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You are a professional level SQL Server 2005 database administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in implementing high-availability solutions, monitoring the database server, and design deployment. In the company, you major job is the deployment, maintenance and support of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. You work as a database administrator for your company. You utilize the SP:Recompile event class to run SQL Server Profiler. You find that a great amount of recompiles occurring. The possible causes of the large number of recompiles should be identified.  From the flowing four options, which one is the most possible cause of the problem?()

The sp_executesql batches are not being recovered from the procedure cache.


A database administrator executed UPDATE STATISTICS statements on all tables, and the most common stored procedures reference all the tables.


One new stored procedure is created by a database administrator.


Ad hoc batches are not being recovered from the procedure cache.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You are a professional level SQL Server 2005 database administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in implementing high-availability solutions, monitoring the database server, and design deployment. In the company, you major job is the deployment, maintenance and support of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. You work as a database administrator for your company. You utilize the SP:Recompile event class to run SQL Server Profiler. You find that a great amount of recompiles occurring. The possible causes of the large number of recompiles should be identified.  From the flowing four options, which one is the most possible cause of the problem?()A The sp_executesql batches are not being recovered from the procedure cache.B A database administrator executed UPDATE STATISTICS statements on all tables, and the most common stored procedures reference all the tables.C One new stored procedure is created by a database administrator.D Ad hoc batches are not being recovered from the procedure cache.” 相关考题
考题 多选题编制记账凭证的方式有()。A手工输入凭证B自动结转凭证C模块处理过程生成凭证D以上都不是

考题 填空题参加国内外学术会议的参会要点包括()、()是参会的基础提纲简明、准备充分是报告的前提听懂提问、认真回答是负责的态度句法准确、()是必备的技能。

考题 问答题决策信息整理的要求和方法有哪些?

考题 单选题农村和城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于农民集体所有;宅基地和自留地、自留山,属于()所有。A  70年B 50年C 60年D 30年

考题 问答题以撒叫雅各去哪里娶妻?

考题 多选题通用飞机机体结构通常包括()和起落架结构。A机翼结构B尾翼结构C机身结构D发动机舱结构

考题 单选题从技术角度来看,目前物流发展经历的最高阶段是( )A 自动化阶段B 集成化阶段C 智能化阶段D 虚拟化阶段

考题 多选题构成生产成本的项目有()A直接材料B直接人工C制造费用D销售费用

考题 单选题暗示方法不正确的是()。A 语言暗示B 手势暗示C 讽刺暗示D 环境暗示

考题 单选题燃烧性能等级为B1级的建筑内装修材料为()。A 不燃材料B 难燃材料C 可燃材料D 易燃材料

考题 单选题与数据一起传送的提供有关数据的信息的信息称为()。A 协议头部B 协议翻译器C 协议栈D 字符提供器

考题 单选题任务绩效与周边绩效的一个主要区别是什么?()A 周边绩效行为是硬性行为,它不受情境等因素的限制,直接作用于组织效率;B 周边绩效行为是软性行为,它会受情境、组织环境、人际技巧等多种因素的影响,它是一种可由外界刺激、诱发的行为,而本质是一种自我控制的自由裁量的行为C 任务绩效行为是硬性行为,它不受情境等因素的限制,直接作用于组织效率;D 它们关注于完成任务本身还是人际互动。两者关注点不同

考题 判断题数来宝流行于中国南北各地,又名顺口溜、流口辙、练子嘴等。A 对B 错

考题 多选题若RNC收不到RRC连接请求,可能的原因是?()AUpPCH的干扰B终端问题CNodeB问题DCN存在接收故障

考题 问答题2004年6月,位于北京甲区的飞达商店与位于珠海乙区的恒昌公司签订购销合同。合同规定:由恒昌公司给飞达商店提供价值16万元的汽车配件,交货地是北京C区。在本合同履行过程中发生的争议,双方协商解决,协商不成的由原告住所地和合同履行地法院管辖。合同签定后,因恒昌公司未按期发运汽车配件,双方发生纠纷。飞达商店决定起诉。本案应由哪个法院管辖?为什么?

