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患者男性,52岁。有溃疡病史10年。最近1周中上腹持续性胀痛,较以往严重,伴恶心、呕吐。今日呕血1次,量约800ml,呕血后气促明显,血压100/75mmHg。该患者目前潜在的护理问题有(  )。











解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题患者男性,52岁。有溃疡病史10年。最近1周中上腹持续性胀痛,较以往严重,伴恶心、呕吐。今日呕血1次,量约800ml,呕血后气促明显,血压100/75mmHg。该患者目前潜在的护理问题有(  )。A 有体液不足的危险B 疼痛C 活动无耐力D 恐惧E 营养失调” 相关考题
考题 单选题You have a computer that runs Windows XP Professional. You need to create a floppy disk to start Windows XP Professional on the computer if the start files become corrupt. What should you do?()A From the Windows XP Professional computer, run diskcopy.exe /v a:.B From a computer that runs Windows 98, create a MS-DOS-based startup disk. C From the Windows XP Professional computer, create an Automated System Recovery (ASR) disk. D From the Windows XP Professional computer, format a floppy disk. Copy the NTLDR, ntdtetect.com, and boot.ini files to the floppy disk. 

考题 单选题产妇此时宜选择哪种分娩方式?(  )A 产钳术B 胎头吸引术C 剖宫产术D 会阴侧切术+胎头吸引术E 待其自然分娩

考题 单选题急性心肌梗死常见的死亡原因是()A 剧烈持久的心绞痛B 严重的休克C 严重心律失常D 充血性心力衰竭E 心脏破裂

考题 单选题糖尿病患儿应用胰岛素治疗时,护理人员给予的正确指导是()A 随身携带糖块B 皮内注射C 固定注射部位D 短期注射E 终生固定剂量

考题 单选题胎儿娩出,处理脐带完毕后,阴道出血200ml,应进行哪项处理?(  )A 肌内注射缩宫素B 牵拉脐带C 快速娩出胎盘D 按摩子宫E 检查会阴伤口

考题 单选题王某,女性,60岁,因急性脑出血入院,该患者能予鼻饲进食的时间是()A 72小时后B 48小时后C 36小时后D 12小时后E 即刻

考题 单选题你是Contoso,Ltd的电脑管理员,Philippe是会计部门的用户,Philippe报告说他不能使用他的WindowsXP专业版的IE浏览器从FTP服务器上下载文件。当Philippe使用ftp://ftp.contoso.com访问FTP服务器时,IE浏览器显示下列错误信息“密码被拒绝”Philippe告诉你说他有一个FTP服务器的用户名和密码,但是IE浏览器并没有提示他让他输入用户名和密码。你要确保Philippe能通过自己电脑上的IE浏览器访问FTP服务器,你要建议Philippe使用什么地址呢?()A ftp://ftp.contoso.com/PhilippeB ftp://Philippe:password@ftp.contoso.comC ftp:// Philippe @ftp.contoso.comD ftp://ftp.contoso.com@Philippe:password

考题 单选题Your network consists of two subnets named Subnet1 and Subnet2. You have a server named Server1 that runs Windows Sever 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). Server1 is located on Subnet1. Users from Subnet1 report poor performance when they connect to Server1. Users from Subnet2 report that they are unable to connect to Server1. You monitor both network segments and discover a large number of NetBIOS broadcasts on both network segments.You need to reduce the number of broadcasts on the network. What should you deploy?()A a DHCP Relay AgentB a WINS serverC Connection Point Services(CPS)D Simple TCP/IP Services on all computers

考题 单选题患儿11个月,因睡眠不安、多汗、易惊来院就诊。体检可见明显方颅、肋骨串珠,诊断为佝偻病活动期。当发生手足搐搦症时,说明其血钙已低于()A 1.25~1.38mmo1/1B 1.5~1.63mmo1/1C 1.88mmo1/1D 2.0mmo1/1E 2.13mmo1/1

考题 多选题You work as an administrator at ABC.com.The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com.All servers in the ABC.com domain, including domain controllers, have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed.The ABC.com network has a server named ABC_SR09 that hosts two virtual machines.How would you enable Network Load Balancing (NLB) on the virtual machines?()AYou should configure Router Guard on the two virtual machines.BYou should configure Port Mirroring on the two virtual machines.CYou should add the Network Load Balancing feature on the two virtual machines.DYou should configure Integration Services on ABC_SR09.EYou should configure NIC Teaming on the two virtual machines.FYou should enable spoofing of MAC Address on the two virtual machines.

