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Half an hour.


Working on weekends


One hour and a half.


Having working experience.


M: Hi, Jean, please take a seat.
W: Thank you.
M: We are now considering your application. Are you interested in working in the marketing department?
W: Yes, I am very interested in marketing; it would be a new challenge for me.
M: How do you feel about working on weekends?
W: Working on weekends? I haven’t thought about it, but I would definitely consider it.
M: People in that department often need to do market surveys during the weekends.
W: Then I’ll try my best to do that.
M: By the way, do you live far from the company?
W: No, it only takes me 30 minutes to come here by bus.
M: That’s fine, thank you.
Q8: In which department is the woman likely to work?
Q9: What’s the special requirement for the job?
Q10: How long does it take the woman to get to the company by bus?
更多 “单选题_____A Half an hour.B Working on weekendsC One hour and a half.D Having working experience.” 相关考题
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