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Energy losses due to () occur in every machine.









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更多 “单选题Energy losses due to () occur in every machine.A speedB frictionC impactD atmosphere” 相关考题
考题 The seller should be responsible for the losses due to the improper ( ). A.packageB.packagingC.packingD.pack

考题 (ii) Any increase or decrease in the group’s budgeted corporation tax liability for the year ending 30 June2008 due to the restructuring on the assumption that trading losses will be used as efficiently aspossible. (8 marks)

考题 Every director needs an assistant that he can ____ to take care of problems that may occur in his absence. A、assureB、resignC、convinceD、trust

考题 Which of the following statements in supported by the passage?A.The sun shines constantly and gives out the same amount of energy every year.B.The cause of the sun’S fluctuations is its loss of energy with each passing yearC.It is sure that the energy sent out by the sun will drop when more sun spots appear.D.Fluctuations in weather pattems are the results of the pull of gravity.

考题 ________ the ship met with very heavy weather in the Bay of Biscay and ________ the possibility of damage to cargo and ship,I hereby note my protest against all losses,damages,etc.A.In view of/fearB.Owing to/fearingC.Owing to the fact that/in anticipation ofD.Due to/afraid

考题 In accordance with Sinotime,the Charterers will not be responsible for the expenses of __________.A.all lubricating oil and waterB.insurance of the VesselC.losses of and damages to both vessel and cargo due to whatsoever reason occurred during the charter timeD.drydocking,repairs and other maintenance of the Vessel

考题 共用题干 Green Energy1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.Paragraph 3______A:Why Do We Develop Green Energy?B:What Is the Goal of Green Energy?C:What Is the Weakness of Green Energy?D:What Is a Green Energy?E:How Much Does the Green Energy Cost Every Year?F: How Many Kinds of Green Energy We Can Take Use of?

考题 共用题干 Green Energy1.Green energy is energy that is produced in a manner that has, less of a negative impact to the environment than energy sources like fossil fuels,which are often produced with harmful side effects."Greener" types of energy that often come to mind are solar,wind,geothermal and hydro energy.There are several more,even including nuclear energy,that is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its lower waste output relative to energy sources such as coal or oil.2.The goal of green energy is generally to create power with as little pollution as possible produced as a by-product. Every form of energy collection will result in some pollution,but those that are green are known to cause less than those that are not. Most people who advocate greener sources of energy claim that the result of worldwide use of green energy will result in the ability to preserve the planet for a longer time.Greenhouse gases,a by-product of traditional sources of energy such as fossil fuels are thought to be causing global warming,or the process of the Earth heating up at an accelerated pace.3.It is not completely necessary for green energy sources to come from places like solar or wind fields,which are examples of green"power plants".A green energy source can be a building that is designed in a way that it keeps itself cool in the daytime and heated in the night through its architectural design rather than having an air-conditioning or a heating system. The conservation of energy through architectural(建筑学的)design becomes, itself, a green energy source. Similarly, many sources of green energy can come directly from the area in which the energy is needed rather than from an outside source.4.One of the goals of green energy technology is to take existing fossil fuel energy technology and clean it up so it is produced more cleanly. One such case is that of clean coal technology,where scientists are trying to find ways to extract energy from coal and other fossil fuels without all of the harmful side effects.The success of such these types of green energy depend upon the ability to extract harmful by-products from fossil fuels while not only being energy efficient,but by being cost efficient as well.Nuclear energy is sometimes considered a green energy source because of its______.A:global warmingB:carbon emissionC:lower waste outputD:a green energy sourceE:fossil fuels F: clean fuels

考题 In order to avoid misconnections due to a failed node in an MS-SPRing, Alarm Indication Signals (AISs) are sent on every channel normally terminating in that node.  What is the name of this process?()A、 bridgingB、 switchingC、 squelchingD、 nodal bypassE、 node failure insertion

考题 Which of the following is MOST likely to occur if the temperature in the server room is cooled too quickly after a power outage?()A、Server forms condensationB、Server will not POSTC、Server’s services will not startD、Server response times are slow due to temperature change

考题 Which of the following will occur if a laptop SATA 1 drive is installed on a SATA 2 controller?()A、The drive will run at the lower SATA 1 speed.B、The drive will not work due to incompatibility.C、The drive will run at the higher SATA 2 speed.D、The drive will have intermittent POST errors.

