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If 7y+9 represents an odd integer, which of the following represents the next smaller odd integer?











更多 “单选题If 7y+9 represents an odd integer, which of the following represents the next smaller odd integer?A 7(y+1)B 7(y-2)C 7(y+3)D 7(y+2)E 7(y-2)+1” 相关考题
考题 有以下程序: Sub subP(b()As Integer) For i=1 To 4 b(i)=2*i Next i End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(1 To 4)As Integer a(i)=5 a(2)=6 a(3)=7 a(4)=8 subP a() For i=1 To 4 Print a(i) Next i End Sub 运行上面的程序,单击命令按钮,输出结果为______。A. 2 4 6 8B.5 6 7 8C.10 12 14 6D.出错

考题 有以下程序: Sub subP(b()As Integer) For i=1 To 4 b(i)=2*i Next i End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(1 To 4)As Integer a(1)=5 a(2)=6 a(3)=7 a(4)=8 subPa() For i=1 To 4 Print a(i) Next i End Sub 运行上面的程序,单击命令按钮,输出结果为( )A.2 4 6 8B.5 6 7 8C.10 12 14 16D.出错

考题 (23)下列程序运行时输出的结果是 Option Base 1 Const a=10 Priate Sub Form_Click() Dim x(a) As Integer k=-1 For i=1 To a x(i)=i*k k=(-1)*k Next i For i=1 To 10 Print x(i) Next i End Sub A.1 3 5 7 9 10 B.-1 -3 -5 -7 -9 C.-1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 D.1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

考题 下列程序 Option Base 1 Const upl = 10 Private Sub Form_click() Dim a(upl) As Integer k = -1 For i = 1 To upl a(i) = i * k k = -1 * k Next i For i = 1 To 10 Print a(i); Next End Sub 运行时输出的结果是 () 。 A. 1 3 5 7 9 10B. -1 -3 -5 -7 -9C. -1 2 -3 4 -5 6 -7 8 -9 10D. 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 7 -8 9 -10

考题 在窗体上画—个命令按钮(其名称为Command1),然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(5,5)As Integer Dim i As Integer,j As Integer For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3 a(i,j)=(i-1)*3+j Print a(i,j) Next j Print Next i End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,在窗体上的输出结果是:_______。A.1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9B.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9C.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9D.没有输出

考题 阅读程序: Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim arr Dim i As Integer arr=Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) For i=0 To 2 Print arr(7-i); Next End Sub 程序运行后,窗体上显示的是( )。A.8 7 6B.7 6 5C.6 5 4D.5 4 3

考题 单击命令按钮,并在对话框内依次输入5,7,6下列程序段的执行结果为______。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim n AS Integer, a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer n = 0 For i = 1 To 3 a = InputBox ("请输入数字") n = n+a*a If n > 50 Then GoTo ex End If Next i ex: Print n End SubA.25B.74C.85D.110

考题 当Command1_Click事件发生时,窗体上显示的内容是 ______。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer,c As Integer If a = 0 Then x = x-1 Else If b <> 0 Then x = 7 Else x=x+8 End If If c <> 0 Then x = x-3 Else x = 4 End If Print x End SubA.7B.8C.4D.3

考题 下列程序运行时输出的结果是 Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x(10) As Integer,y(5) As Integer For i=1 to 10 x(i)=10-i+1 Next For i=1 to 5 y(i)=x(2*i-1)+x(2*i) Next For i=1 to 5 Print y(i) Next End SubA.3 7 11 45 19B.19 15 11 7 3C.1 3 5 7 9D.不确定的值

考题 单击一次命令按钮之后,下更程序代码的执行结果为______ 。 Public Sub Proc(a() As Integer) Static i As Integer Do a(i) = a(i) + a(i + 1) i=i+1 Loop While i < 2 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Cliek() Dim m As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim x(10) As Integer For i = 0 To 4 x(i) = i + 1 Next i For i = 1 To 2 Call Proc (x) Next i For i = 0 To 4 Print x(i); Next i End SubA.3 4 7 5 6B.3 5 7 4 5C.1 2 3 4 5D.1 2 3 5 7

考题 阅读如下程序: Option Base 1 Private Sub Form Click() Dim Arr(4,4)As Integer For i=1 To 4 For j=1 To 4 Arr(i,j)=(i-1)*2+j Next j Next i For i=3 To 4 For j=3 To 4 Print Arr(j,i); Next j Print Next i End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出的结果为A.5 7 6 8B.6 8 7 9C.7 9 8 10D.8 10 8 11

考题 单击一次命令按钮后,下列程序的执行结果为Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim m As Integer,I As Integer,x(10) As IntegerFor I=0 To 4:x(I)=I+1:Next IFor I=1 TO 2:Call Prioc(x):Next IFor I=0 TO 3:Print x(I);:Next IEnd SubPrivate Sub Prioc(a()As Integer)Static I As IntegerDoa(I)=a(I)+a(I+1)I=I+1Loop While I<2End SubA.3 4 7 5B.3 5 7 4C.1 2 3 4D.1 2 3 5

