I leave on August 14th. I plan to work there for a while. On the way back from there I hope to visit an old friend of mine in America, and I want to go to Canada as well. I might stop in some other places, too. I haven抰 decided yet. When I finish travelling, I will have to get a job. I studied economics at Bristol University, and my father works in a bank, so I抣l probably work there at first. I?m not looking forward to that, but I want to buy a house one day, so I’ll have to earn some money.(1). I want to get a job as soon as possible.A、 RightB、Wrong(2). I’ll first go to New Zealand.A、 RightB、Wrong(3). I have relatives in America.A、 RightB、Wrong(4). I’ll probably work in a bank.A、 RightB、Wrong(5). I’ll earn some money to travel around the world.A、 RightB、Wrong

考题 I had to earn a lot of money__________ I could buy my children nice clothes andtoys.A. more or lessB. so thatC. now thatD. sooner or later

考题 Would you like some more beer?(),please.A. Just a littleB. No moreC. I've had enough

考题 I thought you()like something to read. So I have brought you some books.A. willB. mightC. would

考题 I visited Jiuzhaigou last autumn. Never in my lifeso beautiful a place like that.()A. I had seenB. did I seeC. had I seenD. I shall see

考题 We _____ rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch.A: willB: shouldC: wouldD: could

考题 Your friend's mother, Mrs Keeler, asked if you would like something to eat. What would you say to refuse politely?A、Not for the moment, thank you, Mrs Keeler, I'm full.B、No, thanks. I've just had lunch.C、Oh, no, Mrs Keeler, I haven't long had lunch.D、I'm full and have no room for any more.

考题 They offered me this expensive wine but frankly ______ I had had beer.A、I’d betterB、I’d preferC、I’d ratherD、I’d like

考题 – How much money do you want to deposit today? -- ___________.A、Two thousand Yuan.B、That’s wonderful.C、I like it.D、See you around.

考题 – What’s your plan for summer holiday? -- _____________.A、No plan.B、I like traveling.C、I’m going to travel around China.D、I’d like to travel.

考题 ---- Would you like some more soup?---- _______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough.A.Yes, please B.No, thank you C.Nothing more D.I’d like some

考题 --Why didn't you buy it?--I ______, but I didn't have the money.A. wouldB. would haveC. had hadD. had bought

考题 If he had really been there, I ___________ have seen himA.will B.shall C.should D.can

考题 Tom had once worked in a city office in London,but now he is out of work.He had a large family?to support,so he often found himself in difficulty.He often visited Mr.White on Sundays,told him about?his troubles,and asked for two or three pounds. Mr.White,a man with a kind heart,found it difficult to refuse the money,though he himself?was poor.Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr.White,but he always seemed?to be in need of some more. One day,after telling Mr.White a long story of his troubles,Tom asked for five pounds. Mr.White had heard this sort of thing before,but he listened patiently to the end.Then he?said,"I understand your difficulties,Tom.I′d like to help you.But I′m not going to give you five?pounds this time.I′11 lend you the money,and you can pay me off next time you see me." Tom took the money,but he never appeared again. Tom was now in difficulties because heA.worked in a city office and was poorly paid B.was poorly paid and had a large family to support C.was poorly paid and always spent money carelessly D.was out of work and had a large family to support

考题 Tom had once worked in a city office in London,but now he is out of work.He had a large family?to support,so he often found himself in difficulty.He often visited Mr.White on Sundays,told him about?his troubles,and asked for two or three pounds. Mr.White,a man with a kind heart,found it difficult to refuse the money,though he himself?was poor.Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr.White,but he always seemed?to be in need of some more. One day,after telling Mr.White a long story of his troubles,Tom asked for five pounds. Mr.White had heard this sort of thing before,but he listened patiently to the end.Then he?said,"I understand your difficulties,Tom.I′d like to help you.But I′m not going to give you five?pounds this time.I′11 lend you the money,and you can pay me off next time you see me." Tom took the money,but he never appeared again. Every time Tom went to Mr.White,he would__________A.directly ask for some money B.give some reasons before asking for money C.give reasons and then borrow five pounds D.ask for money before explaining his troubles

