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Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems?()

PIN photodiodes


zero-chirped lasers


Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers


dispersion compensating fiber


dispersion compensating Bragg grating


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems?()APIN photodiodesBzero-chirped lasersCErbium-doped fiber amplifiersDdispersion compensating fiberEdispersion compensating Bragg grating” 相关考题
考题 单选题What is the maximum number of CTI ports for an IPCC Expess Standard deployment? ()A 150 B 200 C 300 D Depends upon how many expansion servers are used E Depends upon the number of applications configured

考题 单选题How does weighted random early detection (WRED) prevent packet loss?()A increases link capacityB increases buffer space to accommodate bursts of traffic from delay-sensitive applicationsC provides prioritized forwarding for drop-sensitive applicationsD drop lower priority packets before congestion occursE separates traffic into as many as 64 queues that can be uniquely prioritized

考题 单选题After the site installation is complete, you should verify the mobility of the VoWLAN device whilewalking the site on an active phone call. Which Cisco WLC or Cisco WCS command is mostbeneficial in determining roaming efficiency?()A show {802.11a 802.11b} 2roam statistics B show client roam-history C show client tsm 802.11a/b/g  D show client detail E show client ap-roam-history 

考题 单选题第一幼儿园为幼儿准备膳食正确的是()A 蛋白质仍以优质蛋白为主B 软硬程度同成人C 为使小儿集中精力进食,花色尽量单一D 按需进食E 每日6餐

考题 单选题患儿,女,1岁,体重为10kg,其母向社区护士咨询有关喂养问题该小儿每日主要添加的辅食为()A 鱼肝油B 蛋黄、菜泥C 菜水、水果汁D 饼干、馒头片E 软饭、面条、碎菜、碎肉

考题 多选题What two things happen when the CRS Publisher Database on an HRDB expansion server fails?()AAll call processing immediately begins using the CRS Subscriber Database.BCalls in queue are dropped.CAgent calls are dropped.DAgents are automatically logged out.ECRS configuration changes are blocked until the CRS Publisher Database is restored and synchronized with the CRS Subscriber Database.FConfiguration changes are buffered until the CRS Publisher Database is restored.

考题 单选题哮喘病人痰液黏稠不易咳出,应采取哪项措施()A 加强呼吸训练B 吸氧C 加强口腔护理D 多饮水E 给予高蛋白饮食,增强抵抗力

考题 单选题Choose the service component in the optimize phase which assesses the wlan system and drives continuous improvements by recommending remediation measures including device configuration optimization, capacity planning, traffic analysis, security assessment, ()and quality issue resolution.A technology assessmentB operations assessmentC security assessmentD security administrationE change management

考题 单选题新生儿颅内出血进行时,最先的治疗措施为()A 及时注射维生素KB 及时吸氧C 保持安静D 注意保暖E 补充营养

考题 单选题An IPCC Express deployment requires support for 20 concurrently logged-in agents. The agents aresplit across two remote sites, and the High Availability CRS Engine, Database Server, VoIP Monitoring, and Recording server processes run at a central data center. The agents will be using CAD with 7960 phones and end-point monitoring. Very little recording and silent monitoring will be performed, and no historical reporting will be done during call center open hours. Assume the minimum number of servers is desired.  How many IPCC Express hardware servers would be required for this IPCC Express deployment?()A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5

考题 单选题接诊护士首先安排患儿就诊的地点是(  )。A 放射科B 医院儿科急诊室C 普通门诊D 直接送进病房E 检验科

考题 单选题A MAC address flood attack is occurring on the LAN. During this attack, numerous frames areforwarded to a switch which causes the CAM table to fill to capacity. How does this action benefitthe attacker?()A All traffic is tagged with a specific VLAN ID from the VLAN of the attacker and is now viewableB Clients will forward packets to the attacking device, which will in turn send them to the desireddestination but not before recording the traffic patternsC All traffic is redirected to the VLAN that the attacker used to flood the CAM tableD All traffic is flooded out all ports and an attacker is able to capture all dataE None of the other alternatives apply

考题 多选题Which two statements are correct about configuring AutoQoS on a Cisco router? ()AAutoOoS can be implemented on only one side of a link.BThe interface does not have to have an IP address associated with it.CThe AutoOoS feature cannot be configured on a Frame Relay DLCI if a map class is attached to the DLCI.DIn a Frame Relay network, AutoOoS cannot be configured if a DLCI is already assigned to the Frame Relay subinterface

考题 多选题Which two statements about the QoS policy generation phase of the Cisco SDM QoS wizard are true?()Athe SDM QoS wizard will create two real-time traffic classes to handle VoIP, voice signaling, and video packetsBthe SDM QoS wizard will create three real-time traffic classes to handle VoIP, voice signaling, video, and video packetsCthe SDM QoS wizard will create four real-time traffic classes to handle VoIP, voice signaling, video, and video streaming packetsDthe SDM QoS wizard will create two business-critical traffic classes to handle transactional and  network management packetsEthe SDM QoS wizard will create three business-critical traffic classes to handle transactional, network management, and routing packetsFthe SDM QoS wizard will create four business-critical traffic classes to handle transactional, network management, routing, and best-effort packets

