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You create a Web Form that contains a button named btnCancel that enables users to exit the page. When users click this button, validation must not occur. During testing you learn that clicking the Cancel button does not enable users to exit the page. You need to ensure that users can always exit the page. What should you do? ()

Set the Enabled property of the validation controls on the Web Form to False.


Set the CausesValidation property of the btnCancel button to False.


Set the CausesValidation property of the btnCancel button to True.


Set the Visible property of the validation controls on the Web Form to False.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You create a Web Form that contains a button named btnCancel that enables users to exit the page. When users click this button, validation must not occur. During testing you learn that clicking the Cancel button does not enable users to exit the page. You need to ensure that users can always exit the page. What should you do? ()A Set the Enabled property of the validation controls on the Web Form to False.B Set the CausesValidation property of the btnCancel button to False.C Set the CausesValidation property of the btnCancel button to True.D Set the Visible property of the validation controls on the Web Form to False.” 相关考题
考题 单选题乳腺癌根治后有利于伤口愈合的护理是()A 早期下床活动B 鼓励患者咳嗽C 半卧位D 活动患肢E 保持皮瓣负压吸引通畅

考题 单选题反映呼吸性酸碱失衡的指标()A pHB PaCO2C BED ABE SB

考题 单选题1型糖尿病的发病机制是()A 胰岛素绝对不足B 胰岛素相对不足C 呼吸带烂苹果味D 多尿、多饮、多吃、消瘦E 饥饿感、心慌、手抖、出汗、头晕

考题 单选题男性,50岁,发热,咳嗽,胸痛,呼吸急促,可疑急性脓胸,最有确诊意义的是()A 肺部叩诊浊音B 肋间饱满C 呼吸音减弱D 胸片大片阴影E 胸穿抽出脓液

考题 单选题预防全麻患者发生误吸的主要措施是()A 术前禁食禁水B 术前放置胃管C 选择静脉麻醉D 术前用阿托品E 术前用止吐药

考题 单选题张力性气胸致死的主要原因是()A 极度疼痛B 气管移位C 反常呼吸D 皮下气肿E 严重缺氧

考题 单选题女性,65岁,主因头痛,右半肢体麻木,乏力2个月,人院查体,神清,血压正常,眼底视乳头水肿,右面部感觉减退,右侧肢体不全瘫,右侧巴氏征阳性,胸片示右肺第2肋间可见阴影。降低患者颅内压的最佳措施为()A 腰穿放液B 脱水剂C 过度换气D 去骨片减压E 开颅病灶切除

考题 单选题腰骶结核的蔓延途径为()A 咽后壁脓肿,流注至锁骨上窝B 椎旁腰大肌脓肿C 椎旁脓肿D 沿髂腰肌流注至腹股沟部,甚至到腘窝E 腰大肌脓肿和骶前脓肿

考题 单选题急性乳腺炎后期治疗的最主要措施是()A 外敷药物B 患乳停止哺乳C 热敷D 全身用抗生素E 切开引流

考题 单选题You are integrating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service within an enterprise-wide Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).Your service has the following service contract: [ServiceContract]public class CreditCardConfirmationService { [OperationContract] boolean ConfirmCreditCard(string ccNumber); double OrderAmount(int orderNumber);} You need to allow the code in the ConfirmCreditCard method to participate automatically in existing transactions.If there is no existing transaction, a new transaction must be created automatically. What should you do?()A Inside the ConfirmCreditCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a using(new TransactionScope()) block.B Inside the ConfirmCreditCard method, surround the code that must participate in the transaction with a using(new CommittableTransaction()) block.C Add an [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired=true)] attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.D Add an [OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete=true)] attribute to the ConfirmCreditCard method.

考题 单选题You work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. The server has a very large database named DB1. An application which is constantly available uses DB1. Now you get a report from users, in the report users complain that server has a poor performance. As the technical support, you have to improve the performance of the application by using the Database Engine Tuning Advisor. Besides this, you must make sure that the action of analyzing the workload will not affect the performance of the production server.So what should you do?()A On the local server, enable the XP_MSVER stored procedure B On the remote server, enable the XP_MSVER stored procedure. C On the production server, use the dta.exe utility along with an XML input file. D You should configure a test server that has a similar hardware configuration. Use the dta.exe utility on the test server along with an XML input file

考题 单选题输血时为防止血液与其他药物混淆应()A 输血前肌内注射异丙嗪25mgB 输血前输入少量等渗盐水C 输血1000ml应静脉注射10%葡萄糖酸钙D 皮下注射0.1%肾上腺素1mlE 热敷双侧腰部,保护双肾

考题 单选题You work in a company which uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. There is a database named DB1 in the instance. When you are absent, a user will use a login named Mary to log in and maintain the database snapshots. The user has to delete the database snapshots for DB1, so you have to give the appropriate permissions to the user.  So which database permission should you give the user?()A DELETE B CONTROL C DROP DATABASE D ALTER ANY DATASPACE

考题 单选题中暑痉挛()A 烈日暴晒或强烈热辐射作用于头部,引起脑组织充血、水肿B 大量出汗后口渴,而饮水过多,引起脑组织水肿C 大量出汗后口渴,而饮水过多,盐分补充不足,感觉四肢无力D 大量出汗导致失水、失钠,血容量不足而致周围循环衰竭E 高温下大量出汗仍不足以散热或体温调节功能障碍出汗减少致汗闭

