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语言表达阶段是指(  )。






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考题 单选题What method in a Cisco IOS router can confirm that packets marked for a particular QoS marking are being matched?()A Issue a show policy-map interface command. B Assuming Netflow is enabled, issue a show ip cache verbose flow command.C Issue a show crypto ipsec session command.D Issue a debug qos set command and a terminal monitor command.

考题 多选题What are the three models of quality of service (QoS) in a network?()AResource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)Bfirst-in, first-out (FIFO)Cbest-effortDCBWFQEIntServFDiffServ

考题 单选题Two access points running the core feature set are connected to the same switch and are providingguest services. If PSPF is enabled, what must be enabled on the switch to prevent clients fromseeing one another’s data?()A port-based RADIUSB 802.1q trunkingC inline powerD protected port

考题 单选题Which statement describes the call behavior of the Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G when it roams from 802.11b to 802.11a?()A The phone does a directed call hangup on 802.11b,then does an auto-redial on 802.11a,creating a new call.B The phone does a directed call hangup on 802.11b, then the user does a redial on 802.11a,creating a new call.C The phone does a disassociation on 802.11b and an association on 802.11a,and call remains up if the subnet has not changed.D The phone does not roam from 802.11b to 802.11a when on an active call.E The phone must switch network profiles to roam from 802.11b to 802.11a.

考题 单选题对怀疑有TSH和TRH分泌不足的患儿,给TRH刺激试验,若TSH不出现反应,应考虑哪个部位发生了病变?(  )A 甲状腺受体B 垂体C 甲状腺D 丘脑E 大脑

考题 单选题患儿,女,1岁。诊断为室间隔缺损8个月。2天前出现发热,咳嗽,今日因咳嗽、呼吸急促,三凹征明显,尿少,急诊入院。查体:T38.5℃,P160次/分,R60次/分,肝肋下3.5cm。诊断室间隔缺损合并心力衰竭,服强心苷时,神经系统的中毒反应有()A 室性早搏B 恶心、呕吐C 腹胀明显D 黄视、绿视E 房室传导阻滞

考题 单选题患儿女,10个月。因畏食来院做体检,护士首先应为小儿检查的项目是()A 体重B 身长C 坐高D 乳牙E 骨化中心

考题 单选题A Channel ID mismatch occurs when ().A fibers are terminated incorrectly on a nodeB the channel number in the received K1 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the K2 byteC the channel number in the received C1 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the C2 byteD the channel number in the received C2 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the C1 byteE the channel number in the received K2 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the K1 byte

考题 单选题Which PIN architecture works with DMVPN, GETVPN, and Ethernet? ()A data centerB teleworkerC branchD campus

考题 单选题You are using ADU and are authenticated and associated to an access point. However, you areunable to obtain an IP address. Which of these has caused this problem?()A invalid SSIDB invalid WEP keyC invalid encryption typeD invalid 802.1X authentication type

考题 单选题关于蛲虫病患儿的护理错误的是()A 患儿睡觉时应穿睡裤、戴手套B 患儿内衣裤、被褥等需煮沸,或用开水浸泡后在日光下暴晒,连续3天C 集体、儿童机构中应定期进行普查、普治D 宣传正确的个人卫生、饮食习惯,搞好环境卫生E 婴幼儿尽早穿满裆裤

考题 单选题Switch SW1 has been configured with Private VLANs. With that type of PVLAN port should thedefault gateway be configured?()A TrunkB IsolatedC PrimaryD CommunityE PromiscuousF None of the other alternatives apply

考题 单选题4个月的佝偻病患儿可有的表现是(  )。A 方颅B 颅骨软化C 下肢弯曲D 鸡胸E 鞍形颅

考题 单选题What will happen if you issue the redundancy force-switchover command on a Catalyst 6500 SeriesSwitch with redundant supervisor modules? ()A reset of the primary supervisorB manual switchover from standby to active supervisorC manual switchover from active to standby supervisorD automatic switchover from active to standby on primary supervisor failure

考题 多选题Router R1 sits at an Enterprise branch office, using both the Internet and a leased line to another Enterprise router for its two connectivity options back into the rest of the Enterprise network. The engineer planning for this branch decided to use the leased line for all Enterprise traffic, unless it fails, in which case the Internet connection should be used to pass traffic to the Enterprise. Which of the following is most likely to be useful on the branch router?()AIPsec tunnelBGRE tunnelCFloating stati c routeDAn IGP

考题 单选题You are installing a Cisco Aironet 1000 Series controller-based access point. When you boot it, allthe LEDs on the access point blink together. What does this indicate about the access point?()A duplicate IP addressB code upgrade in progressC normal operationD searching for primary controller

考题 多选题Which two can be transported in one AU-4? ()A3 E3B4 E4C64 E1D21 E1 and 2 E3E42 E1 and 2 E3

考题 单选题发病率高、死亡率高的时期是指(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题患儿男,臀位产。生后5小时出现呕吐,呈喷射性,伴尖声哭叫、唇稍发绀、体温不升。查体:前囟饱满,心肺正常,拥抱反射消失。疑为新生儿颅内出血。首优的护理诊断为()A 知识缺乏B 营养失调C 自主呼吸紊乱D 焦虑(家长)E 潜在并发症:颅内压增高

考题 单选题What is the purpose of using VPN hardware acceleration equipment?()A To offload encryptions functions from router memoryB To use WebVPN instead of IPSecC To decrease performance and efficiencyD To offload encryption functions from a router CPU

考题 多选题Which three statements are true about IP multicast configuration?()APIM sparse - dense mode and PIM dense mode require an RP on the network.BPIM sparse mode and PIM dense mode require an RP on the network.CPIM sparse mode interfaces are always added to the multicast routing table in a router.DPIM sparse mode and PIM sparse - dense mode require an RP on the network.EPIM dense mode interfaces are always added to the multicast routing table in a router.FPIM sparse - dense mode acts as PIM dense mode if an RP is not known.

考题 单选题患儿男,7岁。体重33kg,重度肥胖,参加减肥夏令营。作为指导护士建议患儿每天可按理想体重所需热量减少()A 5%B 10%C 15%D 20%E 30%

考题 单选题You are troubleshooting a one-way call problem with a Cisco 7920 wireless IP phone on a standaloneWLAN. What may have caused this problem?()A The minimum data rate is not set to 11 Mbps.B An address resolution protocol has been disabled.C Publicly Secure Packet forwarding is enabled.D The access point is set to the least congested channel.

考题 单选题Which of the following step libraries is included in the license for IPCC Express Standard? ()A ICM steps  B e-mail steps  C media steps D database steps

考题 单选题Which one of these class maps was configured to match traffic for CS5?()A CIS 1# show class-map forward Class map match-all forward ( id 3) Match ip dscp 18B CIS1#show access-map block Class map match-all block (id 4) Match ip dscp 43C CIS1# show class-map real-time Class map match-all block (id 5) Match ip dscp 16D CIS 1# show class-map pass Class map match-all real-time (id 2) Match ip dscp 40

考题 单选题Which wireless service component is associated with maintaining historical and current information about the wlan solution?()A acceptance test planB change managementC incident managementD configuration management

考题 单选题What is the maximum number of wireless controllers that the highest-end cisco wcs server can manage?()A 35B 50C 100D 250

考题 单选题腰椎穿刺前首先应做哪项护理准备?(  )A 准备好腰椎穿刺包B 固定患儿于屈曲位C 皮肤消毒D 向患儿家长说明腰椎穿刺的目的、意义及操作的安全性E 做好术中协助工作