考题 多选题To enable BGP tunneling over the IPv4 backbone, the IPv4 address is convertedinto a valid IPv6 address. Which three IPv6 addresses are acceptable formats for the IPv4address? ()A192.168.30.1:0:0:0:0:0:0B0:0:0:0:0:0:

考题 单选题患儿女,13个月。生后3个月起青紫逐渐加重,活动后气急,查体:生长发育明显落后,青紫明显,伴杵状指,胸骨左缘3~4肋间闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音。患儿第2天晨起吃奶时出现阵发性呼吸困难、烦躁和青紫加重,出现昏迷,其原因最可能是()A 并发脑膜炎B 脑栓塞C 脑脓肿D 心力衰竭E 肺动脉漏斗部肌肉痉挛

考题 单选题Due to limitations affecting voice quality, which of the broadband speeds shown is preferred in order to achieve highest voice quality on a converged data and voice teleworker connection?()A DSL with 128k uplink /128k downlinkB cable with 256k uplink /256k downlinkC DSL with 128k uplink /768k downlinkD cable with 256k uplink /1.4M downlink

考题 单选题患儿男,4个月。人工喂养,因惊厥入院,患儿每日惊厥5~6次,每次约半分钟,入院查血钙1.7mol/L,诊断手足搐搦症,入院后患儿再次惊厥。对该患儿正确的护理措施是()A 抱起患儿紧急送到抢救室B 约束患儿肢体防止撞伤C 口腔内放压舌板以防舌咬伤D 针刺人中穴止惊E 将患儿放于平卧位大声呼唤患儿

考题 单选题肺炎患儿鼻前庭导管给氧,流量和浓度是()A 0.5~1L/min,40%B 2~4L/min,50%C 5~6L/min,60%D 7~8L/min,70%E 9~10L/min,80%

考题 单选题患儿女,3岁。患急性支气管炎,按医嘱需用头孢拉定抗感染。已知头孢拉定针剂(粉剂)每瓶0.5g,小儿用量为每天50mg/kg,每天2次,肌内注射。该患儿一天的用量是()A 400mgB 500mgC 600mgD 700mgE 800mg

考题 多选题Which two Cisco AutoQoS configuration statements are true? ()Athe auto discovery qos command is supported on serial interfaces, subinterfaces, and virtual interfacesBCEF must be enabled before configuring the auto discovery qos commandCthe auto discovery qos privilege EXEC command must be configured on a router for several days to collect a sampling of data trafficDthe auto qos trust command relies on NBAR to provide VoIP classificationEthe auto qos voip command configures the voip classification on routers and switches

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the implementation of QoS? ()AImplementing DiffServ involves the configuration of RSVP.BImplementing IntServ allows QoS to be performed by configuring only the ingress and egress devices.CImplementing IntServ involves the utilization of RSVP.DTraffic should be classified and marked by the core network devices.ETraffic should be classified and marked as close to the edge of the network as possible.

考题 单选题There are seven basic steps of the core baseline process. Which one comes in the end? ()A Verify that SNMP MIB is supported in the relevant core device.B Implement monitoring using SNMP or RMON.C Implement threshold monitoring using RMON.D Poll and record specific SNMP MIB objects from the device.

考题 单选题Which keyword is used with the show ip bgp neighbors [keyword] command to display all routes that are received and accepted from a neighbor?()A pathsB accepted-routesC advertised-routesD routes

考题 单选题对于使用甘露醇脱水治疗患儿的护理措施不包括()A 气温低时要先加温使结晶溶解B 每次剂量0.5~1g/kgC 静脉注射时要注意不能溢出血管外,以免发生组织坏死D 缓慢静脉点滴以免加重心脏负担E 作用可维持3~8小时,必要时可重复使用

考题 多选题Process OSPF 1 is redistributing routes from process OSPF 2. Which of the following methods may be used to set the metrics of the redistributed routes?()ALet the metrics default.BUse each redistributed route's OSPF metric using the redistribute command's metric transparent keywords.CSet the metric using the default - metric router subcommand.DRedistribution is not allowed between two OSPF p rocesses.

考题 单选题关于抗生素的应用叙述不正确的是()A 抗生素主要对细菌感染性疾病效果好B 病原体对抗生素不会产生耐药性C 联合应用抗生素时应有明确的适应证D 注意抗生素的毒副作用E 长期使用抗生素易造成菌群失调

考题 多选题A router has been configured with the commands router eigrp 9 and network No other EIGRP - related commands have been configured. The nswers list the IP addresses that could be assigned to this router's Fa0/0 interface. Which answers list an IP address/prefix length that would cause the router to enable IGRP on Fa0/0?()A172.16.0.1/23B172.16.1.1/26C172.16.1.1/24D172 .16.0.255/23ENone of the other answers is correct.