考题 单选题常用的抗甲状腺药物是()A 复方碘溶液B 利舍平C 131I治疗D 甲状腺素片E 丙硫氧嘧啶

考题 单选题关于1型糖尿病的描述,下列哪项错误()A 多见于青少年B 起病较急C "三多一少"症状常较显著D 血糖波动小而稳定E 有自发性酮症倾向

考题 单选题女性,30岁,需行肠外营养支持,其营养液配方中葡萄糖每日最多为()A 1~2g/kgB 3~3.5g/kgC 4~5g/kgD 5.5~6g/kgE 6.5g/kg

考题 单选题林某,35岁,平时体健,体检时未发现任何心脑血管疾病,一天其丈夫下班回家后发现林某昏倒在浴室,面色呈樱桃红色,瞳孔散大,呼吸、心跳停止。救护人员应在抢救后几分钟再次评估呼吸、心跳()A 每隔1分钟检查B 每隔2分钟检查C 每隔5分钟检查D 第一次1分钟后检查,以后每3~4分钟检查一次E 第一次2分钟后检查,以后每5分钟检查一次

考题 单选题患儿,男性,6岁,畏寒、高热、头痛、呕吐8小时以"流行性脑脊髓膜炎"收入院,查体可见病人全身广泛性淤点及大片的淤斑。下列该病人皮肤护理措施中不当的是()A 用海绵垫保护淤点、淤斑处皮肤B 避免压迫淤点、淤斑处皮肤C 按摩淤点、淤斑处皮肤,促进血液循环D 防止尿液浸渍淤点、淤斑处皮肤E 定期观察淤点、淤斑处皮肤

考题 单选题营养室为血液病患者制订的菜谱中,有动物内脏、鸡蛋、麦芽、黄豆、海带。此菜谱最适合哪种血液病患者食用()A 急性白血病B 再生障碍性贫血C 肾性贫血D 缺铁性贫血E 特发性血小板减少性紫癜

考题 单选题某初产妇,宫口已开全,阴道检查胎头矢状缝与横径一致,小囟门在9点,大囟门在3点。胎头枕部需要向哪个方向转动,胎儿才能顺利娩出()A 逆时针转45°B 顺时针转45°C 逆时针转90°D 顺时针转90°E 逆时针转180°

考题 单选题You are implementing an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web application that contains several folders. The Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates folder contains a templated helper named Score.ascx that performs custom formatting of integer values.  The Models folder contains a class named Player with the following definition.Public Class Player   Public Property Name As String   Public Property LastScore As IntegerPublic Property HighScore As IntegerEnd Class  You need to ensure that the custom formatting is applied to LastScore values when the HtmlHelper.DisplayForModel method is called for any view in the application that has a model of type Player. What should you do?()A Rename Score.ascx to LastScore.ascx.B Move Score.ascx from the Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates folder to the Views/Player/DisplayTemplates folder.C Add the following attribute to the LastScore property. UIHint(Score)D Add the following attribute to the LastScore property. Display(Name:=LastScore, ShortName:=Score)

考题 单选题You have a computer that runs Windows Vista (x86). You need to perform a clean installation of Windows 7(64-bit).  What should you do?()A From the Windows 7 installation media, run Rollback.exe.B From the Windows 7 installation media, run Migsetup.exe.C Start the computer from the Windows 7 installation media. From the Install Windows dialog box, select the Upgrade option.D Start the computer from the Windows 7 installation media. From the Install Windows dialog box, select the Custom (advanced) option.

考题 单选题男性,25岁,被汽车撞伤右胸致胸痛,深呼吸时加重,无明显呼吸困难及发绀,胸片示右3、4肋骨单处骨折,右肺压缩约30%。治疗方案是()A 胸腔穿刺抽气B 脑腔闭式引流C 输液、卧床休息D 吸氧E 镇定止痛、保守治疗

考题 单选题厌氧菌感染所致肺炎病人咳()A 少量白黏痰B 草绿色痰C 红棕色胶冻状痰D 铁锈色痰E 脓臭痰

考题 单选题您正在准备一个自定义的 Windows 7 映像以便部署。您需要在该映像中安装一个第三方网络接口卡(NIC) 驱动程序。您应该怎么做?()A 运行 Pkgmgr.exe 并指定 /ip 参数B 运行 Dism.exe 并指定 /add­driver 参数C 通过使用“Windows 系统映像管理器”(Windows SIM) 创建一个新应答文件。运行 Pkgmgr.exe 并指定 /n 参数D 通过使用“Windows 系统映像管理器”(Windows SIM) 创建一个新应答文件。运行 Dism.exe 并指定 /apply­unattend 参数

考题 单选题女性,58岁,被汽车撞伤右胸,造成6~8肋骨骨折,右胸中量积液,行胸腔闭式引流,引流出血液550ml,其血胸属于()A 少量血胸B 中等量血胸C 大量血胸D 凝固血胸E 机化性血胸

考题 单选题风心病主动脉瓣关闭不全患者的早期症状是()A 劳力性呼吸困难B 心悸、头部强烈搏动感C 左心衰竭D 晕厥E 心绞痛