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You create an application. The application processes hundreds of XML documents per minute. The XML documents are validated against inline schemas.You need to load XML documents from the file system and read them as quickly as possible. XML comments must be ignored while reading the XML documents. What should you do?()

Create an instance of the XmlReader class by using the XmlReader Create method with an instance of the XmlReaderSettings class.


Create an instance of the XmlReader class with an instance of the XmlTextReader class.


Create an instance of the XmlDocument class and specify a location for the application schema.


Create an instance of the XmlReader class with an instance of the XmlNodeReader class.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You create an application. The application processes hundreds of XML documents per minute. The XML documents are validated against inline schemas.You need to load XML documents from the file system and read them as quickly as possible. XML comments must be ignored while reading the XML documents. What should you do?()A Create an instance of the XmlReader class by using the XmlReader Create method with an instance of the XmlReaderSettings class.B Create an instance of the XmlReader class with an instance of the XmlTextReader class.C Create an instance of the XmlDocument class and specify a location for the application schema.D Create an instance of the XmlReader class with an instance of the XmlNodeReader class.” 相关考题
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