考题 单选题某学者反思2007年金融风暴:“跨国公司的高速扩张,催生了日益复杂的多层次金融链条,追求资本效益的最大化,使得跨国金融资本缺乏约束地扩张,虚拟经济的全球化最终引发了严重的全球性经济问题。”材料主要表明()A 金融市场发生严重危机的原因B 跨国公司动用资本推动全球化C 虚拟经济泡沫致使流动性不足D 反全球化的浪潮引发贷款违约

考题 单选题下列数据正确的是:()A 神经纤维再生时近端轴突每天可伸长10mm.B 神经纤维断离两端超过3.5cm时,才形成创伤性神经瘤C 伤口直径达10cm时,表皮难以再生,而必需植皮D 肉芽组织形成时,毛细血管每日延长0.1-0.6mmE 以上都不是

考题 单选题某企业只生产甲产品,预计单位售价11元,单位变动成本8元,固定成本费用100万元,该企业要实现500万元的目标利润,则甲产品的销售量至少为()万件。A 100B 200C 300D 400

考题 单选题平开木窗的窗扇是由()组成。A  上、下冒头、窗芯、玻璃B 边框、上下框、玻璃C  边框、五金零件、玻璃D 亮子、上冒头、下冒头、玻璃

考题 单选题The easy way out isn’t always easiest. I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug, my husband of one month, to a special meal. I glanced through my cook book and chose a menu which included homemade bread. Knowing the bread would take time. I started on it as soon as Doug left for work. As I was not experienced in cooking, I thought if a dozen was good, two dozen would be better, so I doubled everything. As Doug loved oranges, I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl. Soon there was a sticky dough covered with ugly yellowish marks. Realizing I had been defeated, I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn’t have to face Doug laughing at my work. I went on preparing the rest of the meal, and, when Doug got home, we sat down to Cornish chicken with rice. He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed disturbed. Twice he got up and went outside, saying he thought he heard a noise. The third time he left, I went to the windows to see what he was doing. Looking out, I saw Doug standing about three feet from the rubbish bin, holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container. When I came out of the house, he dropped the stick and explained that there was something alive in out rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid up enough for me to see. I felt cold. But I stepped closer and looked harder. Without doubt it was my work. The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast made the surface shake and sigh as though it were breathing. I had to admit what the living thing was and why it was there. I don't know who was more embarrassed by the whole thing—Doug or me. When Doug went out the third time, the woman looked out of the window because she was()A surprised at his being interested in the binB afraid that he would discover her secretC unhappy that he didn’t enjoy the mealD curious to know what disturbed him

考题 问答题“营改增”试点改革之后增值税一般纳税人新增哪一张申报表附列资料?

考题 填空题PPP协议中,PAP认证需要()次握手,CHAP认证需要()次握手。

考题 单选题中国的公务护照是由()部门颁发。A 外事B 后勤C 公安D 司法

考题 单选题施工合同的()管理是工程实施阶段的中心,也是项目经营目标的具体化,确定计划落实的关键环节。A 合同B 计划C 成本D 财务

考题 单选题吊销企业营业执照的行政处罚可以由()设定。A 行政法规B 地方性法规C 自治条例D 规章

考题 判断题在一个项目中,第一个建立的窗体固定就是主窗体,并且再也不设置其他窗体为主窗体。A 对B 错

考题 单选题()是“中国封建社会后期第一个启蒙学派”。他们从万物一体、人性自然出发,否定道的神圣性和凡圣差别,肯定个人利益和追求物质利益的合理性,向往人人君子、君臣师友的平等社会。A 桐城学派B 理性学派C 泰州学派D 公羊学派

考题 单选题开户银行对已开户()年,但未发生收付活动的账户,应通知存款人办理销户手续。A 3B 2C 1D 5