考题 共用题干 Travelling Is My Life1. I am very fortunate.I am now a much-travelled woman,but until I was 20 I had never been anywhere more remote than Londan .And coming from a country village in the far south I was struck by the architectural beauty of the capital.I understood immediately why foreign tourists descend on it in their thousands.2. The first time I traveled abroad was when I went over to France on a cross Channel ferry.It was a school trip to Paris for a week,and I thought it was wonderful.The sights,the sounds,the smells,the language-they were all wonderful. I had never experienced anything like it,and the week had a profound effect on me.It gave me the travel bug!3. As a young girl I was always shy of strangers.I certainly had no plans to travel a lot.I left school and trained as a journalist on a local paper.and somehow slowly began to concentrate on travel .I had a procession of jobs before I got this one with the magazine.Although I still write articles on other subjects,my main occupation now is writing travel and tourism.4. I can appreciate now why tourists go halfway across the world to visit a place.I was brought up in the vicinity of a major British tourist attraction,but never went there myself and couldn't understand foreign visitors.You read about something halfway across the world and want to see it for yourself. I remember that was just why I went walking in the Himalayas and looked up at Everest, and why I went on a strange but wonderful cruise in the Antarctic .You can read about a place,but it is totally different to be there,to see,feel,smell and hear everything yourself.5. Perhaps not surprisingly I have been to a lot of popular tourist resorts in Europe,Africa,the Far East and the West Indies,for example.But I like to try and find those unknown,inaccessible places-not only for myself,but also for people who want something different. Sometimes it's frightening .I remember visiting a village on the side of a steep hill in Bolivia where the inhabitants stood motionless as I walked in and didn't move until I walked out.6. The career of the previous travel writer on the magazine I work for now came to an abrupt end when he quite simply disappeared somewhere in South America.He was on a special journey and had told someone at his hotel that he had found a native to ferry him up a river to some remote villages in the jungle.Nothing has been heard from him since then.One day I'd like to try and find out what happened to him. Paragraph 5______A: The Tourist MentalityB: Always Looking For the UnexpectedC: A Late DeveloperD: The Road to Being A Travel WriterE: A Sudden End to A CareerF: The First Taste of Travel

考题 共用题干 Travelling Is My Life1. I am very fortunate.I am now a much-travelled woman,but until I was 20 I had never been anywhere more remote than Londan .And coming from a country village in the far south I was struck by the architectural beauty of the capital.I understood immediately why foreign tourists descend on it in their thousands.2. The first time I traveled abroad was when I went over to France on a cross Channel ferry.It was a school trip to Paris for a week,and I thought it was wonderful.The sights,the sounds,the smells,the language-they were all wonderful. I had never experienced anything like it,and the week had a profound effect on me.It gave me the travel bug!3. As a young girl I was always shy of strangers.I certainly had no plans to travel a lot.I left school and trained as a journalist on a local paper.and somehow slowly began to concentrate on travel .I had a procession of jobs before I got this one with the magazine.Although I still write articles on other subjects,my main occupation now is writing travel and tourism.4. I can appreciate now why tourists go halfway across the world to visit a place.I was brought up in the vicinity of a major British tourist attraction,but never went there myself and couldn't understand foreign visitors.You read about something halfway across the world and want to see it for yourself. I remember that was just why I went walking in the Himalayas and looked up at Everest, and why I went on a strange but wonderful cruise in the Antarctic .You can read about a place,but it is totally different to be there,to see,feel,smell and hear everything yourself.5. Perhaps not surprisingly I have been to a lot of popular tourist resorts in Europe,Africa,the Far East and the West Indies,for example.But I like to try and find those unknown,inaccessible places-not only for myself,but also for people who want something different. Sometimes it's frightening .I remember visiting a village on the side of a steep hill in Bolivia where the inhabitants stood motionless as I walked in and didn't move until I walked out.6. The career of the previous travel writer on the magazine I work for now came to an abrupt end when he quite simply disappeared somewhere in South America.He was on a special journey and had told someone at his hotel that he had found a native to ferry him up a river to some remote villages in the jungle.Nothing has been heard from him since then.One day I'd like to try and find out what happened to him. This is an article that______.A: those unexpected,unknown and inaccessible places.B: a travel writer for a famous magazine tells us a little about her life and professionC: never been anywhereD: a journalist on a local paperE: been to London the remotest place for me at that timeF: tells us some interesting tourist resorts all over the world

