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A farmer buys a horse for $60. He sells it to his neighbour for $70. Then he discovers he could have made a better deal. He borrows $10 from his wife, and buys the horse back for $80. He then sells it to another neighbour for $90. How much money did he make?


解析: 农民买马总共花了$60+$80=$140。他的总收入:$70+$90=$160。他获得的利润$160-$140=$20。再减掉从妻子那儿借来的$10,他一共赚了$10。
更多 “问答题A farmer buys a horse for $60. He sells it to his neighbour for $70. Then he discovers he could have made a better deal. He borrows $10 from his wife, and buys the horse back for $80. He then sells it to another neighbour for $90. How much money did he make?” 相关考题
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