考题 单选题患儿女,13个月。生后3个月起青紫逐渐加重,活动后气急,查体:生长发育明显落后,青紫明显,伴杵状指,胸骨左缘3~4肋间闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音。患儿第2天晨起吃奶时出现阵发性呼吸困难、烦躁和青紫加重,出现昏迷,其原因最可能是()A 并发脑膜炎B 脑栓塞C 脑脓肿D 心力衰竭E 肺动脉漏斗部肌肉痉挛

考题 单选题You need to design a remote access strategy for portable computers. Your solution must meet business requirements. What should you do?()A Issue a computer certificate to P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy on P_RAS1 to accept only EAP-MD5 authentication. Then, specify that P_RAS1’s computer certificate is to be used for authenticationB Issue a user certificate to the Administrator account on P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy to accept only EAP-MD5 authentication. Then, specify that the Administrator account’s user certificate is to be used for authenticationC Issue a computer certificate to P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy to accept only EAP-TLS authentication. Then, specify the P_RAS1’s computer certificate is to be used for authenticationD Issue a user certificate to the Administrator account on P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy to accept only EAP-TLS authentication. Then, specify that the Administrator account’s user certificate is to be used for authentication

考题 单选题目前原发性高血压急症首选降压药物多是(  )。A 硝普钠B 硝酸甘油C 卡托普利D 阿替洛尔E 利血平

考题 单选题患儿7岁,高热体温40.5℃,昏迷,抽搐,四肢厥冷,血压60/38mmHg,肛拭子取便镜检为脓细胞、红细胞(+) 不符合该疾病致病微生物特点的是()A 为革兰阴性的无鞭毛杆菌B 在外界生存能力较差C 主要流行菌群为B群D 可产生内毒素E 属肠杆菌科志贺菌属

考题 多选题You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003. All client computers run either Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional. All client computer accounts are located in an organizational unit (OU) named Workstation. A written company policy states that the Windows 2000 Professional computers must not use offline folders. You create a Group Policy object (GPO) to enforce this requirement. The settings in the GPO exist for both Windows 2000 Professional computers and Windows XP Professional computers. You need to configure the GPO to apply only to Windows 2000 Professional computers.  What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?()ACreate a WMI filter that will apply the GPO to computers that are running Windows 2000 Professional.BCreate a WMI filter that will apply the GPO to computers that are not running Windows XP Professional.CCreate two OUs under the Workstation OU. Place the computer accounts for the Windows XP Professional computers in one OU, and place the computer accounts for the Windows 2000 Professional computers in the other OU. Link the GPO to the Workstation OU.DCreate a group that includes the Windows XP Professional computers. Assign the group the Deny - Generate Resultant Set of Policy(Logging) permission.ECreate a group that includes the Windows 2000 Professional computers. Assign the group the Deny - Apply Group Policy permission.

考题 单选题您的计算机属于某个工作群组,而且与网络上的其它使用者共享档案。您在 Microsoft Windows 防火墙设定了例外,以允许档案共享。其它使用者回报说他们无法连上您的计算机。您需要确定其它使用者只能存取共享的档案。 这时应该怎么做?()A  重新启动计算机上的工作站服务。B  将所有 TCP 连接埠例外变更为 UDP 连接埠例外。C  确定没有设定家长监护功能来封锁档案共享。D  清除 Windows 防火墙中的 [封锁所有连入联机] 复选框。

