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Which term represents the mode that is used when the router stores log messages in RAMmemory? ()

syslog logging


terminal logging


buffered logging


console logging


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which term represents the mode that is used when the router stores log messages in RAMmemory? ()A syslog loggingB terminal loggingC buffered loggingD console logging” 相关考题
考题 单选题为上呼吸道感染发热患儿物理降温时,体温应降至(  )。A 38.5℃B 38℃C 38℃以下D 37.5℃E 37℃以下

考题 单选题对于小儿体液特点的描述,正确的是()A 年龄越小,体液占体重的比例越高B 年龄越小,细胞内液量相对越多C 年龄越小,每日水的交换量相对越少D 血清钠含量高于成年人E 需水量等同于成年人

考题 单选题On what basis are world wide node names assigned?()A per-service profileB per-compute nodeC per-groupD per-VHBA

考题 多选题What are the characteristics of the process of documenting the layers of an existing network? ()Abegins with gathering organizational input that may be inaccurateBbegins with gathering organizational input that does not need to be supplemented by a network auditCrequires a network audit to support some upgrade decisionsDrequires a network audit to support any network restructuringEprovides reliable input for verifying network consistencyFdoes not provide reliable input for designing changes

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the protocols that are used for transmitting voice traffic?()ARTP multiplexing is used to keep multiple phone conversations separateBRTP provides end-to-end delivery services for voice traffic.CUDP is used to ensure a reliable transmission from sender to receiver.DRTP is used to provide resource reservation for the voice stream.EUDP provides multiplexing of multiple phone conversations.

考题 多选题Which of the following statements about authentication responses and conditions is true? ()(Choosetwo.)AWhen a router receives a failure response, it stops querying authentication methods.BWhen a router receives an error response, it stops querying authentication methods.CIf the router receives a failure response from an authentication method, it queries the next method.DThe router does not differentiate between failure and error responses; the authentication process is always interrupted.EIf it receives no response from the authentication method, a router will determine the error condition On its own; the router also has the option to proceed to the next method in a list if configured accordingly.

考题 单选题Which port type must be connected to the fax device for the Cisco Unified CallManager Express to support fax pass-through, T.38, and Cisco fax relay?()A FXO B FXSC ATA D FAX

考题 单选题Which IS - IS router is equivalent to an ABR in OSPF?()A Level 2 - 3B Level 1 - 2C Level 2D Level 0E Level 3F Level 1

考题 单选题Voice activity detection (VAD) suppresses the transmission of silence patterns. On average, and assuming that a link carries at least 24 calls, what percentage of total bandwidth could VAD save?()A 5B 15C 25D 35E 45F 55

考题 单选题4:3:2溶液为()A 1/2张B 1/3张C 1/4张D 2/3张E 等张

考题 单选题流行性腮腺炎最常见的并发症是()A 肾炎B 喉炎C 胰腺炎D 心肌炎E 脑膜脑炎

考题 单选题哮喘病人痰液黏稠不易咳出,应采取哪项措施()A 加强呼吸训练B 吸氧C 加强口腔护理D 多饮水E 给予高蛋白饮食,增强抵抗力

考题 单选题You have a very few Cisco 7920 wireless IP phones on your network, but lots of wireless laptops.You want to increase the bandwidth available for the laptops by decreasing the bandwidth reserved for the Cisco 7920 phones. What is the lowest percentage of voice-allocated bandwidthyou can select on the WLAN controller?()A 25 percentB 40 percentC 55 percentD 75 percent

考题 单选题Router R-1 is configured for BGP routing as shown below: router bgp 65300network remote-as 65300 From the perspective of router R-1, what kind of router is the router with IP address A peer router running IBGPB A peer router running EBGPC A community member running IBGPD A peer group member running IBGPE A peer group member running EBGP

考题 多选题What are three considerations when choosing the QoS model to deploy in a network? ()Athe routing protocols being utilized in the networkBthe applications utilizing the networkCthe traffic destinationsDnetwork addressing schemeEcost of implementationFthe amount of the control needed of the resources

