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女婴,胎龄37周,出生体重2600g,身长47cm,体检均正常。该小儿属于(  )。











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更多 “单选题女婴,胎龄37周,出生体重2600g,身长47cm,体检均正常。该小儿属于(  )。A 足月小样儿B 足月儿C 过期产儿D 早产儿E 极低出生体重儿” 相关考题
考题 单选题患者女性,52岁。间歇性上腹部疼痛10余年,每年秋冬季节好发,劳累后明显。常在进食后3小时左右疼痛,进食后缓解。近1个月患者上腹饱胀不适,疼痛于餐后加重,且有反复大量呕吐,呕吐后疼痛缓解,入院治疗。若患者住院后第3天突然出现呕血,经过治疗,患者出血停止。判断有再出血的指标不包括()A 反复呕血B 血红蛋白、网织红细胞计数不断下降C 尿量正常,血尿素氮持续增高D 血压、中心静脉压不稳定E 肠鸣音亢进,10次/分

考题 单选题临终患者四处求医以证实医生的诊断是否正确,属于心理分期中的()A 否认期B 愤怒期C 协议期D 忧郁期E 接受期

考题 单选题患者,男性,65岁,体形较胖,因行脊柱手术卧床2周后,自诉右侧小腿疼痛,体检发现右腿指凹性水肿。在护理此患者时,应注意禁止()A 抬高患肢B 患肢制动C 理疗D 按摩右侧小腿E 给予抗凝药

考题 单选题You are designing a VPN strategy to meet the business and technical requirements. Based on the current infrastructure, what is the maximum number of VPN connections that can be supported?()A 25B 35C 70D 128E 256

考题 多选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain named contoso.com. All network servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2).You have a DNS zone named contoso.com. The zone is configured to support dynamic updates. All servers in the company are registered in the contoso.com zone. You change the IP address of a server named Server1. From a server named Server2, you attempt to ping Server1 by host name, but the request fails. You successfully ping the new IP address of Server1.You need to ensure that Server2 can connect to Server1 by using the Server1 host name.  Which two actions should you perform?()AOn Server1, restart the Netlogon service.BOn Server2, run the Ipconfig /flushdns command.COn Server1, run the Ipconfig /Registerdns command.DOn the DNS server, run the Dnscmd /zonerefresh contoso.com command.

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for . You are the administrator of a Windows Server 2003 computer named TestKing8. You log on to TestKing8 and attempt to access the network. You discover that the server is not communicationg on the network. You discover that a service pack and an updated network adapter driver were installed on TestKing8 the previous night. A complete backup, including the System State data, was performed before the service pack and the driver were installed. You need to restore network communications. What should you do first?()A Use Roll Back Driver to reinstall the previous driver for the network adapter.B Use the Backp or Restore Wizard to restore the backup from the previous night.C Restart TestKing8 by using Last Known Good Configuration option.D Use the Registry Editor to delete the registry settings for the network adapter driver.

考题 单选题下列短效口服避孕药的用药方法正确的是()A 从月经来潮第5天开始服用B 月经周期的第20天开始服用C 月经干净后第2天开始服用D 月经周期的第10天开始服用E 月经周期的第25天开始服用

考题 单选题患者男性,80岁。呼吸困难、咳嗽、咳痰20年。诊断为慢性阻塞性肺疾病,有低氧血症。对其家庭氧疗的护理哪项正确?(  )A 应使患者PaO2≥50mmHgB 用氧气帐给氧C 每天吸氧时间12小时左右D 氧流量为每分钟3~5LE 给氧浓度多为30%~35%

考题 单选题女性患者,40岁。已婚,近1个月来无诱因出现情绪低落,晨重夜轻,对生活失去信心,食欲减退、精力下降,有自杀意念,睡眠差,有早醒,该患者最可能的诊断是()A 精神分裂症B 焦虑症C 强迫症D 抑郁症E 神经衰弱

考题 多选题您的计算机启用了快显封锁程序。但您常浏览的网站却使用快显窗口。您想看到这个网站的快显窗口,但同时又要对所有其它网站维持最高等级的安全性。哪两种方法可以解决这个问题?()A停用快显封锁程序。B将网站的 URL 加到信任的网站清单中。C将网站的 URL 加到允许的网站清单中。D选取网络钓鱼筛选器的 [自动网站检查] 选项。E连至该网站并选取 [永远允许来自这个网站的快显] 选项。

考题 单选题关于慢性硬脑膜下积液引流术后正确的护理措施是()A 清醒后给予半卧位B 健侧卧位以利于引流C 引流瓶应低于创腔60cmD 术后不使用强力脱水药E 应严格限制水分摄入

考题 单选题该产妇可能性最大的诊断是(  )。A 产褥感染B 正常产褥C 乳腺炎D 子宫内膜炎E 子宫颈炎

考题 单选题患者男性,52岁。因肝硬化上消化道出血入院,经药物止血效果不佳给予三腔二囊管暂时压迫止血。插管至胃后,应向胃囊注气约()A 50mlB 50~100mlC 100~150mlD 150~200mlE 250~300ml

考题 多选题一用户名为Dr.King报告说他的WindowsXP专业版电脑上的应用程序运行得很慢,你发现Dr.King的电脑有64MB的内存和100MB可用磁盘空间,你要采用什么方法来改进电脑性能?()A把Dr.King加入到超级用户组中B设置页面文件大小为物理内存的75%C执行磁盘分析,建议再执行碎片整理D执行磁盘清理来删除临时文件和不必要的程序文件E确定程序运行设置为优化后台运行