考题 共用题干 Travelling Is My Life1. I am very fortunate.I am now a much-travelled woman,but until I was 20 I had never been anywhere more remote than Londan .And coming from a country village in the far south I was struck by the architectural beauty of the capital.I understood immediately why foreign tourists descend on it in their thousands.2. The first time I traveled abroad was when I went over to France on a cross Channel ferry.It was a school trip to Paris for a week,and I thought it was wonderful.The sights,the sounds,the smells,the language-they were all wonderful. I had never experienced anything like it,and the week had a profound effect on me.It gave me the travel bug!3. As a young girl I was always shy of strangers.I certainly had no plans to travel a lot.I left school and trained as a journalist on a local paper.and somehow slowly began to concentrate on travel .I had a procession of jobs before I got this one with the magazine.Although I still write articles on other subjects,my main occupation now is writing travel and tourism.4. I can appreciate now why tourists go halfway across the world to visit a place.I was brought up in the vicinity of a major British tourist attraction,but never went there myself and couldn't understand foreign visitors.You read about something halfway across the world and want to see it for yourself. I remember that was just why I went walking in the Himalayas and looked up at Everest, and why I went on a strange but wonderful cruise in the Antarctic .You can read about a place,but it is totally different to be there,to see,feel,smell and hear everything yourself.5. Perhaps not surprisingly I have been to a lot of popular tourist resorts in Europe,Africa,the Far East and the West Indies,for example.But I like to try and find those unknown,inaccessible places-not only for myself,but also for people who want something different. Sometimes it's frightening .I remember visiting a village on the side of a steep hill in Bolivia where the inhabitants stood motionless as I walked in and didn't move until I walked out.6. The career of the previous travel writer on the magazine I work for now came to an abrupt end when he quite simply disappeared somewhere in South America.He was on a special journey and had told someone at his hotel that he had found a native to ferry him up a river to some remote villages in the jungle.Nothing has been heard from him since then.One day I'd like to try and find out what happened to him. Before 20 years old,I had______.A: those unexpected,unknown and inaccessible places.B: a travel writer for a famous magazine tells us a little about her life and professionC: never been anywhereD: a journalist on a local paperE: been to London the remotest place for me at that timeF: tells us some interesting tourist resorts all over the world

考题 共用题干 Travelling Is My Life1. I am very fortunate.I am now a much-travelled woman,but until I was 20 I had never been anywhere more remote than Londan .And coming from a country village in the far south I was struck by the architectural beauty of the capital.I understood immediately why foreign tourists descend on it in their thousands.2. The first time I traveled abroad was when I went over to France on a cross Channel ferry.It was a school trip to Paris for a week,and I thought it was wonderful.The sights,the sounds,the smells,the language-they were all wonderful. I had never experienced anything like it,and the week had a profound effect on me.It gave me the travel bug!3. As a young girl I was always shy of strangers.I certainly had no plans to travel a lot.I left school and trained as a journalist on a local paper.and somehow slowly began to concentrate on travel .I had a procession of jobs before I got this one with the magazine.Although I still write articles on other subjects,my main occupation now is writing travel and tourism.4. I can appreciate now why tourists go halfway across the world to visit a place.I was brought up in the vicinity of a major British tourist attraction,but never went there myself and couldn't understand foreign visitors.You read about something halfway across the world and want to see it for yourself. I remember that was just why I went walking in the Himalayas and looked up at Everest, and why I went on a strange but wonderful cruise in the Antarctic .You can read about a place,but it is totally different to be there,to see,feel,smell and hear everything yourself.5. Perhaps not surprisingly I have been to a lot of popular tourist resorts in Europe,Africa,the Far East and the West Indies,for example.But I like to try and find those unknown,inaccessible places-not only for myself,but also for people who want something different. Sometimes it's frightening .I remember visiting a village on the side of a steep hill in Bolivia where the inhabitants stood motionless as I walked in and didn't move until I walked out.6. The career of the previous travel writer on the magazine I work for now came to an abrupt end when he quite simply disappeared somewhere in South America.He was on a special journey and had told someone at his hotel that he had found a native to ferry him up a river to some remote villages in the jungle.Nothing has been heard from him since then.One day I'd like to try and find out what happened to him. After graduation,I became______.A: those unexpected,unknown and inaccessible places.B: a travel writer for a famous magazine tells us a little about her life and professionC: never been anywhereD: a journalist on a local paperE: been to London the remotest place for me at that timeF: tells us some interesting tourist resorts all over the world