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named Some client computers run Windows NT 4.0 Workstation. Others run Windows 2000 Professional, and the rest run Windows XP Professional. Users in the accounting department require a shared folder for their own use only. The accounting users must be able to read, edit, and delete files in the shared folder. You create the shared folder and use default share permissions. You assign the Allow - Full Control NTFS permission to members of the Administrators group. You assign the Allow - Modify NTFS permission to the accounting users. However, accounting users report that they cannot access the shared folder. How should you solve this problem?()A Change the type of setting on the folder to Documents (for any file types).B Change the NTFS permissions on the folder to assign the Allow - Delete Sub-Folders and Files permission to the accounting users.C Add the accounting users as owners of the folder.D Change the share permissions to assign the Allow - Full Control permission to the accounting users.

考题 单选题对化疗患者的口腔护理,哪项不妥?(  )A 鼓励患者多讲话、多咀嚼B 化疗前评估患者的口腔卫生情况C 忌食酸、辣、过冷、过热及粗糙的食物D 勤用盐水漱口E 发现口腔溃疡立即停止化疗

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You have a server named Server1. You try to log on to Server1 and receive the following error message: “Windows cannot connect to the domain, either because the domain controller is down or otherwise unavailable, or because your computer account was not found. Please try again later. If this message continues to appear, contact your system administrator for assistance.” You verify that you can contact a domain controller from Server1. You need to ensure that you can log on to Server1 by using a domain account. What should you do? ()A Reset the Server1 computer account. Restart Server1.B Delete the Server1 computer account. Restart Server1.C Join Server1 to a workgroup and then join Server1 to the domain. Restart Server1.D Delete the Server1 computer account. Create a new computer account named Server1. Restart Server1.

考题 单选题剖宫产术后2个月的哺乳期妇女,其避孕方法应首选()A 宫内节育器B 口服避孕药C 阴茎套D 安全期避孕E 闭经可不避孕

考题 单选题对该产妇正确的处理应为(  )。A 静脉点滴催产素B 立即行剖宫产术C 立即采取产钳结束分娩D 行胎头吸引术E 待其自然分娩

考题 多选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2).You have a VPN server named Server1. You have an Internet Authentication Service (IAS) server named Server2. You need to ensure that all VPN connections to Server1 are authenticated by Server2.Which two actions should you perform?()AFrom the Internet Authentication Service snap-in on Server2, create a new RADIUS client.BFrom the Internet Authentication Service snap-in on Server2, create a new remote access policy.CFrom the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, configure Server1 to use RADIUS accounting.DFrom the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, configure Server1 to use RADIUS authentication.

考题 单选题以上是支气管肺炎的特点的是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题张女士,35岁,婚后3年未孕,经夫妇双方检查证实男方为无精症,女方一切正常。宜选择的治疗方案是()A 人工授精B 体外授精与胚泡移植C 配子输卵管内移植D 宫腔配子移植E 诱发排卵

考题 单选题You have a single network segment. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You have a DHCP server named Server1. Client computers receive IP addresses from Server1. You add a second network segment separated by a RFC 1542-compliant router. You need to ensure that computers in the new network segment can receive their IP configurations from Server1. You make the appropriate configuration changes on the router.  What should you do on Server1?()A Create a new scope.B Configure a DHCP Relay Agent.C Add an Extensions Path scope option.D Create a new exclusion range in the existing scope.

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You have a DHCP server that has 10 scopes. You need to add a DNS server to all 10 scopes by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. What should you do? ()A In the DHCP snap-in, add a server option.B In the DHCP snap-in, add a scope option for each scope.C At a command prompt on the server, run the Chcp command and code page 863.D At a command prompt on the server, run the Netsh command and configure the popd subcontext.

考题 单选题使用利尿剂的慢性心力衰竭患者静脉补钾时,每500ml液体中,加入氯化钾的上限是()A 0.5gB 1.0gC 1.5gD 2.0gE 2.5g

考题 单选题水痘患儿应隔离至()A 出疹后5天B 出疹后10天C 部分皮疹结痂D 全部皮疹结痂E 全部结痂脱落