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词组搭配。be obligated to“有义务…”。
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考题 问答题私立学校并不一定比公立学校好,但上私立学校肯定比上公立学校贵。公立学校的办学经费用的是每一个公民纳税的钱,而私立学校却不是这样。家长如果想把自己的孩子送到私立学校去念书,他们就得自己付钱。  即使家长有钱付学费,私立学校也不一定非得把孩子收下来。大部分的私立学校一般都只收学习成绩较好而又遵守纪律的学生。有的私立学校只收男生,而有的私立学校又只收女生。与公立学校相比,私立学校每个班的人数要少些,学生也能遵守课堂纪律。这样,学生在学校里就能学到更多的知识。  公立学校不设宗教课程。所以,有些家长就把自己的孩子送到私立的教会学校去上学。这类教会学校一般都属于某个教派,在学校里,他们就给学生上自己教派的宗教课程。当然,其他学校教的所有的课程,教会学校也都得教。

考题 单选题It is useful to science considering the earth as an object in space.A to considerB which considers C considersD the consideration of

考题 单选题What did the researchers learn from the second step?A The trees in the new forest were in different size.B The insects in the new forest had a different taste.C Tamarins could get used to the new environment.D Above 80% of tamarins survived.

考题 单选题______A invented B produced C discovered D developed

考题 单选题A statement made or implied in the passage is that __________.A attitudes can be based on the learning of falsehoodsB a child can develop in the classroom an attitude about the importance of brushing his teethC attitudes cannot easily be changed by rewards and lecturesD the attitudes of elementary school-aged children are influenced primarily by their teachers

考题 问答题发展教育  我们要优先发展教育。要大力推进素质教育,加强学校思想政治工作,促进学生德智体美全面发展。加强基础教育,特别是加快贫困地区和少数民族地区普及九年义务教育步伐。推进农村义务教育以县为主的管理体制改革,保证教师工资按时足额发放。  积极发展高中阶段教育。稳步发展普通高等教育,适应新形势,调整学科结构。大力发展中等和高等职业教育。改革课程教材,更新教学内容,提高教育质量。继续推进高校内部管理体制改革和后勤社会化。全面提高教师思想和业务素质。加快教育信息化建设,积极发展现代远程教育。加大政府对教育的投入。鼓励、支持和规范社会力量办学、中外合作办学。

考题 单选题Mary happened to meet her best friend in the middle school while she was in Paris on business.A ran over B ran after C ran into D ran down

考题 单选题______A up B out C away D with

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A The models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.B Some online fashion stores still make profits.C There are online stores in Italy that make money.D Sweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.

考题 单选题The author of this passage tries to __________.A present certain facts of how the development of a person’s attitude can be influencedB show that our society is not doing enough to help children shape their attitudesC point out that teachers are the only people who can influence the children’s attitudesD prove that speeches and books are the only factors to indoctrinate children

考题 单选题What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?A Critical.B Prejudiced.C Indifferent.D Positive.

考题 单选题The phrase “that injury” underlined in Paragraph 5 refers to____________.A his bad backB the doctor’s weightliftingC his clinically inappropriate practiceD his dishonest cheating