考题 共用题干 Travelling Is My Life1. I am very fortunate.I am now a much-travelled woman,but until I was 20 I had never been anywhere more remote than Londan .And coming from a country village in the far south I was struck by the architectural beauty of the capital.I understood immediately why foreign tourists descend on it in their thousands.2. The first time I traveled abroad was when I went over to France on a cross Channel ferry.It was a school trip to Paris for a week,and I thought it was wonderful.The sights,the sounds,the smells,the language-they were all wonderful. I had never experienced anything like it,and the week had a profound effect on me.It gave me the travel bug!3. As a young girl I was always shy of strangers.I certainly had no plans to travel a lot.I left school and trained as a journalist on a local paper.and somehow slowly began to concentrate on travel .I had a procession of jobs before I got this one with the magazine.Although I still write articles on other subjects,my main occupation now is writing travel and tourism.4. I can appreciate now why tourists go halfway across the world to visit a place.I was brought up in the vicinity of a major British tourist attraction,but never went there myself and couldn't understand foreign visitors.You read about something halfway across the world and want to see it for yourself. I remember that was just why I went walking in the Himalayas and looked up at Everest, and why I went on a strange but wonderful cruise in the Antarctic .You can read about a place,but it is totally different to be there,to see,feel,smell and hear everything yourself.5. Perhaps not surprisingly I have been to a lot of popular tourist resorts in Europe,Africa,the Far East and the West Indies,for example.But I like to try and find those unknown,inaccessible places-not only for myself,but also for people who want something different. Sometimes it's frightening .I remember visiting a village on the side of a steep hill in Bolivia where the inhabitants stood motionless as I walked in and didn't move until I walked out.6. The career of the previous travel writer on the magazine I work for now came to an abrupt end when he quite simply disappeared somewhere in South America.He was on a special journey and had told someone at his hotel that he had found a native to ferry him up a river to some remote villages in the jungle.Nothing has been heard from him since then.One day I'd like to try and find out what happened to him. The most interesting places that I like to visit are______.A: those unexpected,unknown and inaccessible places.B: a travel writer for a famous magazine tells us a little about her life and professionC: never been anywhereD: a journalist on a local paperE: been to London the remotest place for me at that timeF: tells us some interesting tourist resorts all over the world

考题 Would you like some more coffee?()AYes. I wouldBNo, I wouldn'tCNo, thank youDI've had enough

考题 ()you like some coffee?A、WillB、ShallC、WouldD、Should

考题 Today Chinese()by more and more people around the world.A、was spokenB、is spokenC、spokeD、speak

考题 Would you like some more coffee?()A、Yes. I wouldB、No, I wouldn'tC、No, thank youD、I've had enough

考题 单选题Would you like some more coffee?()A Yes. I wouldB No, I wouldn'tC No, thank youD I've had enough

考题 单选题If I had more money, I()travel around the world.A willB wantC wouldD like