考题 单选题You are an experienced network administrator in an international corporation. During your working hours, you are asked to deploy the Cisco SSL VPN AIM module in a Cisco 1800 Series Router. The beneficial reason for that deployment is to:()A improve performance up to 300% for both IPsec and SSL VPN applicationsB improve performance for both IPsec and SSL VPN applications with IPsec encryption taking place in hardwareC improve performance up to 300% for both IPsec and SSL VPN applications with SSL encryption taking place in hardwareD improve performance up to 200% for both IPsec and SSL VPN applications with encryption taking place in hardwareE improve performance exclusively for SSL VPN applications

考题 单选题新生儿甲状腺功能减低症下列哪项是错误的()A 精神及动作反应迟钝B 食量少,吞咽缓慢,常腹泻C 很少哭吵、声音嘶哑D 生理性黄疸时间延长E 不爱活动,多睡

考题 单选题患儿女,5岁。诊断为化脓性脑膜炎伴营养不良,对其护理下列哪项不正确()A 根据患儿体重及营养状态评估患儿营养的需要量B 给予高蛋白、高维生素、低糖、易消化饮食C 不能进食者按医嘱用鼻饲D 对不能鼻饲或有体液不足者应按医嘱静脉补液或静脉高营养E 严格控制输液量

考题 单选题下列静态路由配置正确的是()A  ip route 16 serial 0B  ip route 16  ip route 16  ip route

考题 多选题What are two Cisco IOS commands that can be used to view neighbor adjacencies?()Ashow ip ospf interfacesBshow ip ospf protocolsCshow ip ospf neighborsDshow ip ospf database

考题 单选题猩红热患儿隔离至()A 出疹后3天B 出疹后5天C 出疹后7天D 症状完全消失后3天E 症状完全消失后1周

考题 单选题When a Cisco router is configured for SSH, it acts as an ()?A SSH clientB SSH proxyC SSH serverD SSH and SSL server

考题 多选题What are three pieces of information that the Cisco IOS show inventory command displays on a Cisco ISR Router? ()(Choose three.)AInstalled Hardware serial numbersBThe status of installed hardwareCInstalled hardwareDUnique Device IdentifierEsystem internal temperatureFmain power supply condition

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the Cisco Classic (CBAC) IOS Firewall set?()AIt can be used to block bulk encryption attacksBIt can be used to protect against denial of service attacksCTraffic originating from the router is considered trusted, so it is not inspectedDBased upon the custom firewall rules, an ACL entry is statically created and added to theexisting ACL permanentlyETemporary ACL entries that allow selected traffic to pass are created and persist for theduration of the communication session

考题 单选题患儿,女,10个月,因面色苍白2个月来医院就诊。患儿生后单纯母乳喂养,未添加辅食。查体:精神萎靡,营养发育较差,反应迟钝,皮肤黏膜和甲床苍白,头发枯黄,前囟2cm×3cm,心、肺无异常,肝肋下2cm,脾肋下1.5cm。血红蛋白70g/L,血涂片见红细胞体积小、含色素低。应采取的措施是()A 输血治疗B 口服铁剂C 口服叶酸D 口服维生素CE 肌注维生素B12

考题 单选题哪项是苯丙酮尿症的特点?(  )A B C D E

考题 单选题Which Cisco SDM feature allows you to specify whether you want SDM files installed on your PC or on your router?()A  Install Shield WizardB  Cisco SDM Express WizardC  Cisco SDM Image ManagerD  Create Connection Wizard

考题 多选题Which of the following types of attacks does DHCP snooping prevent?(Choose all that apply.)()AAttacker sends multiple DHCP requests flooding DHCP serverBAttacker connects rogue server initiating DHCP requestsCAttacker connects rogue server replying to DHCP requestsDAttacker sends DHCP jam signal causing DHCP server to crashEAttacker sends gratuitous ARP replies, thereby jamming the DHCP serverFAttacker sends unsolicited DHCP replies, thereby jamming the DHCP server