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如果你不改过自新的话,那你总有一天会坐牢的。(end up)


turn over a new leaf改过自新,重新开始。end up结束,告终。
更多 “问答题如果你不改过自新的话,那你总有一天会坐牢的。(end up)” 相关考题
考题 单选题New York City collects garbage ______ $209 per family per year.A at the cost of B at the sacrifice ofC in demand of D in support of

考题 单选题When and where was Madonna born?A In 1968; in Detroit.B In 1958; in Rochester.C In 1958; in New York.

考题 单选题Why did she take up journalism?A Because of her family background.B Because of her father’s support.C Because of her love of books.

考题 问答题On the left are two shapes with an arrow between them. Decided how the second is related to the first. After this there is a third shape, an arrow and four shapes. Find which of the four shapes goes with the third one to make a pair like the two on the left.

考题 单选题There had been windows on the westerly side of the school, but they appeared to have been built up for a long time _______ of the workmanship on the outside.A estimated in the outlookB to presume upon the clueC to be detected in the traceD judging from the appearance

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考题 单选题What is most important for a diving instructor, according to Dave?A Finding a good spot to dive.B Knowing the local geographical conditions.C Being patient with the trainees.

考题 单选题What does Mrs. Roberts mean? A She has a few questions about the man’s scheduleB She’ll have the test ready in a few daysC The man is not allowed to take the test early

考题 单选题When our imports ______ our exports, we say we have a favorable trade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable trade balance.A fall shortB fall short ofC run out ofD are lack of

考题 单选题I ______ to be present at your birthday party, but business interfered. I hope you will forgive me.A am to have intendedB was to intendC was to have intendedD ought to intend

考题 问答题A set dominoes(多米诺) consists of rectangular (矩形的) tiles each carrying two numbers from 0 to 6 which represented by patterns of spots. Every possible pairing of numbers occurs just once including each number with itself.  How many dominoes are there in a set?

考题 单选题The outbreak is spreading ______ usual for want of transport to take victims to hospital, and basic medicines for those who do manage to get there.A as four times faster asB four times faster thanC as fast as four times D four times more faster than

考题 问答题在美国,由于道路畅通,开车上下班很方便,现在许多在城市里工作的人,喜欢住在乡下。(who定语从句)

考题 单选题Who has a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease?A People who have received little education.B People who have mentally active jobs.C People who first have good memories.

考题 问答题根据我们的调查,西雅图(Seattle)现在是设立企业的最佳地点,取代了亚特兰大(Atlanta)作为最热门地点的地位。(elbow out)

考题 问答题Americans are used to ordering things ranging from French fries to popcorn in small, medium or supersize. Now those same decision-making skills may become rueful in the bathroom, thanks to an innovative plumbing technology: dual-flush toilets. The new invention is the industry’s latest attempt to help reduce water usage, a movement that hasn’t always gone smoothly. The last big toilet makeover came more than a decade ago, when the U.S. government decreed that new toilets should use just 1.6 gallons of water per flush, down from the 3.5-gallon standard. But consumers complained that it often took two or more flushes to clear the bowl; so many people preferred the old toilets that some plumbers imported them illegally from Canada.

考题 问答题在尝试了各种职业以后,他已安心从事珍珠养殖业。(settle down)

考题 单选题M: Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you. ______ a 10 note?  W: Sorry, I can't unless you buy something here.A Can you change meB Can you change itC Can't you changeD Can't you change it

考题 问答题四天后仍没发现失踪的徒步旅行者的踪迹时, 救援队就不再抱希望了。(give up)

考题 问答题原来男人明白要走成一条直线,最有效的方法是不要看着脚,要把眼睛注视着前方的目标。(not to…but to)

考题 单选题John: I want to go to Chicago. When is the next train, please?  Booking clerk: In fifteen minutes.  John: How much is the fare?  Clerk: You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?  John: ______  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 10% of the fare.A Will it take me straight there?B How much is it?C What’s the difference?D What is the fare?

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考题 问答题即使死亡也无法带走你的欢舞,你欢乐的泪水,你自身的纯洁,你的宁静,你的安详,你的狂喜。(take away)

考题 单选题What would Tina like to do in the future?A To be a book editor.B To produce a film.C To write a book.

考题 问答题If GIBE-FADE=81, then DICE-CEDE=?

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考题 单选题Does Mr. Bacon think animals are good for people’s health?A Yes, they are companion to old people.B No.C Not mentioned.

考题 单选题Instead, I’ll _______ on the differences between the two versions; unfortunately most of the differences took away from the original film, _______ I think is truly excellent.A explain; that B comment; which C analyse; as D remark; what