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解析: 关于妊高征孕妇产时和产后的护理A、B、D、E说的都对,第三产程中需预防产后出血,在胎儿娩出前肩后立即静脉推注缩宫素(禁用麦角新碱)。
更多 “单选题关于妊高征孕妇产时和产后的护理,错误的措施是()A 在第一产程应严密监测患者的生命体征、尿量、胎心及自觉症状等B 尽量缩短第二产程C 胎儿娩出前肩后立即静脉推注麦角新碱D 胎儿娩出后测血压,病情稳定后方可送回病房E 重症患者产后应继续硫酸镁治疗” 相关考题
考题 单选题You need to design a method to standardize and deploy a baseline security configuration for servers. You solution must meet business requirements. What should you do?()A Create a script that installs the Hisecdc.inf security templateB Use a GPO to distribute and apply the Hisec.inf security templateC Use the System Policy Editor to configure each server’s security settingsD Use a GPO to distribute and apply a custom security template

考题 单选题良、恶性葡萄胎的主要区别是()A 阴道流血时间早晚B 血或尿HCG的高低C 水疱大小D 子宫增大程度E 葡萄胎病变有无超过子宫范围

考题 单选题该患者哪项诊断最有可能?(  )A SLE活动B 风湿活动C 大叶性肺炎D 感染性心内膜炎E 活动性肺结核

考题 单选题唐氏综合征的临床特点可见(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题乙型病毒性肝炎最主要的传播途径是()A 粪-口传播B 血行传播C 呼吸道传播D 蚊虫叮咬E 水源传播

考题 单选题You have a file server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You run a full backup of Server1, update the device driver for the network adapter, and then restart Server1. You log on to Server1 and receive an error message that the network adapter driver failed to load. You need to ensure that the network adapter driver starts. You must achieve this goal in the minimum amount of time. What should you do? ()A Use the Roll Back Driver option.B Use Windows Backup to restore the system state.C Restart the server and select the Safe Mode option.D Restart the server and select the Last Known Good Configuration option.

考题 单选题患者,男性,35岁,因饱餐和饮酒后6小时出现中上腹疼痛,放射至两侧腰部,伴有呕吐2次,为胃内容物,自觉口干,出冷汗。查体:T38℃,四肢厥冷,脉搏116次/分,血压75/45mmHg,腹膨胀,全腹弥漫性压痛、反跳痛和肌紧张,肝浊音界存在,移动性浊音阳性,肠鸣音消失。患者经检查诊断为急性出血坏死性胰腺炎,如行腹腔穿刺,可能抽出液体的颜色是()A 无色清亮液体B 棕褐色液体C 胆汁样液体D 脓性液体E 血性液体

考题 单选题硝苯地平降压的作用原理是()A 抑制血管紧张素与受体结合B 抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ生成C 抑制钠、水重吸收,减少血容量,降低心排血量D 减慢心率,降低心排血量,抑制肾素释放E 阻止钙离子进入心肌细胞及血管壁平滑肌细胞,使心肌收缩力降低,外围血管扩张

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You have two servers named Server1 and Server2. Both servers have Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3.0 installed.You need to ensure that Server2 automatically receives the same update approvals as Server1.What should you do?()A On Server2, modify the Update Source and Proxy Server settings. B On Server2, modify the Update Files and Languages settings. C On Server2, run the Windows Server Update Services 3.0 setup wizard. D On Server1, run the WSUS Server Configuration Wizard.

考题 多选题You work as an administrator at ENSUREPASS.com. The ENSUREPASS.com network consists of a single domain named ENSUREPASS.com. All servers on the ENSUREPASS.com network have Windows Server 2012 installed. You are in the process of installing a Server Core installation of Windows Server 2012 on a new ENSUREPASS.com server, named ENSUREPASS-SR13.  Which of the following is TRUE with regards to a installing a Server Core installation of Windows Server 2012?()AThe Server Graphical Shell is installed, but not enabledBServer roles can be configured locally via the command prompt using Windows PowerShell.CServer roles can be configured locally via Server ManagerDYou are able to access the Microsoft Management Console locallyEThe Desktop Experience is not available

考题 单选题As part of your design, you are evaluating whether a second-level organizational unit (OU) structure is required.  Which factor necessitates the need for a second-level OU structure?()A  Audit policy settingsB  Software deployment needsC  Client operating systems in useD  Delegation of administrative authority

考题 单选题You need to design a remote access strategy for portable computers. Your solution must meet business requirements. What should you do?()A Issue a computer certificate to P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy on P_RAS1 to accept only EAP-MD5 authentication. Then, specify that P_RAS1’s computer certificate is to be used for authenticationB Issue a user certificate to the Administrator account on P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy to accept only EAP-MD5 authentication. Then, specify that the Administrator account’s user certificate is to be used for authenticationC Issue a computer certificate to P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy to accept only EAP-TLS authentication. Then, specify the P_RAS1’s computer certificate is to be used for authenticationD Issue a user certificate to the Administrator account on P_RAS1. Reconfigure the remote access policy to accept only EAP-TLS authentication. Then, specify that the Administrator account’s user certificate is to be used for authentication

考题 单选题护士应指导患者避免喝以下哪种饮料?(  )A 菠萝汁B 橘汁C 葡萄汁D 苹果汁E 胡萝卜汁

考题 单选题患儿女,胎龄34周,日龄3天,出生体重2300g,心率120次/分,呼吸佳,四肢活动自如。该患儿初始的哺乳量为()A 1~2mlB 3~4mlC 5~10mlD 10~15mlE 15~20ml

考题 多选题You are designing a strategy to install the new scheduling application. Which two actions should you perform?()AAssign the scheduling application package to the Instructor OU.BPublish the scheduling application package to the Instructor OU.CEnsure that the scheduling application can install across slow WAN links.DPrevent the scheduling application from installing across slow WAN links.