考题 单选题以上是支气管肺炎的特点的是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for your company. Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain named All network servers run Windows Server 2003. You successfully install a new server named Server9. Immediately afterward, you perform the first backup of the server. The date is January 25, 2003. Next, you add a user named Anna to the local Backup Operators group. You direct Anne to perform nightly backups of Server9. One week later, you try to review the backup logs for Server9. The Backup utility displays the information show in the exhibit Exhibit: Backup Reports Report date, time and backup job name: 1/25/2003 4:12 PM - Interactive You verify that Anne is performing nightly backups. You need to be able to review the backup logs for the previous week. What should you do?()A Add your user account to the local Backup Operators group.B Direct Anne to use her user account to log on and open the Backup utility.C In the Backup utility, select the verify data after the backup completes check box.D Open %windir%/System32/LogFiles. Create a new subfolder named BackupLogs.

考题 单选题Why is a data source required?()A  Data source contains data required for impact event enrichment.B  Data source contains data required for calculating server downtime.C  Data source contains data required for services and other related service information.D  Data source contains data required for LDAP configurations, including login attempts and errors.

考题 单选题You are designing a site topology to meet the business and technical requirements.  What should you do?()A  Increase the replication interval between sites,B  Use SMTP as the transport protocol for replication.C  Create site links to represent the physical topology.D  Disable the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) and manually configure site replication.

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for Your network contains a single Active Directory domain named All network servers run Windows Server 2003. One of your application servers runs proprietary software. This server stops responding. After help desk technicians restart the server, it appears to run normally. Two weeks later, the same server stops responding again. You need to gather and store data to diagnose the problem. What should you do?()A Open Event Viewer and review the security logs on the server.B Create a System Monitor log that uses memory counters and gather data over time.C Open Task Manager and gather memory usage statistics.D Modify Boot.ini to use /maxmem:1536.

考题 单选题Your network contains a stand-alone certification authority (CA) and a Web server. The Web server hosts a secure Web site. The Web site uses a server certificate that was issued from the CA. Users report that they receive a certificate warning message when they connect to the Web site. You need to prevent users from receiving the certificate warning message when they connect to the Web site. What should you do from the Internet Options in Internet Explorer?()A Import the CA certificate to the trusted root CA certificate store. B Import the server authentication certificate to the trusted publishers certificate store.C Clear the Check for publisher's certificate revocation check box. D Clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box for the Trusted sites zone.

考题 单选题患者男性,40岁。全身起红斑、手足心起褐色斑点1周,不痛、不痒。体检阴茎末端包皮与冠状沟联接处可见一指甲盖大瘢痕,实验室检查确诊为梅毒。 不属于社区护理管理中对梅毒传染源管理的措施是()A 做好患者的登记报告工作B 要求患者治愈后1年内定期复查和随访C 妥善处理患者的分泌物、排泄物,严格消毒D 要求患者未治愈前性生活使用避孕套E 要求患者避免妊娠

考题 单选题肠梗阻术后正确的健康指导为()A 饮食无任何禁忌B 鼓励餐后运动以促进消化C 早期尽量卧床休息,不宜下床活动D 多食富含维生素食物E 低脂低盐饮食

考题 单选题肝动脉栓塞化疗患者术后护理哪项正确?(  )A 穿刺部位压迫止血后,沙袋压迫12小时B 术后常规进食流质,并少量多餐C 术后1周,根据医嘱静脉输入白蛋白D 术后出现持续发热为感染征象,应立即给予抗生素E 术后常规高浓度氧气吸入

考题 单选题You are designing a VPN Server strategy to meet the business and technical requirement.  What should you do? ()A  Configure all client computers to point to a VPN server in Amsterdam.B  Configure all client computers to use Multilink Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP).C  Create a network Load Balancing cluster of VPN servers.D  Create a shutdown script for the VPN servers to delete the host(A) resource record of the VPN sever from the DNS database when the VPN server are shutdown.

考题 单选题你是活动目录域的管理员。网络中包含一台名为Server1的域控制器。用户报告当他们登陆到Server1上时出现断断续续的延迟。管理报告说在Server1和其他的域控制器间的复制操作偶尔出现延迟。你需要检察出到Server1的网络连接间歇性延迟的原因。你同时要查出问题原因是否和Server1上的硬件资源不足有关。你需要花一天以上的时间来检查追踪延迟的原因。你该如何操作?()A 在Server1上运行netdiag/verbose命令进行网络诊断测试B 在Server1上运行replmon命令查看活动目录复制操作状态C 使用网络监视器查看Server1和所有计算机间的网络通信数据包内容D 创建一个系统监视计数器追踪Server1的网卡上的任务队列长度

考题 单选题You are designing a security strategy for the public Web server. You solution must address the chief security officer’s concerns. What should you do?()A Install  a Web server certificate on WEB1B Enable Internet Connection Firewalll (ICF) on WEB1C Configure IIS on WEB1 to operate in IIS 5.0 isolation modeD Install and configure the URLScan ISAPI filer on WEB1

考题 单选题骨折患者后期锻炼()A 以肌肉收缩为主的锻炼B 以肌肉收缩加骨折上下关节活动C 除以上活动外可做力所能及的轻工作D 参加重的体力劳动E 禁止做任何活动

考题 单选题患者女性,46岁。3年前因手术输血感染艾滋病,现服用AZT治疗。为检测该药物副作用,应建议患者定期检查()A 血常规B 尿常规C 粪常规D 肝功能E 肾功能