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What’s Mike Smith’s present job?He’s working as a ____.


从文章的第一段第一句“For the past 8 years I have been a statistician in the Research Unit of Baron&Smallwood Ltd”可知,此处应填statistician。
更多 “填空题What’s Mike Smith’s present job?He’s working as a ____.” 相关考题
考题 填空题(____)保险单; (____)保险范围

考题 单选题_____A About 10 dollars.B By 12 o’clock.C In the photo shop.D A moment ago.

考题 单选题According to the passage, Los Angeles is a city where _____.A there is no public transportation systemB more money is spent on highways for carsC more money is spent on public transportation systemsD public transportation is more developed than in other cities

考题 填空题(____)修改密码;(____)打开拨号连接窗口

考题 填空题What’s Mike Smith’s present job?He’s working as a ____.

考题 单选题According to the writer, it seems that _____.A we can do without railwaysB trains have much in common with motorcars and planesC motorcars and planes are not as good as trainsD trains are as good as motorcars and planes

考题 单选题_____A the man will do everything.B The man needs a rest.C Alice offers to help.D Alice is quite busy.

考题 单选题The White House is open to the public _____.A on weekdays onlyB five days a weekC every other dayD on weekends only

考题 单选题We are confident that we will get rid of those difficulties since the government has agreed to give us some help.A 由于政府已经同意给予我们一些帮助,我们有信心克服那些困难。B 政府同意给我们一些帮助,因此我们要下定决心直面困境。C 我们有信心克服困难,争取政府同意给我们一些资助。

考题 填空题Why did Tina come to the employment agency?To look for ____.

考题 问答题Practice 20  Card-holders of Holiday Sunshine Hotel automatically become registered members of its Reservation(预定) Network. They are able to enjoy the services offered by its member hotels. We encourage card-holders to use the card as often as possible, and they will be awarded with prizes when their marks(积分)reach a certain amount.  Before checking into a hotel, please always reserve your room first. When you check out, you will only have to pay the member price.

考题 填空题How many positions does the company offer in the advertisement?____.

考题 单选题MOCA members who take part in the programs can learn _____.A to become leaders in business and art worldsB to co-operate with other members of MOCAC the new ways of communication between peopleD about the relationship between art, business and community

考题 单选题_____A This afternoon.B This evening.C Tomorrow morning.D Tomorrow afternoon.

考题 单选题The increase in sales of professional hair-care products indicates that consumers are paying as much attention to their hair as to their skin.A 专业护发产品的增加表明消费者既关心护发,也关心护肤。B 专业护发产品销量的增加表明消费者既重视护肤,也重视护发。C 随着美发行业的发展,消费者越来越重视美发和护肤。

考题 单选题Mr. Smith has cancelled his trip because an urgent matter has come up which requires his immediate attention.A 史密斯先生推迟了旅行,因为发生了一件大家都十分关注的突发事件。B 史密斯先生取消了旅行,因为发生了一件紧急的事情需要他立即处理。C 史密斯先生取消了旅行,因为有一种棘手的事情需要他予以密切关注。

考题 填空题A telephone user may pay a fixed monthly charge and (allow) ____ to make an unlimited number of local calls in the month.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题We are lucky to have the most up-to-date equipment in our laboratory, with which we can complete our research in time.A 我们很幸运能够拥有最先进的实验室,可以随时用来进行研究。B 很幸运,我们及时地找到了从事研究所需要的最完整的资料和设备。C 很幸运,我们实验室拥有最先进的设备,可以用来及时完成研究任务。

考题 单选题If the machine should _____, call this number immediately.A put onB set outC break downD go up

考题 单选题_____A Half an hour.B Working on weekendsC One hour and a half.D Having working experience.

考题 单选题_____A She visited her middle school.B She was busy working.C She was ill and had to stay at home.D She was back to her hometown.

考题 填空题Yesterday they received a written (invite) ____ to a dinner from Mr. Black.

考题 问答题Practice 1  Card-holders of Holiday Sunshine Hotel automatically become registered members of its Reservation(预定) Network. They are able to enjoy the services offered by its member hotels. We encourage card-holders to use the card as often as possible, and they will be awarded with prizes when their marks(积分)reach a certain amount.  Before checking into a hotel, please always reserve your room first. When you check out, you will only have to pay the member price.

考题 单选题Some people think the railways are unnecessary because _____.A motorcars and planes have taken the place of trainsB the fee of taking trains is expensive todayC railways don’t go in a straight lineD railways earn a large amount of money

考题 单选题All of our four objectives of this trip have been fulfilled, which is more than I had expected.A 我们此行的目标一共有四个,比我预期的还多。B 我们此行总共完成了四个目标,比我预期的要多。C 我们此行的四个目标均已达到,比我预期的要好。

考题 填空题How long did Lourdes Santiago work at Pascal Business System?____.

考题 填空题The new flexible working time system will enable the (employ) ____ to work more efficiently.