考题 当发生Form_Click事件时,下列程序的输出结果是( )。 Private m As Integer,n As Integer Private Sub Form_Click() Dim k As Integer,p As Integer k=6:p=60 Call sub1(k,p) Print m,n,m,k,p Call sub1(k,p) Print m,n,k,p End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() m=7 n=70 End Sub Public Sub sub1(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer) Dim m As Integer n=n+5 m=n+x+y x=x+y y=x+y End SubA.7 75 66 60 7 80 126 60B.7 75 66 60 7 75 126 60C.7 75 66 60 7 80 66 60D.7 75 66 60 7 75 66 60

考题 请阅读程序. 0ption Base 1 Private Sub Fo,m Click( ) Dim Arr(4,4)As Integer For i=1 To 4 For j=1 To 4 Arr(i,j)=(i=1)*2+j Next j Next i For i=3 To 4 For j=3 To 4 Print Arr(j,i); Next j Print Next i End Sub 程序运行后,单。旨窗体,则输出结果是( )。A.5 7 6 8B.6 8 7 9C.7 9 8 10D.8 10 8 11

考题 阅读程序: Sub subP(b()As Integer) For i=1 To 4 b(i)=2*i Next i End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(1 To 4)As Integer a (1)=5 a (2)=6 a (3)=7 a (4)=8 subP a() For i=1 To 4 Print a(i) Next i End Sub运行以上程序,单击命令按钮,输出结果为______ 。A.2 4 6 8B.5 6 7 8C.10 12 14 16D.出错

考题 当Form1_Click事件发生时,程序的输出结果是( )。 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim M As Integer,k As Integer,t As Integer M=5:k=7 Select Case M Case Is<0 M=M+5 Case 1 To 10 t=M:M=k:k=t Case Else M=k Mod 3 End Select Print M,k,t End SubA.5 5 7B.5 7 5C.7 5 5D.7 5 7

考题 设有如下程序: Private Sub Form_ Click() Dim a Dim i As Integer, j As Integer a = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) For i = 0 To 3 Print a(5 - i) Next End Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,则在窗体上显示的是______。。A.4 3 2 1B.5 4 3 2C.6 5 4 3D.7 6 5 4

考题 当发生Form_Click事件时,窗体上显示的第三行是( )。 Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim i As Integer,j As Integer,k As Integer Dim a(5,5)As Integer For i=1 To 5 k=1 For i=1 To 5 If(i<=j)Then a(i,j)=k k=k+2 Else a(i,j)=k+1 End If Next j Next i For i=1 To 5 For j=1 To 5 Print a(i,j); Next j Print Next i End SubA.1 3 5 7 9B.2 1 3 5 7C.2 2 2 1 3D.2 2 1 3 5

考题 阅读程序 SUB P(B( ) AS INTEGER) FOR I=1 TO 4 B(I) =2*I NEXT I END SUB PRIVATE SUB COMMAND1_CLICK( ) DIM A( 1 TO 4) AS INTEGER A(1)=5 A(2) =6 A(3) =7 A(4) =8 P A( ) FOR I = 1 TO 4 MSGBOX A(I) NEXT I END SUB 运行上面的程序,单击命令按钮COMMAND1后,消息框4次输出的内容分别是( )。A.出错B.10, 12, 14, 16C.5, 6, 7, 8D.2, 4, 6, 8

考题 在Java中,下列代码将输出()。  1.    public class integerequals  2.    {  3.       public static void main (String args[])  4. {  5.  Integer a= new Integer(3);  6.  Integer b= new Integer(3);  7.   System.out.println(a==b);  8. }  9.    } A、编译器将显示第7行有错误B、程序编译并打印trueC、程序编译并打印falseD、程序编译但在第7行引起了一个运行期意外

考题 单选题When a positive integer p is divided by 7, the remainder is 2. Which of the following expressions will yield a remainder of 4 when divided by 7?A p+2B p+3C p+4D p+5E p+6.

考题 单选题If 7y+9 represents an odd integer, which of the following represents the next smaller odd integer?A 7(y+1)B 7(y-2)C 7(y+3)D 7(y+2)E 7(y-2)+1

考题 单选题1, 2, 6, 7, 9A three-digit integer is to be formed from the digits listed above. If the first digit must be odd, either the second or the third digit must be 2, and no digit may be repeated, how many such integers are possible?A 6B 9C 18D 24E 30

考题 单选题If x is an integer and y=4x+3, which of the following cannot be a divisor of y?A 5B 6C 7D 9E 23

考题 单选题If x is an integer and y=7x+11, what is the greatest value of x for which Y is less than 50?A 7B 6C 5D 4E 3

考题 单选题在Java中,下列代码将输出()。  1.    public class integerequals  2.    {  3.       public static void main (String args[])  4. {  5.  Integer a= new Integer(3);  6.  Integer b= new Integer(3);  7.   System.out.println(a==b);  8. }  9.    }A 编译器将显示第7行有错误B 程序编译并打印trueC 程序编译并打印falseD 程序编译但在第7行引起了一个运行期意外

考题 单选题过点(-1,2,3)垂直于直线x/4=y/5=z/6且平行于平面7x+8y+9z+10=0的直线是(  )。A (x+1)/1=(y-2)/(-2)=(z-3)/1B (x+1)/1=(y-2)/2=(z-3)/2C (x+1)/(-1)=(y-2)/(-2)=(z-3)/1D (x-1)/1=(y-2)/(-2)=(z-3)/1

考题 问答题4 9 6 2 3 4 7 8 2 1 9 6 4 3 2  Multiply by 7 the number of odd numbers which are immediately followed by an even number in the list above. What is the answer?