考题 单选题胎头达到中骨盆为适应骨盆纵轴而旋转,使其矢状缝与中骨盆及骨盆出口前后径相一致为()A 衔接B 下降C 俯屈D 内旋转E 复位

考题 单选题肺炎患儿面罩给氧的氧流量每分钟应为(  )。A 5~6LB 1~2LC 4~5LD 2~4LE 6~7L

考题 单选题疱疹性口腔黏膜特征()A 口腔黏膜充血水肿呈红绒状B 口腔黏膜可见大小不等的溃疡C 口腔黏膜出现奶凝块状物D 口腔黏膜出现黄白色小水疱E 咽及软腭黏膜出现黄白色小水疱

考题 单选题患者女性,50岁。因急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎行急诊胆总管切开取石、T管引流术,术后3天肛门排气后拔除胃管,第4天开始出现腹胀、呕吐。查体:全腹膨胀,全腹轻压痛,无反跳痛及肌紧张,血清钠135mmol/L,血清钾2.5mmol/L,RBC为4.5×1012/L,WBC9.0×109/L。 其诱因是()A 低血钾B 低血钠C 高血钾D 高血钠E 水中毒

考题 单选题You work as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers in the ABC.com domain, including domain controllers, have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed.You have been instructed to remove a domain controller named ABC_DC05 from the domain.  You ascertain that ABC_DC05 does not have the DNS Server Role installed.You want to determine which service location (SRV) records are registered in DNS for ABC_DC05.  Which of the following actions should you take?()A You should run the dcdiag /v command on ABC_DC05.B You should run the netdiag /v command on ABC_DC05.C You should run the Install-ADDSDomainControllercmdlet with the -InstallDns parameter on ABC_DC05.D You should open the netlogon.dns file on ABC_DC05.E You should configure the Integration Services settings on ABC_DC05.F You should run the Dnscmd command on ABC_DC05.G You should run the Nslookup command on ABC_DC05.

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The remote access permission for all users is set to Control access through Remote Access Policy. You have a VPN server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). The current configuration allows all authenticated users to establish VPN connections to Server1. You create a global group named Group1.You need to prevent all members of Group1 from establishing VPN connections to Server1. What should you do?()A From the local computer policy on Server1, modify the Account Policies settings. B From Active Directory Users and Computers, modify the Security settings of Group1. C From the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, create a new remote access policy. D From the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, open the properties of Server1 and modify the security options.

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). All client computers run Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (SP3). Three client computers are public kiosks. All kiosks are configured to automatically log on as a domain user named KioskUser. KioskUser has a roaming profile. Users frequently change the desktop backgrounds on the kiosks. You need to prevent changes to the desktop backgrounds from persisting when the kiosks restart. What should you do?()A In the roaming user profile, rename the ntuser.dat file to ntuser.man.B In the roaming user profile, remove all permissions on the Desktop folder and assign KioskUser the Read permission for the Desktop folder.C On each kiosk, rename the ntuser.ini file to ntuser.man.D On each kiosk, remove all permissions on the Documents and Settings folder and assign KioskUser the Read permission for the Documents and Settings folder.

考题 单选题You are designing a security strategy for the public Web server. You solution must address the chief security officer’s concerns. What should you do?()A Install  a Web server certificate on WEB1B Enable Internet Connection Firewalll (ICF) on WEB1C Configure IIS on WEB1 to operate in IIS 5.0 isolation modeD Install and configure the URLScan ISAPI filer on WEB1

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2).The network contains two DNS servers named Server1 and Server2. You deploy a DHCP server named Server3 and configure all client computers to receive their IP configurations automatically.You discover that all client computers use Server2 for host name resolution.You need to ensure that all client computers use Server1 for host name resolution. What should you do?()A On Server3, modify the DNS option. B On Server3, modify the DNS domain name option. C On Server2, modify the Preferred DNS server setting. D On each client computer, modify the properties of the DNS Client service. 

考题 单选题患者女性,44岁。左前臂骨折行石膏固定1周。 不符合该患者功能训练原则的是()A 活动范围由小到大B 活动次数始终一样,要固定,并坚持完成C 活动强度由弱至强D 活动时间由短至长E 被动活动与主动活动相结合

考题 单选题You are able to access a Web server from your computer by using the IP address of the Web server. You fail to access the Web server when you use its fully qualified domain name. Other users on your network can access the Web server by using both the IP address and the fully  qualified domain name. You need to access the Web server by using the fully qualified domain name.  What should you do? ()A Use the Diagnose and repair feature in the Network and Sharing Center.B At the command prompt, type ipconfig /allcompartments.C Disable the NetBIOS feature on your network adapter.D Configure the correct default gateway on the Alternate Configuration tab of your network connection properties dialog box.

考题 单选题中暑患者腓肠肌痉挛的原因是(  )。A 大量出汗,饮水较多,补盐不足B 大量出汗,失水,失钠,血容量不足C 持续高温,患者年老体弱或有慢性病D 烈日曝晒,引起脑组织充血和水肿E 高温引起患者精神紧张,烦躁不安

考题 单选题你是Baldwin科学博物馆的电脑管理员,你在为一名新员工Maria设置他的WindowsXP专业版的电脑。Maria将使用放大镜的功能,你要设置电脑来让Maria更好的分辨界面的颜色和字体。你还要设置Maria的屏幕能更好的显示字体和颜色使其更好的阅读。你要怎么做呢?()A 在附件选项中,允许使用高级对比显示设置B 对放大镜功能允许反转颜色设置C 在显示属性中,改变外观的设置使用Windows经典的,而不使用WindowsXP的主题D 在显示属性中,改变系统显示设置来允许大字体