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If the compressor-discharge temperature is higher than the receiver temperature()

increase the amount of cooling water to the condenser


decrease the amount of cooling water to the condenser


add more refrigerant to the system


remove some of the refrigerant from the system


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题If the compressor-discharge temperature is higher than the receiver temperature()A increase the amount of cooling water to the condenserB decrease the amount of cooling water to the condenserC add more refrigerant to the systemD remove some of the refrigerant from the system” 相关考题
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考题 单选题由于船舶的特殊性,导致了可靠性研究方法,即()的特殊性。Ⅰ.分析和计算的方法;Ⅱ.长期实验的方法;Ⅲ.大量搜集和统计分析现场数据方法A Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅱ+ⅢC Ⅰ+ⅢD Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

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