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The plunger in the fuel injector pump, usually operated by a (), is driven up and down when working.





piston rod


rack and pinion


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更多 “单选题The plunger in the fuel injector pump, usually operated by a (), is driven up and down when working.A crankshaftB camshaftC piston rodD rack and pinion” 相关考题
考题 The plunger in a jerk pump is rotated until the release port is uncovered If the port remains uncovered all of the time, which of the listed operations will occur?A.No fuel will be deliveredB.The maximum effective stroke will be attainedC.The fuel delivered to the cylinder will be excessiveD.The injection nozzle will overheat and carbonize

考题 If you suspect a diesel engine is misfiring due to air leakage into the fuel system, you should begin looking for the leak at theA.fuel line connections to the cylinder injection valvesB.gasket surfaces of the fuel oil filtersC.discharge fittings of the fuel injector pumpsD.suction side of the fuel oil transfer pump

考题 An increase in the fuel injection pump discharge pressure can be caused by a/an _______.A.leaking delivery valveB.excessive bearing end playC.plugged injector spray holeD.increased plunger stroke

考题 An over-speed safety device is usually fitted to a generator engine for ___ in the event of over-speed.A.stabilizing the ship speedB.increasing the fuel pump settingC.braking the crankshaftD.cutting power off the engine

考题 The amount of fuel delivered by a helical plunger fuel injection pump is controlled by ______.A.varying the pump discharge pressureB.varying the pump return pressureC.rotation of the pump plungerD.rotation of the pump barrel

考题 单选题In a jerk pump, the amount of fuel that will be forced through the spray nozzle on each upward stroke of the plunger depends on ()A the pump supply pressureB the slope of the fuel camC how the plunger is rotatedD the number of sleeve segments engaged with the rack

考题 单选题Movement of the pump control rack in a fuel injection system using individual plunger-type pumps ()A changes the position of the fuel inlet portsB changes the length of the pump strokeC varies the quantity of fuel deliveredD varies the compression of the delivery valve spring

考题 单选题The injector pump is operated by a cam which drives () up and down.A the needle valveB the plungerC the pistonD the cylinder

考题 单选题The injector pump is operated by a cam which drives the plunger ().A top and bottomB to and froC up and downD back and forth

考题 单选题The plunger in the fuel injector pump, usually operated by a (), is driven up and down when working.A crankshaftB camshaftC piston rodD rack and pinion

考题 单选题Load control on a diesel engine is accomplished by ().A regulating the speed of the turbochargerB rotating the fuel injector pump plungerC regulating the speed of the fuel oil transfer pumpD changing engine timing

考题 单选题A common trouble with the fuel pump plunger or fuel valve spindle is ().A water leakageB steam leakageC oil leakageD air leakage

考题 单选题Problems with the diesel engine fuel injection pump are usually caused by()A improper adjustmentB contaminated fuelC kinked fuel linesD excessive engine vibration

考题 单选题As the plunger moves up, the ports are closed and the fuel () and delivered to the injector nozzle at very high pressure.A being compressedB to be pumped upC is pressurizedD are built up

考题 单选题The fuel injector pump is operated by () which drives the plunger up and down.A a separate motorB a camC a generatorD a chain

考题 单选题In a unit injector the amount of fuel that will be forced through the spray nozzle on each stroke of the plunger depends on ()A the pump supply pressureB the slope of the fuel camC how the plunger is rotatedD the number of sleeve segments engaged with the rack

考题 单选题An overspeed safety device is usually fitted to a generator engine for () in the event of overspeed.A cutting power off the engineB increasing the fuel pump settingC braking the crankshaftD stabilizing the ship speed

考题 单选题To successfully reduce an excessively high diesel engine exhaust gas temperature, you should ().A reduce the engine driven fuel pump outlet pressureB retard the fuel injector timing to reduce powerC increase the fuel rack settingD reduce the load on the engine

考题 单选题The amount of fuel injection into a diesel engine cylinder by a unit injector, is controlled by()A the firing pressure in the cylinderB a metering helix inside the pumpC varying the physical length of the plunger strokeD varying the clearance between the injector cam and the injector rocker arm

考题 单选题The injector pump is operated by a cam which drives the () up and down.A pistonB drumC plungerD barrel

考题 单选题The purpose of the delivery check valve used in a diesel fuel injection jerk pump is to ().A assist in a quick cutoff of fuel injectionB allow oil backflow from the injector to the helixC reduce fuel oil pressure between injection strokesD meter the quantity of fuel delivered

考题 单选题One remedy for a high firing pressure, in addition to a high exhaust temperature in one cylinder of a diesel engine, is to ()A increase scavenge air pressureB reduce fuel booster pump pressureC adjust the fuel rackD retard fuel injector timing

考题 单选题The effective pump stroke of an individual port-and-helix fuel injection pump is determined by the ()A fuel delivery pressureB pump plunger diameterC plunger control rack positionD total pump stroke

考题 单选题An increase in the fuel injection pump discharge pressure can be caused by a/an ()A leaking delivery valveB excessive bearing end playC plugged injector spray holeD increased plunger stroke

考题 单选题There is an injection pump for each cylinder, which is usually operated once every cycle by () on the camshaft.A a gearB a camC a rodD a miler

考题 单选题Because of the close tolerances used in diesel engine fuel oil pumps, a worn plunger requires()A grinding the spare plunger to the barrelB replacing the plunger and the barrelC highly polishing both the plunger and barrelD replacing plunger only

考题 单选题If the plunger or barrel of a fuel injection jerk pump becomes damaged,()A only the replacement of the entire pump would be acceptableB the injection pump and injection nozzle must be replacedC either the barrel or plunger must be replacedD the barrel and plunger must be replaced as a unit

考题 单选题The amount of fuel delivered by a helical plunger fuel injection pump is controlled by ()A varying the pump discharge pressureB varying the pump return pressureC rotation of the pump plungerD rotation of the pump barrel