考题 问答题Globalization for Change in Higher Education  What is globalization and how does it affect higher education policy and academic institutions? The answer is deceivingly simple and the implications are surprisingly complex. For higher education, globalization implies the social, economic, and technological forces that shape the realities of the 21st century. These elements include advanced information technology, new ways of thinking about financing higher education and a concomitant acceptance of market forces and commercialization, unprecedented mobility for students and professors, and other developments. Significantly, the idea of mass access to higher education has meant unprecedented expansion of higher education everywhere—there are about 134 million students in postsecondary education worldwide, and many countries have seen unprecedented and sustained expansion in the past several decades. These global trends are for the most part inevitable. Nations, and academic institutions, must constructively cope with the implications.  MassificationMassification is without question the most ubiquitous global influence of the past half century or more. The United States had the first mass higher education system, beginning as early as the1920s. Europe followed in the 1960s, and parts of Asia a decade or so later. The developing countries were the last to expand. Most of the growth of the 21st century is taking place in developing and middle-income countries. North America, Europe, and a number of Pacific Rim nations now enroll 60 percent or more of the relevant age group6 in higher education. What has massification brought?  Public good vs. private good.Stimulated in part by the financial pressures of massification and also by broader changes in economic thinking, including the neoliberal agenda, higher education is increasingly considered in economic terms a private good—a benefit accruing mainly to individuals who should pay for it rather than a public good that contributes benefits to society and thus should be financially supported by the state.Varied funding patterns.For most countries, the state has traditionally been the main funder of higher education. Massification has placed great strains on state funding, and in all cases governments no longer believe they can adequately fund mass higher education. Other sources of funding need to be found—including student tuition and fees (typically the largest source), a variety of government-sponsored and private loan programs, university income generating programs (such as industry collaboration or consulting), and philanthropic support.Decline in quality vs. conditions of study. On average in most countries, the quality of higher education has declined. In a mass system, top quality cannot be provided to all students. 11 It is not affordable, and the ability levels of both students and professors necessarily become more diverse. University study and teaching are no longer a preserve for the elite—both in terms of ability and wealth. While the top of a diversified academic system may maintain its quality12 (although in some countries the top sector has also suffered), the system as a whole declines.  Globalization of the Academic MarketplaceMore than 2 million students are studying abroad, and it is estimated that this number will increase to 8 million in a few years. Many others are enrolled in branch campuses and twinning programs, There are many thousands of visiting scholars and postdocs studying internationally. Most significantly, there is a global circulation of academics. Ease of transportation, IT, the use of English, and the globalization of the curriculum have tremendously increased the international circulation of academic talent. Flows of students and scholars move largely from South to North—from the developing countries to North America and Europe. And while the “brain drain” of the past has become more of a “brain exchange”, with flows of both people and knowledge back and forth across borders and among societies, the great advantage still accrues to the traditional academic centers at the expense of the peripheries. Even China, and to some extent India, with both large and increasingly sophisticated academic systems, find themselves at a significant disadvantage in the global academic marketplace. For much of Africa, the traditional brain drain remains largely a reality.

考题 单选题______A near B under C on D above

考题 问答题中国海洋事业的发展  海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分,也是资源的宝库,环境的重要调节器。人类社会的发展必然会越来越多地依赖海洋。  二十一世纪是人类开发利用海洋的新世纪。维护《联合国海洋法公约》确定的国际海洋法律原则,维护海洋健康,保护海洋环境,确保海洋资源的可持续利用和海上安全,已成为人类共同遵守的准则和共同担负的使命。  中国是一个发展中的沿海大国。中国高度重视海洋的开发和保护,把发展海洋事业作为国家发展战略,加强海洋综合管理,不断完善海洋法律制度,积极发展海洋科学技术和教育。中国积极参与联合国系统的海洋事务,推进国家间和地区性海洋领域的合作,并认真履行自己承担的义务,为全球海洋开发和保护事业作出了积极贡献。

考题 单选题People buy insurance in order to substitute a small, certain, tolerable loss for a large, uncertain, catastrophic one.A dominate B input C exchange D manipulate

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A The models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.B Some online fashion stores still make profits.C There are online stores in Italy that make money.D Sweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.

