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All masters,owners and agents()that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.



is reminded


are reminded


to remind


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更多 “单选题All masters,owners and agents()that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.A remindB is remindedC are remindedD to remind” 相关考题
考题 Navigation lights must be displayed in all weathers from sunset to sunrise. They also _____.A.must be displayed when day signals are being usedB.must be displayed when moored to a pierC.may be extingushed at night on open waters when no other vessels are in the areaD.may be displayed during daylight

考题 On discovery of new dangers, of changes or defects in aids to navigation, Masters of vessels should immediately inform ______.A.their governmentB.their port of registryC.British GovernmentD.Hydrographer of the Navy of Ministry of Defense of U.K

考题 Radar reflectors are required for ______.A.all fishing vessels over 39 feet in lengthB.sail-propelled fishing vesselsC.all fishing vessels of less than 200 GTD.wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo

考题 All masters, owners and agents ________ that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.A.remindB.is remindedC.are remindedD.to remind

考题 Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that during their call at this port,all discharging outlets are blocked .A.blockadedB.openedC.closedD.enclosed

考题 Permission is kindly ______ about 1000 tons of clean sea water ballast,as and when required for trimming purposes.A.requested to pump outB.requested pumping outC.requesting to pump outD.requesting pumping out

考题 The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ______ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent.A.free of chargeB.with no responsibilityC.without limitations of distributionD.with little charges

考题 How could lashing gear used aboard Ro-Ro vessels be stowed when not in use?A.Drape along bracketsB.Leave in place while back loading cargo to save timeC.Hang vertically in the paint lockerD.All of the above

考题 A complaint of unseaworthiness by a majority of crew members to the American Consul is found to be justified after a survey is completed.Who must pay the cost of the survey?A.Crew members requesting the surveyB.American ConsulC.MasterD.Vessel's owners

考题 Masters are ______ solely responsible for all damages or accidents of whatever kind resulting from the navigating or handling of their vessels by day or by night.A.holdB.holdedC.heldD.holding

考题 On which vessels are the officers and deck crew allowed to operate under a two-watch system on voyages of less than 600 miles?A.Towing vesselsB.Offshore supply vesselsC.Barges,when mannedD.All of the above

考题 There is a ______ when one or more vessels are towing or pushing another vessel or vessels,provided that they are all involved in commercial activities and not in a salvage operation.A.private safetyB.private maritime adventureC.common safetyD.common maritime adventure

考题 The Managers shall carry out ______ in respect of the Vessel as agents for and on behalf of the Owners.A.BusinessesB.OperationsC.AgneciesD.Management Services

考题 In accordance with LOF,the owners of the vessel their Servants and Agents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that ______.A.the cargo owners provide their proportion of security before the cargo is releasedB.the cargo owners provide their proportion of security after the cargo is releasedC.the cargo owners dose not provide their proportion of security before the cargo is releasedD.the cargo owners does not provide their proportion of security after the cargo is released

考题 Which statement about tunnel bow thrusters fitted to large vessels is TRUE ________.A.They are effective on most vessels at speeds up to 10 knotsB.Because of their location,most modern installations have as much power as a tugC.They are fully effective at all draftsD.When going astern at slow speed,they provide effective steering control

考题 A conclusion can be reached from this paragraph that _______ is well insured and protected.A.the council's interestB.the salvor's interestC.the owners' interestD.the interest of servants' and agents' of the owners

考题 In which situation do the Rules require both vessels to change course ?______.A.Two power-driven vessels meeting head-onB.Two power-driven vessels crossing when it is apparent to the stand-on vessel that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate actionC.Two sailing vessels crossing with the wind on the same sideD.All of the above

考题 When is the connection concentrator enabled?()A、When the value of MAX_CONNECTIONS is greater than the value of MAX_COORDAGENTS.  B、When the value of MAX_AGENTS is greater than the value of MAX_CLIENTS.  C、When the value of NUM_AGENTS is greater than the value of MAX_AGENTS. D、When the value of NUM_CONNECTIONS is greater than the value of NUM_COORDAGENTS.

考题 单选题What is TRUE when operating in fog and other vessels are detected by radar?()A you should make an ample change to port for a vessel crossing on the starboard bowB You should maneuver in ample time if a close-quarters situation is developingC You should determine the course and speed of all radar contacts at six minutes intervalsD Long-range scanning will provide early warning of all other vessels within the radar’s range

考题 单选题The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained () by Masters of vessels from anyAdmiralty Chart Agent.A free of chargeB with no responsibilityC without limitations of distributionD with little charges

考题 单选题By the sole fact of using the Canal Waters,Masters and Owners of vessels()themselves to accept all the conditions of the present Rules of Navigation.A lashB fastenC bindD tie

考题 单选题To proceed to the assistance of a ship in distress is()A an obligation for masters of passing by shipsB optional for masters of passing by ships when the weather is fineC prohibited by the Convention SOLAS, 1974, as amendedD prohibited by the convention STCW 78/95

考题 单选题All masters,owners and agents()that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.A remindB is remindedC are remindedD to remind

考题 单选题A complaint of unseaworthiness by a majority of crew members to the American Consul is found to be justified after a survey is completed. Who must pay the cost of the survey?()A Crew members requesting the surveyB American ConsulC MasterD Vessel's owners

考题 单选题I would be much()if you could take the matter up with Owners or Agents on the damage sustained and also request them to send their representative to us to ascertain the extent of the damage.A obligedB engagedC gainedD contaminated

考题 单选题Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that during their call at this port , all discharging outlets are().A blockadedB openedC closedD enclosed

考题 单选题The life jackets on all vessels shall be().A inspected weeklyB worn at all timesC readily availableD tested yearly

考题 单选题Navigation lights must be displayed in all weathers from sunset to sunrise. They also().A must be displayed when day signals are being usedB must be displayed when moored to a pierC may be extinguished at night on open waters when no other vessels are in the areaD may be displayed during daylight