考题 Performance divergence indicated in the Workload Replay report is most likely due to what?()  A、 DML and SQL statement results that do not match between the capture and replay systemsB、 When errors that occur in the capture system dont occur in the replay systemC、 Top SQL statementsD、 Infrastructure or system-configuration differencesE、 Time-of-day differences between capture and replay systems

考题 You are maintaining the PROD database of TeleSoft Corporation. You have initialized the following DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter in the init.ora file:  DB_BLOCK_CHECKING = TRUE;  What will be the result of setting this parameter?()A、 Only data blocks of the SYSTEM tablespace will be checked.B、 Only data blocks of the SYSAUX tablespace will be checked.C、 A checksum will occur only on the checkpoint.D、 A checksum will occur every time a block is modified.

考题 单选题_____ to flow spontaneously from a block of ice to a surrounding volume of water, this could occur in complete accord with energy conservation.A There were energyB There was energyC Were energyD If energy is

考题 单选题The mechanical efficiency of an engine () because losses occur in the form of friction.A is always less than 100%B is always more than 100%C is always equal to 90%D is always less than 90%

考题 单选题Energy loses ()friction occurs in every engine.A becauseB thanks toC dues toD owing to

考题 单选题Due to () action of pistons some relative motion between parts in contact in the coolant supply and return system must occur.A reciprocatingB rotatingC runningD removing

考题 单选题A diesel engine will lose power if fuel injection occurs too early because the ()A fuel will not be properly atomized in the cylinderB ignition will be delayed due to low ignition temperatureC maximum fuel expansion will occur on the compression strokeD fuel will ignite before top dead center

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning centrifugal pumps?()A They are particularly suited for pumping high viscosity fluidsB They are started with the discharge valve openedC The flow of liquid is developed by imparting energy due to the rotation of an impellerD They are always mounted in a horizontal position

考题 单选题Out of the many hazards that can occur on ships, fire is by far the most frequent, and() more total losses than any other casualty.A due toB owing toC results fromD results in

考题 单选题Why will a turbocharger diesel engine produce black smoke if excessive additional load is applied too quickly?()A Exhaust energy would draw excess airB The inertia of the turbocharger rotor causes a time lag which delays the turbocharger speed increaseC Exhaust gas pumping losses are increased due to turbine windageD Exhaust gas back pressure falls slightly due to increased nozzle action

考题 单选题______ to flow spontaneously from a block of ice to a surrounding volume of water, this could occur in complete accord with energy conservation.A There were energy B There was energyC Were energyD If energy is

考题 单选题Some of the energy fed into the pump will be dissipated as () due to mechanical inefficiencies, the remainder will be converted into pressure rise and fluid velocity.A hydraulic headB static headC heat energyD steam

考题 单选题The sentence “we are at the point in time where the personal computer was in the late’70s” in para. 4 suggests which of the following?A The greatest breakthrough of computer technology was in the late’ 70s.B A great change in renewable energy technology will occur quite soon.C The “green power” program and the development of personal computer are of equal significance.D Solar energy will replace all other energies in about ten years’ time.

考题 单选题The British Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) is petitioning to keep the UK on British Summer Time all year round, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of the time change.A all year round, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of the time changeB all throughout the year, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of itC all year, claiming that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of itD all year round, claiming that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each year because of the time changeE all year round, and they claim that nearly 450 serious accidents occur each and every year because of the time change

考题 单选题Performance divergence indicated in the Workload Replay report is most likely due to what?()A  DML and SQL statement results that do not match between the capture and replay systemsB  When errors that occur in the capture system dont occur in the replay systemC  Top SQL statementsD  Infrastructure or system-configuration differencesE  Time-of-day differences between capture and replay systems

考题 单选题In the () pressure charging system the pulse of energy that occur as the exhaust is released from the cylinder to improve the output of the turbocharger.A constantB pulseC highD none of the above