考题 问答题The On-going Debate over Healthcare Reform  It seems that the government’s so-called Blue Ribbon Commission has already decided what plan it will propose without undertaking any public consultation and is now merely engaged in a PR campaign to convince us they have the answer.  This seems a little head over heels to us. Since it is our money and our health that is in question, shouldn’t we have been consulted at the break about which way we want to go?  There are several models to achieve healthcare reform, and not all of them require us to hand more money over to keep government bureaucrats in big offices. Purely private healthcare may have big problems—but so does the socialised medicine the commission is recommending.  For example, Canada’s universal system of socialised medicine is now busily engaged in transferring costs from the public to the private sector… by reducing covered expenses, by de-insuring some expenses and so on.  Medical authorities are on record as saying that in an effort to manage costs, hospital stays are being shortened (or even dispensed with altogether).  So while we in the Bahamas are citing universal ‘free’ health care as the answer to our problems, in Canada there is an uncoordinated scramble by the public system to reduce and offload the effects of rising health care costs. And we won’t even mention the litany of complaints from users who have to wait for poor service.  But what mostly concerns us about the Blue Ribbon Commission is that they have plumped for social health insurance without determining the cost of their recommended programmer, or of the alternatives.  And they do not seem to have taken into account the impact this plan will have on the fiscal deficit or on our individual pockets. Apparently, the position is that whatever the cost, this is the plan that will be presented to parliament.  An initiative so far-reaching and so potentially damaging to our economy, should require more careful assessment of the alternatives in public. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. And we do not believe that a small group of consultants constitutes ‘the public’.

考题 单选题______A number B deal C amount D lot

考题 问答题新型工业化  我们要推进产业结构优化升级,坚持走新型工业化道路。依靠科技进步,围绕提高自主创新能力,推动产业结构调整。加快开发对经济增长有重大带动作用的高新技术,以及能够推动传统产业升级的共性技术和关键技术。抓紧制定若干重大领域关键技术创新的目标和措施,务求尽快取得新突破。完善鼓励创新的体制和政策体系。坚持引进先进技术和消化吸收创新相结合,增强自主开发能力。大力发展高新技术产业,积极推进国民经济和社会信息化。加快用高新技术改造提升传统产业。以重大工程为依托,推动装备制造业振兴。在专门项目指导下,继续加强能源、重要原材料等基础产业和水利、交通、通信等基础设施建设。积极发展现代配送、旅游、社区服务等第三产业。既要加快发展资金技术密集型产业,又要继续发展劳动密集型产业。

考题 问答题Treading the world stage  Yet this is not a time for the usual Brussels name game. The idea of a permanent president of the European Council was resisted by many smaller countries. But now it is being created, it would be ludicrous to fill it with a minor figure; a Juncker or a Schüssel. To the outside world—India or China, say—the president will speak for Europe. If the EU wants to be a serious global actor, that points to a world figure. Unless Ms Merkel steps forward, which is improbable, the only such person in the running is Mr. Blair.  And there are two other arguments for him. First, he would disprove the notion that senior EU people must come from countries that join in all EU policies, including the euro, defence and justice and home affairs.This line was used to block Chris Patten as a commission president in 2004. But in an increasingly multispeed Europe, it would rule out nominees from more than half the EU countries. The EU president will not represent his government—indeed, though Mr. Brown says he backs Mr. Blair, few believe he is wholly sincere. If the criterion is “Europeanness”, France, Italy and Germany should be disqualified as they are the worst offenders when it comes to breaching EU rules. Europe might end up being run only by Belgians and Luxembourgeois.  Mr. Blair has a second advantage: he would remind the notoriously sceptical British that they are important players. This worked only up to a point with Roy Jenkins as commission president in the late 1970s. Three decades on, a British EU president would give pause to those who maintain that Britain never has any influence in Brussels. As one top Eurocrat sums it up, “the boldest choice for Europe would be the three Bs: Blair, Barroso and Bildt.” If it works in classical music, why not for Europe?

考题 单选题Diplomatic misunderstandings can often be traced back to blunders in translation.A mistakes B feats C evaluations D duplicates

考题 单选题Such essentially different stimulants as cold, drugs, and grief can provoke identical chemical reactions in the body.A illness B weather C sorrow D travel

考题 单选题______A better than B instead of C as well as D rather than

考题 单选题Tarzan, a character in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ books, has many breathtaking adventures in the jungle.A exciting B mysterious C diversified D humorous

考题 单选题______A idea B concept C trend D situation

考题 单选题______A obliviousB obviousC obliqueD obscure

考题 单选题Through receiving financial support from family, community or the government is allowed, it is never admired.A AsB OnceC AlthoughD Lest